You will never miss persons with mercurial qualities. Crowned as Mercurians, most of them appear to be childlike or plainly childish. Logic and reasoning guide them towards achieving the tasks at hand. Moreover, they can be damned innovative in finding new products or new uses of existing products. Their gift of the gab is proverbial and so is their wont in using their diction to the best of their advantage. Looks like they have all plus points. But wait a minute….
Mercurians and those who are not strictly defined as such but coming under the cosmic light from the wings of planet Mercury do possess positive and negative mercurial qualities. What is more, these cosmics could turn out to be active or passive. Based on this I have sketched four types of mercurial qualities that are displayed by Mercurians and others with mercurial qualities:
Active Positive Qualities: Keen understanding along with being top on managing sensory process; creates and expresses ideas in plain language; pleasant style of communication presenting one as great conversationalist; extrovert using wit & wisdom in apt manner; curiosity and confident posture that facilitates search for answers to issues and tasks at hand; shows attachment and at the same time independence; fuses physical energy with psychological energy to get synergy; ability to create complex plans and schemes; possesses hidden knowledge which is often put to use
Passive Positive Qualities: Logic and reasoning along with the ability in using thought processes to create complex systems and formulas; remarkable alignment towards using figures rather than facts; inquisitive person with a strong mind and memory that mills through incoming data and outputs it in some understandable format; good at solving jig saw puzzles; detached personality aided by independence; functions at psychological levels so much so their physical abilities are on week side, evidenced in their lack of libido and sexuality; possesses hidden knowledge that is never put to use
Active Negative Qualities: Characterised by quaint behaviour and conduct; introvert at best and creator of friction at worst; studious to the point of boring; too detailed to the extent of dotting the I’s and crossing the t’s; Fussy and needling; ability to form theory and concepts without ever bothering about practical relevance; restless mind that works cross purposes; physical energy goes one side and mental energy to the opposite side
Passive Negative Qualities: More in confusion than in sense; shows tendency towards breaking norms of society secretively by indulging in petty thievery or cheating; insensitive to feelings of others; definitely a petty minded person; unstable mind back pedalling towards nihilism; negativity runs amok in psychological level and can spill over to physical level resulting in incest; quick thinking helps averting long arm of law booking him for breaking law and customs; high intricate thinking process brings cash-flow and a cover for his peccadilloes or misdemeanours as the case may be.
Diagnosing the type of Mercurial qualities of a person is done by mapping his character, appearance, attitude, belief and finally behaviour. Thereafter, it is necessary to devise means of improving the right type of mercurial qualities in him and at the same time weaning him away from the bad cosmics. That is done by selecting and using the right cosmic gems and proper cosmic jewellery. Needless to say, gem & jewellery form the bulk of the required bulwark in Mercurial therapy.
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