Friday 5 March 2010

Ides of March 2010

A sense of foreboding prevails as Ides of March arrives each year. This is the day Julius Caesar was assassinated. All over the world people consider this day negatively. This year too, Ides of March can have unsavoury implications. In this blog post, let me give you some ideas about Ides of March, astronomy and cosmics surrounding it and few words of caution.

What is Ides of March?

Originally Ides of March was celebrated as a day of dedication to the Roman God of War. In Greek tradition he is the mighty Aries. The phrase Ides of March is derived from Latin “Idus Martias” meaning “Half of March”. It was supposed to be a good time till 44 B.C., when Julius Caesar was assassinated by a group of conspirators at the feet of Pompey. Julius Caesar let himself drawn into his death after defying three portents that forebode the tragedy:

1. His wife Calpurnia pleaded with him not to go to Senate as she saw several visions on the previous night indicating that great harm to befall Caesar

2. The soothsayer Spurinna warned Caesar “Beware of the Ides of March”. When ridiculed and insinuated by Brutus that Ides of March have come and nothing untoward happened Spurinna said “Ides of March have come, but they have not gone”

3. The priest who carried out sacrifice of birds and flocks for the senate meeting got unfavourable omens each time a victim was put on the altar.

See how the tragedy is linked to the number 8:

1. Julius Caesar was killed in the year 44 B.C.

2. He was stabbed by conspirators numbering 62 led by Casca

3. He had 35 stab wounds on his body

Since this day, Ides of March is considered as a day of debt, disease, decay and death throughout the world. The number 8 too got its bad reputation along with it.

Ides of March 2010

This year’s Ides of March falls on a Monday. I have traced the sky chart over London at 12.00 Noon UTC/GMT and found the following in terms of astronomy and cosmics:

1. The planets Sun and Mercury are conjoined in Pisces constellation; the Sun is at Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) of 23 hours 40 minutes and 53 Seconds, whereas Mercury is at 23 hours 46 minutes and 31 seconds

2. From this conjoining location the Moon is to the west and Venus is to the east located in the same constellation of Pisces

3. Mars is in Cancer constellation sighting the well known open cluster M 44 containing more than 350 red and white stars. This cluster is known as beehive cluster while the Romans called it as “Praesepe” meaning “Manger”. Both Romans and Greeks believed that two stars Asellus Borealis (Gamma Canceri) and Asellus Australis (Delta Canceri) are eating the grass in the manger from opposite sides. This cluster is visible from February till May in the northern hemisphere

4. Jupiter is in Aquarius while Saturn is in Virgo constellations

5. The Moon is in the 26 th Lunar Mansion “The First Spout” (Al-Fargh Al-Mukdim) which is deemed as fairly an un-auspicious mansion out of the 28 Lunar Mansions.

What You Should Do?

Having considered the astronomical position of the planets and star and related cosmics arising from the position, I am chalking out the following recommendations to be implemented by you on Monday, March 15, 2010. By following these recommendations you can keep out of harm’s way. Besides these help in improving your life too:

1. As far as possible stay indoors if you are born under Cancer; or if your birthday falls between July 20 to August 10

2. Take care before you lend money to someone; if possible postpone such lending

3. Any personal items such as a car or mobile should not be entrusted upon others

4. You must postpone any surgery scheduled on this date

5. If you are an investor in stocks and bonds, take a day off

6. Avoid long journeys

7. If you have a lifestyle as casino goer or engaged in gambling or games of chance, give yourself a holiday

8. Do not get into late drinking parties

9. Avoid brawls where you could be directly or indirectly involved

10. Believe in your gut feelings and stop listening to your brain. At the same time guard against getting too emotional on any matter

11. Do not allow you to be led into tricky situations concerning colleagues, friends or customers

12. Avoid going for a date, if this is your first one.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

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