Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Simple Way to Increase Your Magnetism

Everyone has certain level of personal magnetism. Some have high level and many are to be content with low degree of magnetism. A simple way to solve problem related to personal magnetism is to opt for the judicial use of magnetic jewellery. Before embarking on this, here is a test for you.

Test: You can do a simple test in assessing the level of your personal magnetism by walking into a crowded place. If many eyes are turned towards you, it means that you have high level of magnetism to attract, hold and charm people. If you are getting barely any glance then you are in for trouble. Your case can be diagnosed in two ways: one is that your degree of personal magnetism is weak; on the other hand you may possess sufficient magnetism but saddled with weak channels that fail to translate your magnetism into energy.

Weak Magnetism: If you are bedevilled with weak magnetism just go in front of your looking glass. Survey your head, face, neck, shoulders, hands, waist, thighs, knees, shanks and feet. What is your weak link? Which limb is not imprinting you with that impresario effect? Once you have sized up with the limb that forms the weakest link in your body structure choose the style of magnetic jewellery that can correct this situation. There are several styles or types of magnetic jewellery to choose from: bracelet, amulet, pendant, necklace, choker, waist chain anklet and so on.

Weak Channels: There are number of channels within human body that function as conduits of receiving, processing, internalizing and transmitting cosmics in the form of vital energy. Fingers function in optimum manner in channelizing cosmics. Never the less, rings for fingers cannot be set with worthwhile magnets to carry on this work, chiefly due to space constraints. Adjusting the functionality of channels, therefore, depends on the power and type of magnets. There are five types of magnets used in magnetic jewellery: Neodymium the strongest, Samarium Cobalt in the second place, Barium Ceramic Ferrite and Strontium Ceramic Ferrite next in line and lastly Alnico as the least used in jewellery industry.

Talk to me!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail : cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com


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