Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Ascending Lunar Node, September 2010


When the Moon intersects with the ecliptical path of the Sun it results in a situation called lunar node. There are two types of lunar nodes: ascending and descending. Each node presents opportunities and perhaps threats to you. This blog post details astronomy and cosmics relating to the ascending lunar node taking place in September 2010 and gives you few tips in improving your life.

For a general introduction of the lunar nodes please read the link on “Lunar Nodes April 2010

Ascending Lunar Node September 2010


Date: 16 September 2010

Time: 13.56 UTC/GMT

Moon Age: 8 days

Lunation Cycle: First Quarter

Constellation: Sagittarius


The Moon intersects the ecliptical path of the Sun precisely on the middle of the upper string of the bow the Archer holds. At this time the Moon is travelling towards the north from the south in the celestial sphere. From this location we observe three heavenly bodies: Star Polis (Mu Sagittarii) onto the north-west; Star Kaus Borealis (Lambda Sagittarii) to the south-west; star Nunki (Sigma Sagittarii) onto the south-east. Taking the middle course in between these three stars, the Moon does something spectacular. She occults M 22 Globular cluster popularly known as “Facies”.

Facies or M 22 Globular

Facies or M 22 Globular has been well –described in my earlier post. You can read by linking “Ascending Lunar Node, August 2010”. This globular cluster is the third luminous in the known sky and has within it a huge nursery of 70,000 baby stars. Located just a degree below the ecliptical path M 22 globular often gets occults (covered) by planets including the Sun and the Moon.

Improving your life

1. Use green profusely and red sparingly in dresses and appropriately during colour bath

2. Unless you are susceptible to chill, make merry out of the welcome rain that sprinkles much needed water onto your body. Watching rain drops falling or walking under a drizzle helps you immensely. Alternatively you can spend more time in a bath tub or in a pool

3. Stay in moist and cold ambience to rejuvenate your system and to re-build energy levels

4. Keep your physique in trim condition, elderly must take extra care in keeping fit

5. Follow Lord Buddha and keep to middle path during this season especially in family affairs

6. Businessmen demonstrate high degree of determination paving way in concluding new deals or striking new partnerships

7. Women play leading role during this time phase; in families there is reconciliation seen with erstwhile opponents, especially daughters and spouses; Similar trend continues in business where women cause new beginning or bring new customers or business relationships. This applies to business where the owners or leading shareholders are men. Contrarily, women dominated business goes southwardly

8. Good time to commence new constructions or additional wings in respect of family abodes and business premises

9. Bad time for sex & marriage; mitigating factor is new romance flowers well during this season

10. If you are low in spirits, I advise you to visit sea-shore and watch the waves lashing; washing your feet by the froth relieves stress. Patients suffering from hyper tension can try this out.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

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Monday, 13 September 2010

Kochab, star of Brilliance and Protection

So you are a brilliant stockbroker who make good fortune in the market and at the same time remain committed in protecting the interest of your clients. If so, you have the star Kochab guiding you in spirit and in action. For your benefit, I sketch details of astronomy and cosmics of the star Kochab and give you few tips in improving your life.


1. The name of the star “Kochab” is derived from Hebrew and Arabic lexicon for a heavenly body. Both Hebrew and Arabic scriptures mention the word “Kawkab” in reference to stars. In Arabic, Kochab has a lengthy name “Al-Kawkab Al-Shamaliy” meaning “the star of the north”. Because, a millennium ago this star Kochab was the North Star. Kochab is about 16 degrees away from the present day North Star, Polaris. Astronomical name for this star is “Beta Ursae Minoris (B Ursa Minor)”. In some directories the star is also written as “Kocab”

2. It is the second brightest star in the Little Bear constellation with a visual magnitude of 2.08

3. Kochab is an orange colour giant star with abnormally strong barium within it giving rise to a magnificent light and the spectral classification of “K4 III Ba 03 “

4. It is located at 126 light years away from us

5. Kochab shines about 500 times luminous than our Sun; its surface temperature at 4,000 Kelvin and its distance are factored in the star giving us cool and orange rays

6. The size of Kochab is about 50 times of our Sun

7. Kochab is a prominent star in the asterism known as “Little Dipper Asterism” in the Little Bear constellation; it occupies the top and front of the spoon in that asterism

8. The co-ordinates of the star Kochab are as follows:

Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) 14 hour 50 minutes 42 seconds

Declination (Celestial Latitude) North 74 degree 9 minutes 20 seconds


1. The star Kochab is located on the right side top hide over the back of the little bear

2. Little Bear constellation is significant because it presently has Polaris functioning as the North Star and previously had Kochab acting as North Star, both of these are located within the constellation

3. Many cultures had fascinating affair with this star Kochab. Singly, this star was “ Polos” to the Greeks meaning the “ north star” ; Emperor to the Chinese; Guiding star for the sea – faring Phoenicians (modern day Lebanese). Together with the neighbouring star Pherkad, Kochab got a title as “Guardians of the Pole” The Arabs also considered the two stars as the calves of the Bear. They had two descriptive names for Kochab: “Al-Nair Al-Farqadain” meaning “the bright one of the calves” and “Al-Anwar Al- Farqadain” meaning “the Light of the two calves”

4. Kochab is located in the Sixteenth Lunar Mansion (Arabic: Al-Manzil al- Qamar) of “Al-Zubana” (“The Claws” in Arabic). This lunar mansion is said to give mainly positive and sometimes negative results. It gives sense of judgment and sense of courage in equal measures. For those who make bad judgements it grants their death wish

5. Significantly, Kochab gives qualities of nourishment and protection to you and to those who are connected with you; you get elated spirit and are ready for the rough and tumble of busy business life

6. Kochab does not figure as a birth star, sighted by the Moon or lucky star sighted by other six planets because it is located close to the northern pole at 74 degree north. Hence, Kochab can influence your life as a rising star or a culminating star only. Rising star is defined as the star rising in the eastern horizon at the time of your birth; whereas Culminating star is defined as the star that was just overhead at the time of your birth. There is one more condition: the effect of the star Kochab does not concern those who are born in locations above 74 Parallel north such as Nunavut in Canada or below 16 degree parallel south such as Queensland in Australia

Improving Your Life

The following are few recommendations to improve your life:

1. You should select white, apple-white, orange, crimson red as colours appropriate for your dress

2. Number 1, 4 and 6 are cosmically inclined towards you, so use these liberally in your business transactions

3. You need more air in your system as it gets moist and hot simultaneously

4. Any “ T” word marks your success: trade, travel, training and host of others. Speculative jobs such as stock broking , bond broking and dealing in white goods such as fridges and washing machines could lead to prosperity

5. Observation, analytics and deriving conclusions go systematically in your brain. Number gurgitation is observed as a significant trait. Hence you can fit in as investor , partner or venture capitalist

6. Kochab favours risk taking life style both in family and business; consequently everything depends on the quality of your judgement. Kochab can make you succeed in family and business affairs or break either or both

7. Sex & marriage together are not given excellent marks under the Kochab regime as one of these will definitely falter; nonetheless, your marriage could last without much enjoyment for quite sometime

8. Spend your leisure time in vast open to the sky spaces; for sports select swimming and aqua activities

9. Fire opal, Hessonite and Chalcedony are gems & crystals suiting you fine

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

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Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Penis Vagina Compatibility, How to get about?

Compatibility in sex and marriage rests on several anchors; chief amongst these is Penis Vagina Compatibility, a subject shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding. Though most of you are concerned about this subject, you do not find an open discussion forum for this. This lacuna is now filled with this blog post. Let me explain the subject of Penis Vagina Compatibility in simple manner, so that you can understand the cosmics of Penis and Vagina and improve your lifestyle and perhaps save your marriage from the rocks.
Understanding Penis
Penis is referred to as “Lingam” in Sanskrit “Phallus” in Greek and “Fard” in Arabic. The important analysis of the Penis is to determine its size. The size consists of three sub-topics: Length, Girth (thickness), and Shape. Normally penis length ranges between 3 to 9 inches on erection. The girth (thickness) generally varies between 2.4 to 5.8 inches of circumference. The girth must be measured on the cone, on the base and on the middle of the penis known as stem. Penis comes in different shapes; generally it takes the shapes of Cone, Phallus, Triangle, Rounded, Flat, Lean, Fleshy, Long & thick and Small & thin and so on.
On the basis of the size and cosmics, penis can be divided into six types: Eros, Ares, Apollo, Zeus, Dionysus and Priapus. The first five are named after Greek Gods, who incidentally had fairly small penis compared to their physique. The last type was named after the Roman God of Fertility, who had an unusually longer penis. The penis unlike the vagina can be measured and analyzed for its size, length, girth and shape so that you can determine the type by yourself. In case of any difficulties you can consult an urologist for help and advice. For a fuller description of the penis read my blog post by clicking “Sex and Your Penis
Understanding Vagina
Referred to as “Yoni” in Sanskrit, Vagina is a sacred and secret part of a woman’s body. The type of vagina is determined on the basis of cosmics that cover both body elements and the features surrounding vagina. There are five body elements: Fire, Spirit, Air, Water and Earth. The features cover three aspects: Opening, Passage and the Base. Opening can be soft or tight; Passage can be wide or narrow; Base can be deep or shallow.
On the basis of body elements and vagina features we have twelve types of vagina. These types are named after animals, a reptile and a rodent. The twelve types of vagina are: Elephant, Camel, Horse, Tiger, Ox, Dog, Deer, Cat, Snake, Monkey, Hare and Rat. For a fuller description of the vagina read my blog post by clicking “Select Partner with Right Type of Yoni for Sex and Marriage
As vagina is hidden and most part of it is inside the body of a woman, it cannot be measured or analyzed. Hence, type of vagina is arrived by an indirect method. There are two methods:
1. Firstly study a woman’s birth characteristics to find out the body elements: Fire, Spirit, Air, Water and Earth so that you can reasonably determine the type of vagina. This is done by understanding the relationship between the Planet Moon with a woman. You have to find out where the Moon was placed in the sky at the time of her birth. I consider, Lunation Cycle, Moon Mansions known in Arabic as” Manzils”, and the Constellation in which the Moon is located at the time of her birth for this purpose
2. Secondly study the woman’s physiognomy; this part is known as “Samudhrika Lakshana” in Sanskrit and “Alamth” in Arabic. This study would lead to the understanding of vagina features of Opening, Passage and Base so that you can easily determine the type of vagina. It would be better to study static physiognomy such as the hip and dynamic physiognomy such as the manner of walking. I analyse a full length picture of a woman when she is not personally present.
Compatibility Table
I am suggesting the following compatibility table:
Eros - Snake, Monkey, Hare, Rat
Ares - Tiger, Dog, Cat
Apollo - Horse, Ox, Deer
Zeus - All types
Dionysus- All types except Monkey, Hare and Rat
Priapus- Elephant, Camel, Ox

Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Improve Your Life with Honey

Honey the word of endearment is generally used for a wife or girl friend. It is because you cannot do without her in your life. In similar vein you cannot do without honey, the wonder product of the bees. Both honey and honey make your life sweet not to mention a success
You have already an Honey with you; your wife or girl friend who remains your source of inspiration and support. Likewise, you need Honey, this time the sweet yellowish to golden fluid produced by the honey bees. You will ask me why honey and what it does for me. In this blog post I describe what made me to study honey, the features of honey and the cosmics of honey to improve your life.
What made me to study Honey
About 35 years ago , I was posted as manager of a bank branch in a remote area in the eastern part of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). During weekends, I scoot off to the jungles and parley with aborigines known as Veddhas. Highly hospitable group the Veddhas find their food by hunting. Since hunting animals depend on season and chance they preserve the meat in honey. I have relished on venison and other meats preserved by the number of full moons as they do not use calendars to tell us the time. Honey can preserve contents soaked with it for a long time.
In contrast, I found a different feature; this time not preservation but disintegration, when I travelled to the northern area of Ceylon known as Wanni where settlement of farmers live. I was given a special treat: A part of honey hive with the head of cobra inside. The poor soul has got into the hive with its hood and part of its upper body. Entrapped it was not able to get out. The cobra died; the part outside the bee hive got rotten and has fallen off. The part of cobra inside the beehive was disintegrated into honey. The cobra’s hood was still visible as a film but no physical body could be seen. I joined my hosts to relish on this wonder. What happened to the cobra’s poison? All that was disintegrated perhaps.
Honey, like your wife or girl friend can make you or break you. It can preserve or it can disintegrate. It can make you fat or make you thin. It heals diarrhoea or can increase loose motion. On the top of the line, it boosts your sex drive or dull your libido.
  1. Honey is produced by honey bees known as apis mellifera from nectar of flowers in the vicinity of the beehive. A complex regurgitation process takes place where the bees transform nectar into the viscous fluid. The final secretion which was earlier thought to come out of the mouth is now found to come out from the intestines
  2. About 35 % densier than water, honey has less water content barring the growth of micro organism; hence it can preserve itself, provided that it is not exposed to oxidisation and fermentation. Honey can attract external ambience such as smell or moisture; that is why it is recommended to store honey in glass or ceramic jars rather than in tins
  3. Honey has different types of sugar such as fructose, glucose, sucrose and maltose accounting for about 75 % of its content. The balance 25% consists of minerals such as potassium, sodium, phosphate, copper, iron, calcium & manganese, along with carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes, various vitamins and water
  4. Raw honey is unprocessed, often darker in colour with fragrance and taste that does not appeal to many. It is used mainly for medical and nutritional purposes. Selection of raw honey be left with experts
  5. Ripe honey is unprocessed, fresh and ready for various use including consumption. it gives pleasant fragrance and appealing taste
  6. Processed honey is what you see in the supermarket shelf. Often it is purified by heating which destroys major part of its contents such as nutrients and minerals.
Food Source
Honey can be easily spread on bread; used as a substitute for sugar; flavour any type of food. Honey restores energy like glucose; it quickly rejuvenates and is a product that can quenches thirst and fulfils appetite at one and the same time. You must use ripe honey or processed honey for this purpose.
Disease Buster
  1. Raw honey: Used for treating allergic disorders; topical applications for various skin ailments; dressing wounds; soothing wounds. This can also be used as barrier cream and as anti-bacterial treatment. “Manuka” honey from New Zealand is very much recommended
  2. Ripe honey: Used for treating various diseases such as diabetes, common cold, cough, eye-diseases, gastro-intestinal ailments, high blood-pressure, fevers, blisters, stomach-inflammation, kidney issues and heart-issues.
  3. Processed honey: As oral rehydration solution in case of diarrheal disorders; anti-inflammatory dose for many ailments; an expectorant to dilute flam; excellently suited for antiseptic treatment.
Beauty Aid
  1. Cleopatra, the Egyptian Queen knew the art making her the most beautiful women at her time; her bath of immersing in the tub containing honey mixed with aroma is still used by beauty therapists all over the world. In today’s context, shampoos and beauty aids give the same effect. However, rather than depending on made for solutions stacked in supermarket shelf you can try out your own honey bath
  2. For skin therapy, honey is unbeatable; honey can be applied to various parts of the body in the morning or after a bath and allowed to stay for an hour
  3. For facials honey can be used to add glow and a flavour that lasts even after the honey is mopped out
  4. Honey in the morning with either hazelnut or almonds can be taken after the meals.
Health & Fitness
  1. Honey must be taken first thing in the morning after cleaning your teeth. A table spoon of honey on an empty stomach will make you strong and healthy. Do not take anything, not even water for half to one hour. Similarly you must take a table spoon of honey as the last thing before the bed time. Neither wash your mouth nor drink water thereafter.
  2. If you feel tired constantly, without any reason for this state, better take honey three times a day after meals. Allow one hour interval before you drink or eat thereafter
  3. In case of sports or gym work it is better to take honey mixed with water or lemon juice at the beginning, interval and at the end before you take any other nutrients
  4. To keep fit and youthful you can take honey regularly twice a day morning and evening. “Kamahi” honey from New Zealand is recommended.
Mind and Intelligence
  1. For children who are mentally retarded, honey must be given just before their meals
  2. For students who are weak in their studies honey along with onion ( small varieties) syrup can be given
  3. A week before examinations honey with cocoa be administered on them couple of hours before bed time. Use “Karri” from Australia for this purpose
  4. For adults who have problems in balancing mental faculty with physical activity, honey along with whole wheat bread or meal is a must. Honey from Tasmania known as “Leatherwood” is recommended.
Sex & Marriage
  1. For general sexual pleasure, honey twice a day is an excellent stimulant. Honey known as “Yayla Bali” from Turkey is recommended
  2. Where one of the partner is strong and the other weak, Honey mixed with garlic and onion syrup (big variety) is recommended. Use “ Kircicegi Bali” honey from Turkey
  3. If the male partner suffers from erectile dysfunction honey mixed with garlic, ginger and onion syrup half an hour before sex will do. The honey known as “ Karakovan Bali” from Turkey is recommended
  4. If the female partner has sexual dysfunction she should add to the above mixture white of egg and have it half an hour before sex
  5. For the newly wed honey wine is excellent; different cultures make this differently.
  1. Take honey as the first thing either as a drink or meal
  2. Apples slices soaked in honey increase spiritual insight
  3. After spiritual exercises such as Yoga Asanas or Sufi trances pour little honey to middle of your right palm, leave it for few minutes and sip it slowly.

Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

George Clooney, Marriage and Politics on His Way

George Clooney is dubbed as the most eligible bachelor and sexiest man alive. His cosmics are changing. He is to be the most eligible politician and at happily married person.
Celebrity super star George Clooney is the Hollywood heart-throb. He is seen by his millions of fans, most of them women, and the public at large as an actor, super-star, film producer, writer and a consummate person when it comes to the frills of enjoying life. He is described as the most eligible bachelor. Many consider him sexiest too. His grin showing the upper row of teeth with lower lips covering the bottom row of teeth drive women crazy; it gives a sensational feeling in their spine, something to be adorned forever. But, behind this grin there lies a yearning to make it very big in life and politics. Let me give you a broad brush-stroke of the transformation of the celebrity George Clooney and the related cosmics.
Lunation Cycle
He was born on May 6, 1961 in Lexington, Kentucky, United Sates. At the time of his birth the Moon was in the Waxing Gibbous Phase of Lunation Cycle. The cosmics of a person born under this phase of lunation cycle is given below. Please note that, this description is prepared and published as a general guide and will not convey the entire personality of anyone.
He is a land-lubber, that is neither he moves nor be swayed to accept reality. But when it comes to sway others he will do better. If he is not controlled he will bring the entire roof down. He is good at marketing, advertisement and selling ice to Eskimos. His mind power is such that he can break any issue into small parts and then join these to resolve. Jig-saw puzzle appeals to him. He has the capacity to reflect and report on any event; something like a trouble shooter. Negatives are: He is resistant to change and he simply does not like others pushing him around. At some critical moment he may suddenly give up”.
For fuller description of Lunation Cycle you can read my blog post clicking “Lunation Cycle: How the Eight Lunar Phases affects you?
From the published sources I have found that the following are ideas that governed him:
1. A private person; guarding his privacy more than anything he is not prepared to share it with anybody; does not like having children; fears that if he marries he would be “tied-up”. Look at his quote” I don't like to share my personal life... it wouldn't be personal if I shared it”
2. But something prods him to go higher from the silver screen to national administration. Look at his quote “You have only a short period of time in your life to make your mark, and I'm there now”
3. But then he was re-assuring himself he would not get out of his declared policy on privacy by running for public office. Look at his quote “Run for office? No. I've slept with too many women, I've done too many drugs, and I've been to too many parties”
4. Again the cosmics behind him propels to make it big. Look at this quote” The only failure is not to try”
Birth Chart
His birth chart on the basis of astronomical position indicates the following:
1. At the time of his birth the Moon sights the planet Saturn, which becomes his Lucky Star. In turn Saturn sights a powerful star cluster known as “75 Globular” a vast cluster of almost 130 light years in diameter, standing some 67,500 light years away from the earth with a visual magnitude of 8.5. This cluster is about 180,000 times brighter than the Sun. Due to the massive nature of the cluster Saturn sighting this Cluster indicates that George Clooney is earmarked by the heavens for high political office.
2. The Royal Stars of Regulus, Antares, Fomalhaut and Aldebaran dealing with political high office are located in very advantageous positions.
3. A strong Jupiter giving wealth and happy marriage is posited in the second house and sights the stars Pi and Rho in the Capricorn constellation.
4. The star Sirius is located in the 7th house making his first marriage a failure; beyond that it cannot do any damage.
On January 24, 2009 a great transformation took place in the chart of George Clooney. It is the Jupiter- Sun Conjunction. The conjunction took place in-between two stars Pi and Rho stars in the Capricorn constellation. Both stars are considered to be a good pair. As the conjunction takes place in a very auspicious location of the “ pair” , that is two stars that are considered showering great gifts to George Clooney , he for the first time has got the chance to make successful entry into both married life and in national level politics. For fuller Description of the Jumpier- Sun conjunction you can read my blog post clicking “Jupiter - Sun Conjunction in January 2009, Reversing Economic Recession”.
His transformation is indicated in two ways:
Firstly, the reported rumour of linking George Clooney with Fatima Bhutto. That is only the beginning. He will suddenly give up his declared policy of privacy and buries his head in the bosom of a lovely maiden, of course much younger in age. This is an indication for marriage.
Secondly, his choice of the Darfur trip which he made with his Dad in 2006 to report on the Genocide taking place there over attending the Academy Awards ceremony. This is an indication of his political suaveness.
Who can facilitate his transformation into both these areas? Surprisingly this mega star has to talk to his dad, Nick Clooney to find the right partner for him in marriage and the right mentor for him in politics. Both these would happen between now and early 2010. Who will deny this chance to George Clooney who has the mettle to become a happy husband and the Future President of the United States of America?
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Select Partner with Right Type of Yoni for Sex and Marriage

Most marriages are ending on the rocks these days. If you select your partner with the right type of Yoni (Vagina) this would never happen. Instead you will have sexual satisfaction and marriage bliss.

Marriages are made in heaven, so say the scriptures. But why marriages made with much fanfare are failing. Though this gives plenty of business opportunities to marriage counsellors, the society at large is losing. The fundamental issue for any marriages to work is the physical relationship parties have with each other. This relationship in common parlance is known as sex; happy and rewarding sex leads to happy life. What determines happy and rewarding sex? For a man it is all about the Yoni. Let me describe the Twelve Types of Yoni and the related cosmics, so that you can improve your sex, marriage and lifestyle. Before that, let me give you a brief introduction.

Brief Introduction
1. In this blog post I am describing the Twelve Types of Yoni in general terms. Each Yoni is given a name of an animal for easy identification. So far as possible I have given the feminine name of the identity within brackets as well. I am not masochistic for writing about yoni from the point of view of men. I believe that both women and men would benefit from this blog post
2. The word “Yoni” is of Sanskrit origin; It relates to the female organ known as vagina; the male organ penis is referred to as “ Lingam”
3. The Size of Yoni does not matter at all
4. The type of yoni is determined by how the Moon is placed in the sky at the time of your birth. I consider, Lunation Cycle, Moon Mansions known in Arabic as” Manzils”, and the Constellation in which the Moon is located at the time of your birth for this purpose. If you wish to know more about Lunation Cycle you can read my blog post “Lunation Cycle: How the Eight Lunar Phases affect you?
Types of Yoni
1. Elephant (cow):- Very chaste with occasional but strong sex performance. Generally considers sex as moral duty or love or for procreation. Sexual pleasure is secondary consideration. Takes longer tome for preparation and for penetration. But when on the job, the Yoni enthrals the lingam for long time. Body Elements: Earth & Air ; Yoni Features: soft opening, wide passage & deep base

2. Camel (cow):- Appearance can be misleading for this type. Looks like not interested in sex but in fact has very strong sex urge and performance. Sometimes experiences dual orgasm like a camel’s humps. Dual cosmics also at play; either yoni takes cosmic energy during hot environment and performs sex during cold time or takes in cosmic energy during cold environment and performs sex during hot time. Let us call this summer – winter syndrome. Takes longer time to satiate this yoni and the lingam must be aptly suitable. During sex little vocalization (talking). Body Elements : Earth & Water; Yoni Features : soft opening, wide passage & shallow base

3. Horse (Mare):- Legendary symbol of sex that flies you to heaven; Very strong sex urge and performance; very active during spring and summer when the days are longer than night. Not to despair it can continue during fall and winter as well provided the lingam can stand. A dominant mare with a pliant man make the most satisfying and rewarding sexual partners; here the mare initiates, signals and showers with pats and kisses so that the man is excited. Due to high libido levels the mare will expect longer play. Unfortunately, most men cannot manage a mare. Body Element : Air; Yoni Features : soft opening, narrow passage & deep base

4. Tiger (tigress):- If you like strong and ferocious sex then it is the tigress; though ready round the year the tigress initially takes ages to get into high libido. Some by 24 years and many others do so by 32 years of age. Thereafter, sex urge never falters; might lasts for 3 to 4 decades. Sex performance on each occasion extend to more than an hour for a number of days with breaks in between to allow for illness, menses or pregnancy. Lot of purring but little talking during copulation; uses nails and toes to prod the male. If the lingam is responding well tigress makes him happy ad it is sweet, scented sex for the male; if not sex is shut down and the male is made to suffer. In the latter case yoni will actively search for fresh lingams or at-least fantasize about alternate males; sometimes tigress hint at this by talking about a mutual friend and about his lingam during sex. Body Element: Fire; Yoni Features: tight opening, wide passage & deep base.

5. Ox (cow):- So you want a dutiful wife then select this yoni. Preferring strong males this yoni gives in cajoling the partner and making sex vey sweet for him. If the males are not strong, the cow does not complain. On average sex is sparse, but when on the job cow goes for a long sit-in. Prefers orthodox manner of having sex and in silent nights. Oh milk is oozing. Body Element : Water ; Yoni Features : tight opening, wide passage & shallow base

6. Dog (bitch):- The name tells you what it is all about. It never lets go once the man is with her both in sex and in life. You are tied to her forgetting your roots and relations. Your lingam is completely swallowed and covered by the bitch yoni during sex that you cannot easily extricate after ejaculation. If you attempt to do so, you get a slap. Sex is very high and can reach zenith during hot summer. If lingam can match with yoni, the yoni fights for you, protects you and guards you. If lingam cannot match bitch yoni, it is tragedy. Yoni will go for alternate partners and will not hide that fact from you. In the case of bitch yoni she has dual opening features. The opening of the yoni is soft at the commencement of sex, but once the lingam is sauntered inside the opening contracts and tightens. Body Element: Earth; Yoni Features: soft & tight opening, narrow passage & deep base.

7. Deer (doe):- Oh dear hunter, you got your perfect and prized catch: Faithful house-wife and a yoni that gives you pleasure. After the mare deer is the most sought after yoni. She neither bothers you about sex nor complains about your performance. To top it all she does not worry even if you go out with other yoni. Deer suppresses her sex urge for your benefit or for the family benefit. However, if you wants sex she is ready at all seasons; she can do both in mornings and evenings; she never fails to make you ecstatic and happy throughout your life. Body Element: Spirit; Yoni Features: soft opening, narrow passage & deep base.

8. Cat (tabby):- Requires longer foreplay for which most men are ill-prepared. Penetration, however, is spottier. Tabby wants lingam to be withdrawn and again inserted several times during copulation, because orgasm takes long time to be reached. Tabby wishes the partner to caress and holds her by the neck; lot of soft tone talking from tabby to keep lingam attentive. But release of orgasm is very painful to tabby; sometimes she might bite the male without much harm. In many cases, men cannot have the patience to go along and ejaculate faster. In that event tabby douches her yoni with water to cool down her anger and frustration. An interesting feature I have observed is tabby sometimes has fear of the real cats. This is known medically as “Ailurophobia”. Body Elements: Fire & Earth; Yoni Features: soft opening, narrow passage & shallow base.

9. Snake: - Un-obtrusive but faithful sex partner; duration ranges less than an hour to about 2 to 3 hours at a stretch. Like tabby snake wants more foreplay by curling and twisting around the partner. Often snake raises the legs to allow lingam to go inside or prefers penetration from behind, yoni facing the bed or other rest. This method makes yoni to reach orgasm easily, but after taking quite a while. Partners who do not get thrills having sex from behind, may feel very tired after ejaculation. Quite some training is necessary to change position and make both yoni and lingam happy. Unlike the tabby, snake would not allow lingam to be withdrawn once inside. Most men would feel why they do not have two lingams. Body Elements: Fire & Air; Yoni Features: tight opening, narrow passage & deep base.

10. Monkey: - Monkey yoni wants to be the dominant partner, otherwise whole hell will break down. Monkey needs mollycoddling, pleading by lingam for sex, lot of gifts and favours not to mention praise. Monkey needs care and caressing more than any yoni. If the male is willing partner, then monkey gives most satisfying and ecstatic sex. Generally the sex act will be shorter but much happier for both. If the male does not play by the rules then monkey will shut-out sex for lingam giving an excuse of the care & welfare of family and children. Monkey also shows off her potency and that of lingam, by behaving in like manner in society, something like an exhibitionist. Body Elements : Fire & Spirit ; Yoni Features : tight opening, wide passage & deep base

11. Hare (jill):- Yoni for all seasons; generally prefers nocturnal copulation with lot of pillow fighting. Jill is not limited to bed; it jumps, leaps and flies; ready to make sex in different postures and places. Both yoni and lingam must have equal aggressiveness for happy sex. One party’s low libido level can mar satisfaction. Despite all the hullabaloo the actual penetration and subsequent orgasm is much shorter. Body Elements : Air & Water ; Yoni Features : soft opening, wide passage & shallow base

12. Rat (doe):- Unlike dogs, rats do not like partners lingering around after copulation. Rat yoni is ready to have more sex little while later with same or another lingam. Rat likes to have sex anytime and has great cunning in selecting places and postures. So much so rat can have sex in the presence of children without them ever knowing what the parents are up to. You see rats all over in parks, in cinemas and in places you generally do not have the courage to make it a go. If the lingam is dominant over yoni, she selects the same lingam otherwise opts for another. Social mores are thrown into the wind by rat. Body Elements: Air & Spirit; Yoni Features: soft opening, narrow passage & shallow base.
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677