Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Cosmic Gems for Menstrual Disorders

Menstruation takes place from the time of puberty until menopause. Except few lucky ones, women in general suffer silently from one or another type of menstrual disorders. A medical practitioner, on examination, would inform you the specific type of menstrual disorder you are undergoing. When this piece of information is ready then, check with this blog post to spot the right cosmic gems with apt cosmics for healing.

Amenorrhea: Relates to absence or delay in menstrual flow; if it is due to anaemia use Red coral with Opal; if caused by Ill health then settle for Rhodonite. Ametrine is recommended if you suffer from serious infection or illness.

Hypomenorrhea: Relates to scanty discharge; if it is due to anaemia use Red coral with Moonstone; if caused by Ill health then take Magnetite. Blue Chalcedony is prescribed if you suffer from serious infection or illness.

Dysmenorrhoea: Relates to difficult and painful menses with symptoms including prostration, vomiting and pain in the groins spreading to waist and/or thigh areas; if this is caused by, inflammation of internal organs uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes use Rose tint pearl or Rose quartz. Use Tiger eye if you experience nervous issues along with spasmodic pains.

Menorrhagia: Relates to excessive bleeding during the period with symptoms including headache, giddiness, anxiety and pain in the calves. Menstrual flow begins with severe pain in the lower abdomen, back, or hip or sometimes in all three places, leading to weak and anaemic condition. Chief cause is imbalance in hormones that can be countered by Chrysolite or Moonstone. If you have abnormal growth in internal organs use Brown agate plus Bloodstone. General anaemia requires just a Jasper.

Metrorragia: Relates to excessive bleeding accompanied with change in the menstrual cycle with symptoms as in the case of Menorrhagia along with menstrual cramps. In addition to the cosmic gems recommended as above use either Chrysocolla or Serpentine.

Oligomenorrhea: Relates to extended menstrual cycle. If the frequency is 35 days, it may not be a matter of concern; however, occurrence after 42 to 84 days requires medical attention; if you are with thin-frame body or over-active in gym work and sports, you can use Olivine as gem & jewellery.

Polymenorrhea: Relates to a shortened menstrual cycle of less than 21 days. If you are clung to heavy alcohol use, night activity or stress, use Pyrope in gem & jewellery

Leucorrhoea: Relates to abnormal white discharge during menses with symptoms including pain in calves, lumbar region, nervousness, burning sensation, irritation and sometimes constipation or urinary problems. There are a number of situations giving rise to Leucorrhoea, for which cosmic gems with relevant cosmics are listed below:

Infection with foul smelling discharge - Lapis lazuli or Aquamarine

Metabolic disorders - Topaz or Amazonite

Hormonal disorders - Moon stone

Inflammation of womb after child=birth - Pearl (rose tint) + Quartz

Displacement of uterus - Orange tourmaline

Worm troubles - Rock crystal

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Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

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