Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Are You Influenced by Planet Jupiter?

It is universally accepted, that, all seven planets lie within us shaping our character, appearance, attitude, belief and finally our behaviour. Out of these seven planets there could be one planet whose influence is paramount. When this happens we are considered to be under the influence of that particular planet and named accordingly. If this planet happens to be Jupiter then we are automatically elevated to the post of Jovian. Now, let us find out more of being a Jovian….

Jovian Benefics

1. Pleasant disposition together with bright countenance creating feelings of warmth and enthusiasm in others; inspire and energise family, friends, and business colleagues

2. Action orientation mellowed by cautious optimism, considered opinions and calculated risks operationalized in step by step manner

3. Display of abundance, wealth, prosperity, benevolence, tolerance and understanding leading to success & glory in life

4. Extrovert integrating well into society and fit into any system, flaunting high degree of charisma enmeshed with iron fist in a velvet glove, speaking in soft tone and sweet manner

5. Towering frame, but projecting amiable personae using mostly soft power to get things done

6. Solo relationship with single devoted spouse; men being uxorious and women faithful loving children and grandchildren and showering them with expensive gifts

7. Highly judgemental listening to both sides of argument, called “Audi alteram partem” in Latin; give equal attention to parties and weigh everything said and done in neutral manner; as regards to relationship with others moderate, educate and implore best or near best in them; remain attached and detached at one and the same time similar to a trustee or custodian.

Jovian Malefics

1. Fat & jovial disposition displaying a degree of levity even when serious matters are discussed; laugh it off even under testing circumstances; shun hard work; led by blind optimism prepared to take risky and unwarranted steps

2. Egoism on one side and pretension on other, exaggerate matters to the extent of incredulousness; if challenged easily turn aggressive or domineering with loud and harsh tone in order to intimidate; make huge promises that are hardly delivered

3. Fond of using hard power in getting things done; excesses are committed in approving donation or granting largesse in company administration; marry more than once in addition to having several liaisons with paramours; over-indulgence in sex and leisure dissipating energy within.

The extent of benefic or malefic cosmics prevailing on us has to be traced by character mapping of a person by analysing his numbers, name, time, physiognomy and bio-data. Once that is done it is necessary to evaluate whether we should manage and enhance positive cosmics or isolate and reduce negative cosmics or do both. Whatever the decision is, a solution therapy must be administered which include among other things selecting and wearing right cosmic gems and cosmic jewellery. As you are aware gem & jewellery alone accounts for 80% of any such cosmic solution.

Keep talking via Mobile or Skype.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems




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