Tuesday, 24 June 2014

What to do When Your Sleep is Disrupted?

Sleep disruptions is a common phenomenon in this fast moving world. Ironically, those who suffer most are not movers and shakers but executives and white-collar workers who spend lot of their time on desks. It does not mean that those who are always on the move, for example travelling salespersons can escape from the clutches of sleepless night. What to do when you get frequent bout of sleep disruptions? My advice is turn to cosmic gems:

Sleep disruptions occur when you cannot stick to a regular pattern in terms of duration as well as timing. There are number of situations in which you will go through this condition that makes you tired and devoid of energy. I have given below few of the situations and the appropriate cosmic gems possessing the relevant cosmics. You can use or wear it in a comic jewellery to get relief.

Irregular hours: Blue Chalcedony

Shift working: Green Amber

Excess travel: Rainbow or red Jasper

Short or long Sleeping: Rainbow or snowflake obsidian

Lack of dream-sleep: A condition where you have no “rapid eye movement (REM) sleep” that facilitates dreaming. When you get up in the morning, you feel as if you have not slept at-all. Place close to you either Charoite or Marcasite

Sleep walking: This is in a class of its own being classified under several disorders including type of sleeping. Under this condition, the person while at sleep is engaged in actions such as walking and talking as if he /she is in the wakeful state. Use or wear either Blue lace agate or Honey Amber constantly as cosmic jewellery.

Keep talking to me!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail : cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com


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