Despite all the hullaballoo of manliness and courage associated with the planet Mars it remains for many a source of havoc. So much so the ancients devised ways and means of corralling the malefic effects of Mars. They hastened to prescribe cosmic gems and cosmic jewellery as primary remedy.
Taking a cue from the ancients modern analysis attempt to identify whether a native is subject to positive or negative influence of the planet Mars. This is done by character mapping of a person by analysing his numbers, name, time, physiognomy and bio-data. If the analysis leads to the conclusion that a person is under the iron grip of planet Mars he is christened as “Martian”.
Hallmark of Martian is displayed in his sheer courage, raw guts and press-on attitude. So much so mimicking the Bard one can say “Courage, thy name is Martian”. His personal brand is stewed with plenty of can do stuff. Always paddling at high energy levels Martian tends to be firm in his dealings clinging stubbornly onto his point of view. Though he is not a born leader, he can rise to any occasion due to his inherent quality of vim, vigour and vitality. Nary a moment he is idle, tending to this or that issue he can be ruthless in getting to his target. Enjoying full what he has got he may be selfish at times in denying others their fair share. Initiative never fails him or rather he never fails to take apt initiative.
If this general description fits you, read on to find out, on the one hand how Mars cause negative cosmics such as distress, damage, disorder and confusion in your life and on the other significant positive cosmics that make you proud being a Martian:
1. You are bumping from one conflict to another. In a way it is good in that it makes you an expert in conflict resolution and allied subjects. But it takes its toll too. There are several agonizing moments often occurring in a train of events
2. On-off sex drive in Martian is a subject of debate and discussion among many occultists. The ancients considered Mars causing marital issues in general. In modern sexology this needs to be re-phrased as fluctuating libido that at the summit prods a Martian to become licentious and lustful and at the low point pushes him filing for divorce from erstwhile spouse for no good reasons
3. Your masculinity is always showing. Call it mojo, macho or just the reflection of Tag Heuer brand. You are hot, hard, stony, sharp and everything about the male energy yang in Chinese and Pingala in Sanskrit. Well and good. But how to channelize the vast resource of this energy is the question that stares at you throughout your life. If you exceed limit, which you will do in any case, you are branded as a brute, spoiler and perhaps as an out of out rascal. All these for no fault of yours
4. You are an embodiment of confusion worst confounded. The bolt from planet Mars stuns you so much that it harms your level-headedness. Your marriage, career and lifestyle all go up in smoke as you grope in darkness and get sucked in confusion, disorder and distress
5. Good things do not bypass you either. You get sheer luck when that beautiful lass living down the lane falls for you despite being courted by men who are richer and more popular. Whether this unfortunate girl finds conjugal happiness is another question
6. Your drive and dedication is legendary in your circle. Your gung-ho style and the way and means you adopt to get things done elicit envious praise. You are the Atlas in many companies, as colleagues turn to you to solve their issues and perhaps unload their burden on you. By the same token, you can become the fall guy too when things go out of control
7. Physical features of you come in combinations; large head, with small but sharp and fierce looking eyes; Finely laid forehead with thin lips; slender waist with long fingers; pleasant countenance with steely arms; short stature with strong upper body so on these sets of physiognomy make you recognisable wherever you as Martian strolls.
Mitigating negative cosmics of a Martian demands that you wear selected cosmic gems and cosmic jewellery in addition to being tutored by an independent cosmic adviser. Gem & jewellery is also prescribed to buttress positive cosmics of a Martian so that you can turn a new leaf in your business life and family life.
Press-on by talking to me via Mobile or Skype.
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile: +94 777 265677
Skype: cosmicgems
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