Tuesday 16 March 2010

Vernal Equinox 2010


This year Vernal Equinox arrives on Saturday March 20 chiming with bells of alarm. Dogs of war are chasing some countries; unrest is raising its head elsewhere. For men and women it brings confusion and misjudgement. This blog post explains why you should take care on the basis of astronomy and cosmics relating to the Vernal Equinox.


This year the Vernal Equinox takes place at 17.32 UTC/GMT on Saturday 20 March 2010. You have to trace your local time in reference to this.

The Sun

On this date the Sun touches the celestial equator at 00.00 degree both in longitude and latitude, as it journeys from south to northward direction. Put it the other way, the Sun is on zero point in terms of Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) and Declination (Celestial Latitude). The word vernal means spring whereas the word equinox means equal day and night as most parts of the globe experience almost similar length of night and day time. Spring is observed in the northern hemisphere while in the southern hemisphere it is fall or autumn. The Vernal Equinox point is now in the Pisces constellation. The Sun is in Pisces constellation along with planets Venus, Mercury and Uranus during this equinox.

The Star: Omega Piscium

On the north of the Sun is the star “Vernalis” whose Latin title means “Star of the spring”. Astronomically, this star is called as Omega Piscium; the alphabet Omega is the 24 th and the last one in Greek alphabet. It is technically the last star in the Globe of 24 hours with the highest Right Ascension (RA) of 23 hours 59 minutes 50 seconds, just about 10 seconds to the Vernal Equilibrium of Zero point of RA. Vernalis is a solitary, dwarf, sub-giant of yellowish – white hue with moderate brightness at 4.0 magnitude. It belongs to the spectral type of “F5IV “. Located some 106 light years away and with a surface temperature of 6,600 Kelvin it is about 20 times luminous as our Sun and about 1.75 of it size. There are three important characteristics of this star:

1. Its location makes Omega Piscium the first star to be seen as one steers toward the east from the famous Circlet of the Fish Asterism in the Pisces constellation

2. It is the last star to be noted before we reach the Vernal Equinox point of zero in the Celestial Longitude and Celestial Latitude

3. Due to the precession of the Earth, by the time of Vernal Equinox of 2013, Omega Piscium would reach the zero pint in Right Ascension and Declination and would be precisely overhead to the Sun; a remarkable event eagerly looked for by all of us.

The Moon

At this moment the Moon has just entered Taurus constellation and has arrived at the third lunar mansion (Arabic Al-Manzil al- Qamar) of “Al-Thurayya” (The Many Little Ones). This lunar mansion is of mixed nature out of the 28 lunar mansions. Whenever the Moon is in this mansion it generates both positive and negative vibrations in equal proportions.


The way Mars behaves at this time raises eye-brow. Whenever Mars gets beyond the Earth’s tilt it is considered as an “Out of Bound” planet. The current tilt of the Earth is computed as 23 degrees and 29 minutes. Though all six planets theoretically can go out of bound in the celestial latitude known as “ Declination” it is Mars and the Moon that do it often and give rise to tension and head-aches to many.

According to Jeffrey Brock Mars is out of bound from the Earth’s axial degree of 23 degrees and 29 minutes for the period February 13 to March 15. During this period Mars as the God of War reached the maximum of 23 degree and 50 minutes. Please note that March 15 is denoted as “Ides of March”. On the day of Vernal Equinox, Mars has come within the axial degree and is known as “In bound” planet. At this moment its declination is at 8 degree 15 minutes and 29 seconds.

But the danger has not abated yet. Mars is dangerously poised in direct line of sight where it sees to the south west Procyon (Alpha Canis Minoris) also known as the “Lttle Dog” and Sirius (Alpha Canis Majoris) dubbed as the Dog Star. On the opposite side Mars is almost in direct line cutting the star Regulus and the sprawling planet Saturn on the south-east direction.

Accidental war could break out or extreme international tension would prevail for the period from the Vernal Equinox date till about the time of the arrival of New Moon on April 14.


Having analysed the position of the planets the following are highlights of cosmics given under two broad classifications: positive and negative cosmics:

Positive Cosmics: Lot of energy generated within you, even though much of it is dissipated due to extreme hot and dry condition in the ambience. Implementation of plans shall take place during this period. You observe a sense of going ahead and getting things done. You experience increasing tempo within business that commensurate with rising level of business demand; same thing prevails in the family tallying with several family engagements

Negative Cosmics: Fiery nature together with hastiness might mar your progress both in business and family undertakings; Health is medium; stormy mind and restless nature could sap more cosmic energy

Improving Your Life

The following are brief recommendations to help you tide over the situation:

1. Bring more patience into your lifestyle

2. Take it cool; do not let your angst and anger spill over to others; keep yourself out of trouble spots

3. Do lot of breathing exercise; you will be out of breath most of the times

4. Understand how to relax yourself; may be you should take few days off from your busy schedule; may be you should do lot more gardening, mixing earth with water; plant new saplings; uproot dried and dead ones, weeding & spurning etc. For out door activity select visiting mountains or sauntering in fruit orchards or slumbering in woods that bud early flowers

5. Use combination of colours including white, blue, red, yellow along with little black shade in your dress and clothes

6. Take care when you are making judgement, as the chance of negligent judgement is high; a state of confusion, quarrel and disputes is observed; this applies to both in your office and in the home front

7. Busy time for farmers and agriculturists and good time too

8. For those in politics, tendency to take decision on the spur of the moment is shown; for those in higher administration in public and private sectors, avoiding hasty decision is better option

9. Boon time for brokers, intermediaries, agents and those who travel to make a living

10. For women and senior citizen more onion and garlic would be required

11. Relish lot of sweets and sweet fruits; take more radish and eggplant when it comes to vegetables

12. Fruit essence for men is blueberry; for women it is Cherry. Follow the instructions on the bottle; use two to three bottles consecutively

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

E-mail : cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web : http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com

Blog : http://cosmicgemslanka.com/blog/

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