In the board rooms of many companies the subject of business vision and mission is consigned to, as public relation or corporate communication exercise. What disturbs more is that these words are often used by board members to denote an aim without bothering about its nature and characteristics. Understanding differences between business vision and business mission is definitely a key to survival and success.
1. In vision a business speaks of its beliefs and values. You write a vision statement indicating the philosophy in which you work, the concepts that guide and the value judgement you make in progressing towards your ideals
2. Vision portrays the standard that is set for achieving over a period of time. In other words, business makes a choice that has long haul. Hence, the overtone of vision is aspiration and inspiration. A good example is the vision of NASA in space travel
3. A vision statement answers the questions “What to become or Where to go”. It seeks an end that business wishes to achieve at the end of its business cycle. In order to do that, a vision statement provides direction and guidance in brief manner but with broad intent
4. “Brevity is better part of valour” goes the adage. Vision does just that. Savour the vision of Department of Commerce of USA: “By assisting the private sector, our vision is that the United States continues to play a lead role in the world economy”. Do I need to say any more?
5. Vision is chiselled as policies of a business that govern the conduct of transactions in every circumstance. Such policies are of general nature and do not give facts and figures but ideas and concepts. In fact, vision is born out of conceptual thinking. This type of thinking trains you to spot the missing link or information that is needed to solve a puzzle. In a vision statement you are looking for an over-awning concept or all-prevailing idea in global manner.
6. Vision relates to goals of a business. That is to keep the big picture intact and behind your table so that you turn back and watch your vision and then watch your steps
7. Board of directors is entrusted with the formulation of vision and accompanying goals and policies. Being lofty in nature and broad in outlook and perhaps too distant to view analysts are prompted to dub vision as star in the sky.
1. In mission a business sounds its attitudes and behaviour. Hence, concrete steps are laid within a mission statement indicating the methodology in which you segment your work along functional lines so as to achieve the stated mission. Therefore a mission statement includes, but not limited to, the following components: Customers & market, Products & operation, Profits & growth, Survival & solvency, Customer relation, Employee relation and finally Research & development
2. Mission indicates the states that arise in aiming for the standard proclaimed previously in vision statement. Hence, mission deals with the consequences that could arise in implementing the choice made in a vision statement. Ostensibly, mission is set for short haul. Motivation acts as the overtone in a mission statement. A good example is the way CIA fights global terrorism
3. A mission statement answers the questions “How to get there”. It seeks the means to obtain the end conveyed earlier in the vision statement. Coaching and counselling are twin tools employed to prod employees to do every mission with dedication and satisfaction
4. Mission is much longer and wordy when it comes to the subject of communicating it. But, the key factor in a mission statement must be under-lined: comprehensiveness. Let us look at the mission of Department of Commerce of USA. “The Department creates the conditions for economic growth and opportunity by promoting innovation, entrepreneurship, competitiveness, and stewardship”. As you agree all these four aspects make USA a business giant
5. Mission is crafted as practical guidelines for the conduct of a business in every circumstance. Such practices are specific in nature and exhort employees to take actions now so that at the end of the day they know where and how they have progressed. Facts and figures accompany a mission statement. A mission statement is born out of contextual thinking. This type of thinking trains you to understand the context in which you are placed in carrying out your mission
6. Mission relates to objectives of a business. That is to keep the focus on the current matter on hand. This enables you in placing mission just in front of your table so that you can glance over it as you progress
7. Senior management is entrusted with the formulation of mission and accompanying objectives and procedures. Being mundane in nature and narrow in outlook and perhaps too close to view analysts are goaded to christen mission as the moon in the sky.
Muthu Ashraff
Business Adviser
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