Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Could Multiple Magnets Increase Overall Strength?

Magnetic jewellery articles are sold with either single magnet or with more than one magnets. Vendors of gem & jewellery often claim that these multiple magnets add-up to the overall strength. Assume there are three magnets of 1,500 Gauss each in your bracelet. It is claimed that the total magnetic strength is 4,500 Gauss. Is this correct? Read more for answer:

No, multiple magnets in gem & jewellery pieces do not add-up. The incremental value of adding one or more magnets is too marginal and can be ignored. In the above case may be the total magnetic flux is about 1,550 and not more. The real reason behind stacking multiple magnets is to ensure that magnetic flux strength touching the skin remains fairly constant. Let us assume you are wearing a magnetic bracelet. When you move your hand the magnet that was touching your skin moves away; the magnetic flux the skin obtained so far comes to nought. At this point another magnet touches the skin, consequently you tend to receive the same magnetic flux. Generally magnetic jewellery pieces are crafted in such a manner to ensure steady flow of magnetic energy.

Users of magnetic jewellery might experience higher or lower magnetic strength than that is advertised by the vendors. There are two plausible reasons for this phenomenon. One is that, amongst the magnets one may be much stronger than the rest generating higher magnetic flux. Lower strength is caused due to improper alignment of magnets that are stacked within magnetic jewellery article.

There are exceptions to this theory. In the case of bracelets made with more than one strands magnetic strength produced and sustained by magnets in each strand could add-up provided that these magnets are carefully arranged in multiple strands to cover a fairly wide area of the skin. Similarly, magnetic strength adds-up if you wear different types of articles such as bracelet, necklace, amulet, waist chain and anklet at one and the same time. This is because magnetic strength is felt in different parts of the body simultaneously.

Keep in touch!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail : cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com


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