Thursday, 26 June 2014

Cosmic Gems for Osteoarthritis

Commonly known as “ Degenerative Arthritis “ Osteoarthritis is a result of series of action taking place around your joints beginning with the degeneration of cartilage, enlargement of the bone, inflammation of muscle, tearing of ligaments, altering of fluid –producing membrane called “ Synovial” and finally ending in the collapsing of the cover or capsule of the joint. In addition to medical treatment, you can resort to cosmic gems for relief and pain management.

According to the situation, you are placed in, and the type of osteoarthritis (OA) you are suffering from, different cosmic gems are recommended. These cosmic gems are chosen for their appropriate cosmics to counter ill effects and bring you relief. The list is, however, not exhaustive. While using either of Green Calcite, Tsavarite, Chrome tourmaline or Jade as base treatment is generally mandated, you are also advised to opt for additional cosmic gems for specific issues:

1. OA Non – inflammatory - Carnelian

2. OA- with Inflammatory joints - Malachite

3. OA with Joint pains - Yellow topaz

4. OA with stiff joints - Yellow or golden calcite

5. OA with listlessness - Turquoise

6. OA with sleeping disorders - Amethyst

7. OA with Anaemia - Coral

8. OA with nervousness - Blue sapphire

9. OA with enlarged bone - Orange calcite or yellow apatite

10. OA with obesity - Black onyx

11. OA with trauma - Green aventurine

12. OA with blood issues - Hematite

13. OA with weight loss - Ruby or Rubellite

14. OA during old age - Charoite

15. OA in Advanced stage - Black Tourmaline

Keep in touch!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail :



Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Cosmic Gems for Menstrual Disorders

Menstruation takes place from the time of puberty until menopause. Except few lucky ones, women in general suffer silently from one or another type of menstrual disorders. A medical practitioner, on examination, would inform you the specific type of menstrual disorder you are undergoing. When this piece of information is ready then, check with this blog post to spot the right cosmic gems with apt cosmics for healing.

Amenorrhea: Relates to absence or delay in menstrual flow; if it is due to anaemia use Red coral with Opal; if caused by Ill health then settle for Rhodonite. Ametrine is recommended if you suffer from serious infection or illness.

Hypomenorrhea: Relates to scanty discharge; if it is due to anaemia use Red coral with Moonstone; if caused by Ill health then take Magnetite. Blue Chalcedony is prescribed if you suffer from serious infection or illness.

Dysmenorrhoea: Relates to difficult and painful menses with symptoms including prostration, vomiting and pain in the groins spreading to waist and/or thigh areas; if this is caused by, inflammation of internal organs uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes use Rose tint pearl or Rose quartz. Use Tiger eye if you experience nervous issues along with spasmodic pains.

Menorrhagia: Relates to excessive bleeding during the period with symptoms including headache, giddiness, anxiety and pain in the calves. Menstrual flow begins with severe pain in the lower abdomen, back, or hip or sometimes in all three places, leading to weak and anaemic condition. Chief cause is imbalance in hormones that can be countered by Chrysolite or Moonstone. If you have abnormal growth in internal organs use Brown agate plus Bloodstone. General anaemia requires just a Jasper.

Metrorragia: Relates to excessive bleeding accompanied with change in the menstrual cycle with symptoms as in the case of Menorrhagia along with menstrual cramps. In addition to the cosmic gems recommended as above use either Chrysocolla or Serpentine.

Oligomenorrhea: Relates to extended menstrual cycle. If the frequency is 35 days, it may not be a matter of concern; however, occurrence after 42 to 84 days requires medical attention; if you are with thin-frame body or over-active in gym work and sports, you can use Olivine as gem & jewellery.

Polymenorrhea: Relates to a shortened menstrual cycle of less than 21 days. If you are clung to heavy alcohol use, night activity or stress, use Pyrope in gem & jewellery

Leucorrhoea: Relates to abnormal white discharge during menses with symptoms including pain in calves, lumbar region, nervousness, burning sensation, irritation and sometimes constipation or urinary problems. There are a number of situations giving rise to Leucorrhoea, for which cosmic gems with relevant cosmics are listed below:

Infection with foul smelling discharge - Lapis lazuli or Aquamarine

Metabolic disorders - Topaz or Amazonite

Hormonal disorders - Moon stone

Inflammation of womb after child=birth - Pearl (rose tint) + Quartz

Displacement of uterus - Orange tourmaline

Worm troubles - Rock crystal

Keep in touch via Mobile or Skype!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail :



Tuesday, 24 June 2014

What to do When Your Sleep is Disrupted?

Sleep disruptions is a common phenomenon in this fast moving world. Ironically, those who suffer most are not movers and shakers but executives and white-collar workers who spend lot of their time on desks. It does not mean that those who are always on the move, for example travelling salespersons can escape from the clutches of sleepless night. What to do when you get frequent bout of sleep disruptions? My advice is turn to cosmic gems:

Sleep disruptions occur when you cannot stick to a regular pattern in terms of duration as well as timing. There are number of situations in which you will go through this condition that makes you tired and devoid of energy. I have given below few of the situations and the appropriate cosmic gems possessing the relevant cosmics. You can use or wear it in a comic jewellery to get relief.

Irregular hours: Blue Chalcedony

Shift working: Green Amber

Excess travel: Rainbow or red Jasper

Short or long Sleeping: Rainbow or snowflake obsidian

Lack of dream-sleep: A condition where you have no “rapid eye movement (REM) sleep” that facilitates dreaming. When you get up in the morning, you feel as if you have not slept at-all. Place close to you either Charoite or Marcasite

Sleep walking: This is in a class of its own being classified under several disorders including type of sleeping. Under this condition, the person while at sleep is engaged in actions such as walking and talking as if he /she is in the wakeful state. Use or wear either Blue lace agate or Honey Amber constantly as cosmic jewellery.

Keep talking to me!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail :



Friday, 20 June 2014

Cosmic Gems for Treating Hypersomnia

Hypersomnia arises when a person sleeps more than it is necessary. Generally, an adult requires about 6 to 7 hours of sleep to maintain restfulness. Contrarily, long sleeping hours could affect the rhythm and balance in a person. During your consultation with a medical practitioner, you would be informed of the type and causes of hypersomnia you are diagnosed with. At this point, you must take little time to consider using cosmic gems to supplement medical treatment.

There are three most important types of hypersomnia, which are listed below along with the appropriate cosmic gems for you to use or wear as gem & jewellery. Suggested gems have relevant cosmics to enable you to respond to treatment effectively. Furthermore, these cosmic gems help you to maintain state of harmony within you.

Sleep Apnea

A condition where the flow of air to the lungs via nose or throat is disturbed, usually triggering snore. At some point, the breathing is halted with a sudden attempt made to revive breathing. Generally, it affects seniors past 50 years of age. This would make them sleep more. I recommend cosmic gems White zircon or White onyx to be worn as gem & jewellery.

Restless Legs Syndrome

A neurological disorder triggering un-pleasant sensation in one or both legs with an urge to move legs while at sleep. Causes include nervousness, kidney problems, pregnancy, aging factor, deficiency of iron. I recommend cosmic gems Chrysolite (yellowish peridot) or Sugilite to be worn as gem & jewellery.


This neurological disorder prompts you to fall asleep suddenly in the daytime. It affects students and seniors alike; it is due to the brain taking a rest something similar to heart attack but with a benign motive, because you sleep for about 15 to 20 minutes at maximum. When this interrupts your work schedule or become malignant, it needs attention. I recommend cosmic gems Verdalite (Green tourmaline) be worn as gem & jewellery.

The recommended cosmic gems are for general treatment. Having said that, instructions regarding use and wear, as cosmic jewellery requires further counselling.

Call me for value-added advice!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail :



Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Cosmic Gems for Insomnia

Insomnia is defined as inability to fall sleep and while at sleep inability to maintain sleep for a reasonable time. When you have insomnia related symptoms, it would be better for you to counsel medical practitioner who would diagnose the causes and prescribe required medication. Thereafter you must think of perching on cosmic gems.

Insomnia symptoms include, waking-up frequently, arising in early hours and no sleep thereafter, sleep not giving you feeling of freshness in the morning, feeling tired and exhausted, painful eyes, giddiness, head-ache, nervous break-down etc. Insomnia accounts for nearly 70 % of the sleeping disorders. The incidence is much pronounced in the case of seniors over 40 years of age and those who suffer from chronic ailments such arthritis and diabetes.

Factors that cause insomnia include fear, anxiety, stress, medication, excessive caffeine, pain. Life-style changes such as longer nightlife, over-stimulation of mind by watching films and erotic scenes, physical exertion such as gym work or walking in the late evenings, taking after-noon siesta are specific causes for sleeping ailments.

Treatment must incorporate medical attention supplemented with the use of cosmic gems. Depending on the type of insomnia you are diagnosed with, different cosmic gems with relevant cosmics are recommended below for relief.

1) General Insomnia: Keep under pillow Clear quartz for adults and Amethyst for those children under 14 years of age. Alternatively wear Sodalite (pure blue) or Zircon (blue or colourless)

2) Delayed Sleep Phased Syndrome (DSPS): A syndrome making you sleep best in the wee hours rather than in the nightfall. Wear Unakite or Labradorite as gem & jewellery

3) Psychological issues: Use either Green Jasper or Opalite Jasper (also known as ice-cream opal – with a combination of purple, lavender and white colours)

4) Physiological issues: Use either Deep-green malachite or Turquoise

5) Medical issues arising from non-response to sedatives (sleeping pills) and stimulants: Wear either Azurite or Lapis lazuli (also known as Lazurite) as gem & jewellery

6) Nervous issues: Place either Smokey quartz or Hematite under the pillow

7) Negative cosmics pervading when you are exposed to unfriendly environment: Wear Hessonite, a brownish – orange garnet or Black obsidian as gem & jewellery.

Before deciding on the preferred gemstone, it would be better for you to assess your personal comics to ensure that, the chosen cosmic gems would work best for you.

Keep in touch!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail :



Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Cosmic Gems for Easing Erectile Dysfunction

Often swept under the carpet due to its sensitive nature erectile dysfunction is much more prevalent amongst male adults than it was few years back. Erectile dysfunction often used as an acronym ED is a condition where adult male cannot main hard erection of his organ on a continuous basis in order to enjoy sexual happiness. Medical attention apart, those who suffer from Ed can resort to cosmic gems to ease this nagging issue. Details are below:

A trained urologist will tell you the probable cause for this condition during your consultation. Once the probable cause is known, you can peruse the following checklist for cherry picking the right gemstone with relevant cosmics.

1) Reduced blood flow to Penis- Red coral/Carnelian                           (Red) /Rhodochrosite

2) Ineffective sex glands - Diamond/White sapphire/Fire opal

3) General Impotence- Sodalite/Rhodonite/Topaz/Rutilated quartz, Carnelian(Orange)

4) Lack of Sex Drive- Lapis lazuli/Ruby zoisite/Red garnet(Pyrope)

5) Stress-related - Blue lace agate

6) Unable to hold-up ejaculation - Amazonite

7) Excess heat in the body leading to

    quick release of semen - Amber/Moonstone blue or green tone

8) Alternating erected & flaccid penis- Chyrysocolla

9) To prolong erection- Red jasper/ Aventurine

10) Diabetic Mellitus- White coral/White topaz/Diamond plus Red      jasper/Rose quartz

11) Nervousness- Blue sapphire Plus Jasper/Green Tourmaline/Peridot

12) Urological issue- Aventurine( Peach)

13) Bladder- Red coral/Red Jasper

14) Prostate- Obsidian/Sardonyx

15) Pituitary gland - Ruby/Red Tourmaline(Rubellite)

Call me via Mobile or Skype for professional selection.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail :



Monday, 16 June 2014

Cosmic Gems for Diabetes

Many consider diabetes as a disease; it is not; diabetes can be defined as a disability or a condition where your body us unable to regulate the glucose level in the blood. Cosmic gems can help in absorption of glucose by cells and muscles; alleviate pain and suffering resulting from diabetic condition. Read for more:

Primarily you have to find out the status of your diabetic condition and the specific area it is felt severely. Thereafter, you can check with this blog post to zoom in on the right cosmic gems. Here are specific gemstones with relevant cosmics in treating different diabetic complaints:

1) Diabetes at an early stage – Citrine

2) Mildly diabetic - Girasol

3) Chronic diabetic, but not life threatening – White coral or White sapphire

4) Diabetes in advanced stage – White sapphire plus Pearl ( rose or champagne overtone)

5) Diabetic coma – Yellow calcite

6) Diabetes with low sugar levels ( hypo- glycaemia) – Moss agate or Red cornelian

7) High cholesterol or high Triglyceride - Yellow sapphire

8) Deficiency in absorbing nutrients & oxygen – Serpentine

9) Deficiency in assimilating vitamins & minerals – Brown diamonds on silver outer/holder with appropriate alloy percentage

10) Low production of insulin by pancreas – Sodalite

11) High blood pressure – Peach aventurine

12) Eyes – Moss or Blue-lace agate / Yellow obsidian

13) Kidney – Rose quartz or Jet

14) Nerves – Yellow topaz or Zircon

15) Paralysis of stomach – Yellow or Grey Jasper

Call me via Mobile or Skype for professional input

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail :


Thursday, 12 June 2014

Stress Management using Cosmic Jewellery

Stress is a silent killer in the modern society. Amongst the many types, work related stress is the chief culprit. Most of the people who are subject to stress often use ad-hoc measures without having long-term view. My suggestion is that in addition to whatever you are advised to do by specialist practitioners, think of wearing right cosmic jewellery. Here are few snippets:

Stress arises when you are unable to cope up with the steady flow of activities; it can arise in many situations including family, work, and education or even in social interactions. Generally, the symptoms of stress are less evident in the initial phase but becomes so harrowing in later stages. Some of these include irritation, anxiety, depression, lack of focus, sleeping disorders, mental and physical fatigue, loss of libido and tendency to brood and live in isolation.

In coping with stress, many of you want to be away from action as each piece of activity adds strain to your already burdened mental and physical condition. Prevarication and dilly-dallying is the common measure used in managing stress. Heavy drinking and smoking are also resorted to as an escape clutch. Some take it out on others by lashing out, making outburst of emotion and at times using physical violence. Quite a number slouch in front of TV pretend to be watching but not really. Retiring to bed at the wisp of the wind or getting hooked on drugs are few of the extremes measures adopted.

Preferred approach in dealing with stress dictates that you follow advice of the specialist practitioners such as doctors and psychologists along with opting for the use of gem & jewellery. Cosmic gems such as citrine, garnets, hematite, quartz, jasper, howlite and many others have vibration and sensation in calming your nerves and chasing away the blues. A host of metals are there for this purpose such as silver, titanium and space metal zirconium.

Combing the right cosmic gems and the relevant metals, you can make cosmic jewellery. To do so you need to do an appraisal of your personal cosmics arising from your background, environment, personality and finally your unique characteristics. Thereafter you can study the real causes of your stress and fashion out a cosmic jewellery in the type/style that is most useful and convenient. It can be a ring or a bracelet or can be a choker too. The shape of the jewellery is another issue; square pendant, round ring are some of the common shapes. Any symbols that can harness your cosmics such as flower, leaves and stars could also be selected.

Keep Talking to me!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail :


Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Cosmic Jewellery with a Purpose

Globally, women and men wear jewellery as an ornament coinciding with an occasion such as engagement or as a matter of convention. This type is known as commercial jewellery. When you wear jewellery to realize your dreams, satisfy your needs and achieve your aims & goals then it is cosmic jewellery. Briefly, cosmic jewellery is made with a purpose. Here are salient points for you to ponder before getting your cosmic jewellery specially made for you:

1. Understand your need and purposes.

2. Determine your personal cosmics arising from your background, environment, personality and finally characteristics that are so unique to yourself.

3. Select the type/style of jewellery wear that is most appropriate for you, such as ring, bracelet, chain, and necklace, pendant and so on.

4. Choose the frame, housing, outer or holder on which gems (if any) are to be mounted.

5. Find the right metal for jewellery such as gold, platinum, palladium, silver, copper and so on. In addition, decide on the proportion of main metal and alloy metals beneficial to you.

6. Draw the right design and pattern that is most suitable for you.

7. Identify any lettering, line, logo, motif, number, stroke, symbol or any other special feature that harnesses cosmic energy.

8. Give necessary instructions to your jeweller so that he can fabricate and deliver the cosmic jewellery article to you.

9. Learn how to wear cosmic jewellery for optimum result.

Cheers and keep in touch!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail :
