Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Anger Management using Cosmic Jewellery

Once in a way, blowing your fuse is all right and can be excused. However, if you habitually flare up then you are dubbed as an angry person; worst can happen when you start to get physical during episodes of anger landing few blows on others; from thereon you are shunned as violent man. To avoid these pitfalls you have to follow a systematic programme in anger management using cosmic jewellery.

Causes of Anger: Anger can be caused by a single factor or several factors put together. Provocation by others, disappointment, mental hurt, depression, touching the raw nerve by others especially in sensitive subjects, stress, busy lifestyle are some of the often-cited causes.

Showing Anger: There are two ways of venting your feelings: one is internal expression and the other is external expression. When you keep your anger within your body and mind it is internal oriented. Although this process allows you to manage anger in the short run, in long term it can boomerang on you. By suppressing anger one day you are going to implode within; face a breakdown in heart and other vital organs. Some of you can get into neurosis and complications in connection with the proper functioning of the brain. In sum you get a blowback. External expression, on the hand is known as blowout. You fly into rage hurting others. Every successive episode builds up a case against you. Your family members, business associates, friends and relations and sometimes members of the public start to ignore you.

Managing Anger: To avoid this situation you should follow a system called anger management. It has two limbs; one is to consult a medical practitioner and the other is to get a cosmic jewellery specially designed for anger management. Gems & metals play a very useful role in managing anger. Pearl, azurite, garnet, amethyst and obsidian are few of the cosmic gems considered to have relevant cosmics for managing anger. Silver, copper and zinc are key metals used for fabricating cosmic jewellery for this purpose.

Depending on your personal cosmics, the right cosmic gems must be selected along with appropriate metals. Once you have readied a cosmic jewellery it is necessary for you get proper guidelines for wearing it. Moreover, it is advisable for you to follow a monitoring and mentoring programme structured specially for you after taking into count your personal cosmics arising from your background, environment, personality and finally characteristics that are so unique to yourself.

Be in contact with me!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail : cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com


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