Monday 8 March 2010

How Dreams are made?

Lot of us dream and seek meaning and interpretation for all what we dream about. It is good to dream because the body and reflexes are relaxed while dreaming. Equally important is that not all dreams are worthy of analysis or interpretation. This blog post explains how dreams are made.


Dreams come by the time you sleep soundly; this stage is called dream sleep or technically Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. During this stage you see visions like as if you are watching a cinema or TV show. As a result you have rapid eye movements; eyes move left and right, up and down; eyes hover as if you are travelling. Except for your eyes most of your body is in paralysis. As you start dreaming, the brain releases an amino acid called Glycine that makes your muscles immobile. This is the nature’s way of safeguarding, otherwise while you dream you may tend to act out of it.

Structure of Dreams

The dreams are made as a result of fusion between your frame of mind and state of mind, two different concepts that need be understood. Firstly, let me say few words about frame of mind. There are three types of frame of mind:

1. Id: Sigmund Freud described Id as your unorganized personality acquired from birth that is focussed on seeking pleasure and avoiding pains. Therefore Id is the basic mind frame working on basic instincts

2. Ego: Sigmund Freud described Ego as your organized personality that has been trained in several skills such as perception, cognition, execution etc. Therefore Ego is a developed mind frame working on analytical and managerial instincts

3. Superego: Sigmund Freud described Superego as your organized personality that strives for perfection. Therefore superego is a balanced mind frame working on conformity and self – regulation instincts

Similarly there are three types of states of mind:

1. Unconscious Mind: This mind is a reservoir of emotions, feelings, urges, and memories that lie outside your conscious awareness. Some writers use the word “sub-conscious mind “to allude to this state of mind

2. Conscious Mind: This mind is a reservoir of sensations, perceptions, memories, thoughts and fantasies inside of your conscious awareness

3. Cosmic-Conscious Mind: This mind is a reservoir of spirituality beyond your conscious awareness.

Causes of Dreams

1. When Id and Unconscious mind are combined the resulting dreams border on trauma, nightmare and fright. As compensation you do not remember the full details of these dreams once you wake up

Illustration: You go to church rarely. One night you dream that you are going to the church but on your way you see a cobra chasing you. This basically explains your guilty consciousness of not going to the church on previous occasions.

2. When Ego mind frame is combined with Conscious state of mind the resulting dreams take the form of sweet dreams, lucid dreams, and day dreams. You would tend to remember vividly much if not all the details after you come to wakefulness. Here a re-play of the events of the day proceeding the dream time is played out for your benefit. You will receive solutions to any problems or answers to questions which you have faced previously

Illustration: Your girl friend asked you “When you are going to propose to me?” last evening. “What kind of ring I should give her” was the thought running in your mind before you went to sleep. In your dream sleep you are in a jeweller’s shop and your eyes are squarely perched on an oval shaped blue-diamond ring. You felt happy and saw the jeweller winking.

You woke in the morning and as the first thing went down town. Hey! You went to the identical shop and saw the identical jeweller; you bought the ring and indeed the jeweller winked with a broad grin on his face. In that evening your sweet heart was amazed by the beautiful ring and did not mind your muttering. She is all for you now.

3. When Superego mind frame is combined with Cosmic-conscious state of mind you will have dreams dealing with the future. Predictive dreams, telepathic dreams, and prophetic dreams are examples of this type. Although some of these are connected to you many of the dreams are remotely connected with you. Here, you are mostly placed as a medium to interpret and explain the dreams to your family, friends or society at large

Illustration: An election is being held in a country to elect the President. A party supporter dreams that his man who is seeking re-election and who has a commanding moustache is elected on the first night. In the following night he dreams the same vision minus the moustache. The predictive dream is interpreted as follows: the sitting president is to be elected once again but would be badly mauled in terms of his prestige and reputation. So it was.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

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