Before buying magnetic jewellery it is better for you to do a need assessment. You must first survey your own personal cosmics and thereafter decide upon the range of magnetic power that is right for you with which you are comfortable and confident of receiving plausible benefits.
To begin with you have to be clear why you a want magnetic jewellery, what features and functions you look for and how it would relate to your person. Once you have a clear idea of your personal state then you can search for jewellery with the desired magnetic strength. There are three levels of magnetic strength: modest, strong and super.
Modest: At this level the magnetic strength of your jewellery can penetrate about one inch of your skin. The range of magnetic power parks within 800 to 1,500 Gauss. Although it is of lower penetration coupled with narrow magnetic field, modest strength jewellery can do well for those who look forward to feelings of well-being and wellness. Other positive cosmics include invigoration and alignment of natural energy fields within you. Improvements in skin, hair and nails are observed along with restoration of stamina as significant health benefits.
Strong: With the capacity to penetrate up to two inch of your skin the strong one has magnetic range of 1,500 to 3,000 Gauss; it also has deep penetrative ability and wide magnetic field presence. A strong magnetic jewellery can garner you cosmics in the form of high motivation, a sense of deja vu and heightened energy generation. You get increased oxygen supply into your body cells and enhanced movement of iron in your blood. Moreover strong magnetic jewellery up-builds your body’s natural capability of self-healing to counter infection and invasion of viral bodies.
Super: At 3,000 Gauss and above rating super type has the capacity to penetrate your skin more than two inches. Reinforced with dual power of deeper penetration and large area of magnetic field presence super item can do wonders in corralling cosmics making you a steady and powerful. Super jewellery works in both passive and active manner. Passive when it induces sleep and rest so that you let your body relaxes well. It is active as catalyst in assisting removal of toxins and waste products. At the next step super magnetic jewellery can repair body cells that are worn out and eventually restore electro-magnetic balance so much that every passing moments give you a feeling of zest to be ready for the next one.
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