Tuesday 20 October 2015

Why Marriages are Delayed?

If you have not yet tied the knot, nothing to fret. Trace the reasons for this malady and find out some good remedy. The reasons for delayed marriage are classified into internal and external causes. If you can find the exact reason for the delay then it is easy for you to get the right type of cure for the malady. Read more…
The foremost external reason for delay in marriage is the rapid changes taking place in the environment. Today the lifestyle has changed to such that both boys and girls want to be single until they pass 30 years or so. Most of them believe they had better enjoy life in solo rather than being banded with a spouse. Priority is also changing drastically. In yester years, people got married first and then went for buying houses or flats for them to live together. Today every bachelor and unmarried woman wish to get a dwelling first more than a marriage partner. Cash flow is the third decider now. “Can I sustain the pattern of savings that I have now after I get married” is a question for which people require firm answer.
Internal dimension for delay in marriage has to with your personal cosmics. These are features arising from three areas within you: body, mind and spirit. Physical need satisfaction is the determining cause in the body segment. Quite a number of youngsters feel that they should not tie up with one party but enjoy sexual relations with many as possible. For others sex is only a secondary aspect in need satisfaction, as they tend to engage in sports and other physical activities for contentment. Still for many others adequacy of sexual performance is critical. Due to reasons such as promiscuity, they are unable to perform sexual act at all or only for a limited time. A crippling issue is failure to hold erection on the part of men and frigidity on the part of women.
Mind analysis reveals that, chief causes for delay in marriage is the inter-play of preference and perception. Curiously enough, men are high on preference while women are flagged more on perception. Men pile up lot of preferences over, about to be brides. Beauty, looks, money, family, education, accomplishments and so on. As you see, these are of material and pleasure nature. The contrast in the case of women is much sharper. Their perception of husbands to be hover around love, affection, fidelity, commitment and their acquitting themselves well as lover, husband and father.
Spirit remains the main arbiter. If a prospective husband or wife declines every marriage proposal that comes in line, then there is willful and deliberate attempt on their part. This aspect has nothing to with body or mind. It is how a negative spirit prevails upon men and women to say no to every proposal without any rhyme or reason.  Surprisingly, these people in other situations where decision-making is required, show perfect reasoning and being rational in approach. Functioning of spirit is so subtle, that it even escapes attention of trained psychologists who diagnose recurring denial as kind of mental issue.
In order to solve problem of delayed marriage, it is better for you to do a cosmic analysis involving   body, mind and spirit to find out how your personal cosmics play out. Once you determine the real cause of this malady then it is much easier for you to chart a solution course.
Be in touch!

Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677
E-mail:    cosmicgems@gmail.com

Thursday 15 October 2015

Is Your Spiritual Mantra Effective?

Spiritual Mantra is a chant, hymn, incantation, inspirational verse, invocation, recital or utterance of a group of words that has hidden cosmics to connect your body, mind and spirit. Here is a brief outline on how mantra functions in body, mind and spirit and the transformation that takes place in each segment to evaluate the effectiveness of your chosen mantra.
Body:  At the beginning, you experience a slowing down of your body, becoming lazy or getting “Atlas Syndrome” that makes you feel that you are being punished or weighed down. In Greek Mythology, Atlas was condemned to carry the celestial globe on his shoulders, a task that weighed him down as a punishment. Similarly, you feel this weight at the start but as you progress, the burden lightens to the extent that you do not feel any form of tiredness or disinterest in chanting mantra. Another effect is that mantra chanting initially heightens activity level within body including wayward movement of blood pressure. After sometime you feel that, your body is calm and active. In fact, the sound waves of the mantra make you travel from being listless to being agile.
Mind:  As you begin mantra recital you get hell of a lot of resistance from your mind, perhaps more than from your wife. It often spurs you on by giving ideas that you are wasting time or better make more money rather than incanting hallowed hymns. By and by, the mind is attuned to the mantra and supports you. More than that, it actively prods you to do more than what you are doing at present. Your mind gets a peaceful status, serene and aims for higher level of consciousness than what prevails now. Most of your negativity is banished and in its place, you have positive feelings and emotions. In fact, light waves from the mantra diffuse over your mind and silhouettes to such an extent that your mind is finally visible and awake.
Spirit:  Your spirit welcomes chanting of mantra straight away, unlike body and mind that show some kind of dislike or resistance at the beginning. The goal of the spirit is contentment and not pleasure and pain. Spirit wishes to move you from the present conscious awareness to cosmic awareness. It wants you to travel, embarking on celestial journey traversing the universe, Milky Way and the vast limitless space above your head. Spirit is delighted to be alive now thanks to the cosmic waves generated from the chanting of mantra.
If these transformations have indeed taken place in you, then your mantra is effective. Otherwise, you would better assess usefulness or appropriateness of the mantra you are chanting, may be like a parrot. You must do a cosmic analysis of your body, mind and spirit and devise something better for you.
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677
E-mail:    cosmicgems@gmail.com

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Rewire Your Body with the Mind

When your body is not wired properly to the mind, you tend to move your hands around without a sense of purpose. Flailing of hands is one of the signs that a person needs rewiring sooner than later. Here are few instances where you must attempt rewiring lest you become a miserable failure.

Getting negative thoughts: Unless checked, barging in of constant negative thoughts can demolish your life, family and career in no time. You can forestall this tragedy by resorting to wiring positive mind with the body. When you get free time look at the sky or natural scenery. Start thinking of how good the sky is or how the scenery unfolds. Repeat these thoughts 3 to 5 times. Now get the thoughts transform into positive feelings and emotions. You get an elan in you. Now connect with your body, specially your face. Suppress your gleeful smile, now that you see a glow in your face and a glittering glint in the eye. That is it, the rewiring is done and in place.

Failing to achieve goals set:  Your career is like an eraser. Repeat failures in achieving goals can reduce the size and continuity of your career. Whenever a goal is set or task is given for you to perform, sit down and run the entire sequences of your work activities as mental dry run that teaches you any snags that you will encounter or any pitfalls in the sequence. Re-run the sequence couple of times. Cut here, improve there and fashion out how the task can move seamlessly. Now rewire your body with the pathway to the goal. I am sure you are now ready for action.

Managing embarrassing moments: At this point, anybody’s wire can go haywire. Anything you say can be held against you in the future. First reaction from your side must be to keep calm and gag your mouth. Loosen your hands; allow the mind to run a rehearsal of how you should respond by word, body language or other actions. Once you are sure of the pros and cons then connect with your body by rewiring it. Now you have control of the situation at the mind level as well as control of your body. You have taken it on the stride and came out brilliantly well. 

Being too emotional:            Highly emotional people tend to react in two ways. Pouring out externally or keeping in internally. One instance of pouring out is to scowl at others in menacing manner. Brooding in anger and sulking in isolation is an example of keeping emotions internally. Both are bad and could damage your psychological and physical wellbeing. You can come out of being too emotional by rewiring your body with your mind. This is how you do this. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and call the mind to spew out all the emotions it has stored. Group the emotions into two categories: positive and negative. Allow the positive ones to pass muster. Now is the turn for flagging negative emotions and feelings. Repeat these negatives and single out the ones that are too critical. For sake of convenience, limit these to 2 or 3 at a time.

Now you move onto a sofa, settee or bed that has springs fitted. Call each negative emotions and say loudly, “Perish you from my life” so saying spring up hands held high. At this moment, you see a sense of elation going through your body. You feel relieved and rejuvenated. You are brimming in confidence and your body is ready for action. Well you have successfully rewired your body and mind to succeed in life and career.

Be in touch!

Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677
E-mail:    cosmicgems@gmail.com