A cosmic solution is defined as a series of steps that you take in order to solve a problem or issue that impedes your progress. These steps are recommended to you after studying your problem or issue in depth along with your personal dynamics. Interested then, read on...
You face quite some problems or issues in your day to day life. Of course, you will turn to a specialist in solving your problem say, health or marriage. These specialists would look it from the point of view of their training. Their solutions might work completely or partially or simply fail. But cosmic solution assists you in making many of their recommendation work better. It does not mean that you should not consult, for example, a doctor for your health problem. What it means is that cosmic solution makes the medicine work for you better.
Cosmic solution is developed after carefully considering each of your problem or Issue in isolation and in conjunction with one another. Moreover, it is necessary to treat your problem or Issue as a distinct one requiring a personalised solution. Never, there could be hum – drum generalized solutions. Let us assume that you have a career problem where you are not getting along well with your boss & colleagues. There is nothing wrong in you or in your boss or colleagues. So it is something other than career.
Now you got it. What is lacking is the absence of understanding and evaluating your inner self, which we call personal dynamics or simply as cosmics. As you are aware cosmics are aspects residing within you shaping and influencing your life though these are un-seen and un-noticed by you. For example, if your cosmics dictate that you should open a jewellery business no point of your getting into a business that sells shoes. Harnessing your cosmics and turning it to your own advantage is the key input that is provided in a cosmic solution.
A cosmic solution comprises recommendations relating to several items including gems & crystals, metals, colours, numbers, directions, timing, calling name, signature, logo, symbology, talisman, meditation, incantation of words or mantra and host of others that have some form of vibrations that influence the cosmic resonance either positively or negatively.
When used in cosmic solution gems & crystals are dubbed as cosmic gems. Metals are used to house these cosmic gems in a holders or outers giving rise to what we call as cosmic jewellery. Gem & jewellery alone accounts for 80 % of the cosmic solution. Never the less, the rest of the solution is vital to make cosmic gems and cosmic jewellery to function well.
Keep in touch via mobile, Skype or e-mail.
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile: +94 777 265677
Skype: cosmicgems
E-mail: cosmicgems@gmail.com
Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com
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