Friday 26 March 2010

Full Moon March 2010

Full Moon March 2010 chimes good time to people around the globe. In this blog post let me explain the details of the Full Moon in terms of astronomy and cosmics and offer you few tips for improving your life.


1. Full Moon: The Full Moon appears at 02.25 UTC/GMT on Tuesday, 30 March 2010. You have to trace your local time in reference to this time.

2. Location: At the time the Moon is located at:

Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) 12 hour 22 minutes 37 seconds

Declination (Celestial Latitude) South 8 degree 17minutes 03 seconds

3. Constellation: Virgo

4. Illumination: 99.91 per centum

5. Perigee: This is the point where the Moon is closest to the Earth in its revolution. The Moon reached the Perigee point two days prior to the full moon day, that is, on March 28, at 04.57 UTC/GMT when its distance from the Earth was around 224,860 miles. At the time of Full Moon, the Moon is moving away from the perigee point; consequently the pulling power, in fact, recedes

6. Surrounding Planet: Saturn on the North- East in Virgo constellation

7. Lunar Mansions: At the time of Full Moon, it is located in the Thirteenth Lunar Mansion (Arabic: Al-Manzil Al-Qamar) of “Al-Awwa”, which means “the Barker”. This is one of the 28 lunar mansions and said to be auspicious

8. Galaxy: At this time the Moon is on direct line of sight with Sombrero Galaxy known as M 104 and NGC 4594 on the south- east direction. The Galaxy got its name as it appears similar to sombrero hat popularised by the Mexicans and worn by cowboys or riders on horseback to get sun-shade under its broad brim. The sombrero Galaxy is located at some 50 million light years away and is known for its outline of thick dark rim of bright dust lane and a large central bulge, both have given the galaxy great prominence. Its nucleus is said to contain several hundred globular cluster of stars. Recently, it was found that the galaxy has an extended halo. Its red cosmic colour is eye-catching. Though its brightness is around 8.0 of magnitude to us on Earth, considering its distance it must be truly amazing and bright galaxy of the world. The magnificent view of Sombrero Galaxy is photographed by Wendelstein Observatory in Germany:




The combined effect of the Full Moon in the circumstances described above gives both positive and negative cosmic results:

Positive Cosmics: More emphasis on new beginning, expansion and exploration less importance on reasoning and calculation; profit and cash-flow on the rise; time to allow liberties of mind and flesh so that pent-up emotions get an outlet; loosening of limbs is good; time to spend moments with family and friends amidst the busy schedule; indicates decisions are made with a discerning mind

Negative Cosmics: Heat outside and cold and dry inside could sap your energy to some extent; this is extended ostensibly too many of your actions where you cannot bring equanimity between your internal and external environment. If family is doing well business declines; if business goes up family happiness comes down. Loosening of morals must be checked

Improving Your Life

Few tips for improving your life till the next New Moon are given below:

1. Expand your ideas and horizon and bring more joy to your lifestyle

2. Control your cash-flow but at the same time never hesitate to spend for family lest you mar happiness

3. Buy sombrero hat to have shadow under the sun; in similar vein start building home and new venture to give shelter and enhanced cash flow

4. For those in politics, time to be bold and brush away inhibitions and prejudice; this would silence your doubting friends and scare your berating enemies; for those in higher administration in public and private sectors, time to move with the band wagon and sign up on the dotted lines

5. There cannot be a good time like this for both marketing and operational guys; go gusto

6. Women can celebrate their femininity with vivaciousness and those who have sexual debilitations should opt for phallus worship as done in Greek and Hindu traditions

7. Men must engage more in being together with their loved ones; loners must spend little time surveying pictures of maidens

8. Success is shown for those engaged in agriculture, farming and production industry; service industry takes somewhat of back seat though

9. For business men new partnerships or new ventures in basic industry such as food, clothing and durables are best plays

10. Use lot of red in your system: red colour, red vegetables, fruits with red chunks inside are the best for you

11. Go for an aroma bath once in five days; for men Lemon or Juniper on Sandalwood base is recommended; for ladies Jasmine and Gardenia on Sandalwood base could do well

12. As regards to Gems & Crystals, any red gems are good for this season: Rubellite (red Tourmaline) Pyrope (red Garnet) and Bixbite (red Emerald / red Beryl); others include red Spinel, red Jasper, Ammolite, Fire Agate & Fire Opal; those who can afford can opt for Ruby or Sapphire.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

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Astronomy, Cosmics, Gems & Crystals, Full Moon, Improving Your Life, Lifestyle, Lunar Mansions, Sombrero Galaxy

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