Thursday, 20 March 2014

Why Magnetism varies from Person to Person?

When you are drawn easily towards a person you call him a magnetic personality. Such personality said to possess magnetism; an ability to attract, hold and charm people coming into contact with him or her. But the snag is the degree of magnetism differs from person to person. Some have high level of holding attention whereas many impress you as mundane. Several factors can cause this variance.

1. People born in places where level of bio magnetism is high demonstrate a greater degree of magnetism in them. Earth has unique field force generated by it which the ancient Chinese called a “Chi”. Every country has areas where you get high performing bio field. For example Lourdes in France and Sedona in Arizona have energy of high magnetism.

2. Those who are born close to the Equator tend to have low magnetism compared with those who are born elsewhere in north or south. Alexander Von Humboldt found that Magnetism of Earth in and around equator is 0.3 Gauss whereas as you go towards polar region magnetism increases as high as 0.7 Gauss. He also found on average Europe exhibited 0.5 Gauss an aspect propelled Europeans to master technology and prodded them in founding colonies and establishing empires throughout the globe.

3. Another factor influencing degree of magnetism amongst people is the time of birth. Broadly those who are born during night time has less magnetism compared with those who are born during daytime. The absence of sun during night causes the magnetism of Earth to come down. The rate of depreciation differs from place to place. On average it can ranges between 0.1 to 0.2 Gauss.

4. Location is yet another factor causing fluctuation in magnetism. Those who are born and bred in open spaces display high magnetism. A good example historically is Genghis Khan. In contrast someone who are born and lived, in closed location such as prison tend to be low in magnetism. Victor Hugo sketches the fictional figure of Inspector Javert in his classical novel “Les Miserables” as isolated person with barely any magnetism left.

5. People who have imbalance of red cells in their blood generally suffer from low magnetism. Linus Carl Pauling won Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1964 for his research which included the magnetic properties of red blood cells.

6. Magnetism can be affected by ambience as well. If you live in zone where there is geopathic disturbance then you will suffer from low degree of magnetism in you. Geopathic disturbance takes place where sewerage, drainage, underground water seepage and fault lines are observed.

7. The last one on fault line should not alarm you. The Earthquake fault lines, for example, surprisingly gives much higher magnetism to those who live close by. This may be the way Earth consoles people.

By opting for appropriate magnetic jewellery, you can receive required cosmics to correct any imbalance of magnetism. You can enhance your level of magnetism if you are low in magnetism. On the other hand you can optimize your magnetism where you have enough of it but do not get the desired result as yet.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

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