Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Are you Saturnine?

Even if you are, you are not going to accept that you are a Saturnine person. It is because, so much is written and known about Saturn in negative light that, even the most Saturnine amongst you would deflect the question and walk away from this blog. Take heart. Saturnine quality is a recipe for success and you should be proud about it. What you have to do is, learn about being Saturnine and more than that, wear the gem & jewellery that go with it.

Saturn is the farthest and slowest planet in the solar system. Saturn along with the other six planets do have influence and impact over human beings. This we call in a shorthand word as cosmics. When the cosmics of Saturn is predominant in you, we call you a Saturnine person or simply Saturnian. Contrary to beliefs, mainly propagated by astrologers who painted it as malefic, malicious and melancholy planet, Saturn provides the highest positive cosmics. What is more, it lasts for long time. The only caveat is that you have got to behave like a real Saturnian.

Being Saturn Positive

Belief: Justice, fairness and integrity is the driving force functioning as a prod and as a bulwark in this Saturn positive person; it is anchored on qualities of building trust, persuasive leadership and high degree of fortitude.

Attitude: You see the broad picture and narrow down to specific point; macro to micro; separate wheat from the chaff; take-off from present to future; balance work and rest

Behaviour: Consolidation is the recurring theme that dovetails leading from behind combining discipline and dedication; nevertheless you are still proactive with a pause, reflect and move syndrome; slow and steady frame; austere in living, taciturn in speech; understands value of being silent; knowledge is sometimes hidden; master of any profession

Being Saturn Negative

Belief: Although justice, fairness and integrity remains the cornerstone, being saturnine negative you think in terms of regimented approach, giving orders and proven iron fist

Attitude: Job at hand concerns more; so you see the specific picture and broaden it to cover the larger one; starts from micro to reach macro; traverse from past to present and thence to future; work less and rest more; fast work is no bother yet facing adverse circumstances you slow down to the point of almost stopping

Behaviour: Preservation is the key theme spawning cautiousness and a defensive posture; muted leadership appearing more of barren nature than achieving fruitful success; engrossed more in selfishness; trying to do the best in business, but often confronting delays and failures; easily conceal ignorance and pretend to be all knowing.

Minimizing your negative Saturnine qualities and maximizing your positive Saturnine qualities rests on using appropriate cosmic gems and cosmic jewellery. Cosmics from gem & jewellery help aligning you in proper manner. The recommendation of right gem & jewellery is developed after evaluating your character and personality by subjecting your numbers, name, time, physiognomy and bio-data into scrutiny. When you wear the recommended cosmic gems and cosmic jewellery you get into right track and develop the guts to call yourself as a Saturnian. A window of opportunity is now opened for you to enjoy in full the cosmics of great and powerful planet Saturn.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems

E-mail: cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com


Do you have a Sparkling Venus?

Although all seven planets have some form of cosmic impact on you, planet Venus is the one that can make you shining in your life in terms of wealth and happiness. A sparkling Venus gives you an honorific too. Henceforth you are known as Venusian. I can see your gleaming eye. Read more…

Venus energy usually gives out positive cosmics making those who receive it rising in their family and business/career life. Yet, we must accept the flip side too. Quite a number of Venusians fall on the side ways when Venus energy impacts them negatively. So we have two types of people: one has Venus that is sinning bright and the other who is dogged with Venus twinkling dull. Let me paint the canvas of these two groups below:

Venus Shining Bright

1. Love in its multiple facets is the driving force behind this Venusian; good-natured person inclined to show love & affection on the face of provocation; peace loving, friendly and of charming disposition; Sensuality and sensibility in equal measure; smooth conduct of relationship even at stormy times; refined on one hand and being romantic on other win the heart of members from opposite sex; internally cantered relationship siding more with wife ,mother, sister and daughter; a word of caution: limitless romance gives ability to mesmerise or hypnotise ladies

2. Skills and profession are normally value-based; keep the flag of morality up and flying; show fairness & integrity in dealings; transforming into celebrity status; seen more in film, music, arts & crafts, entertainment and others that make people happy; as landed proprietor this Venusian has his feet firmly planted on earth

3. Live a eventful life seeking pleasure and happiness in everything; distinctive taste in dress, finery and delicacy; wining, dining and dancing the worries away; show preference for ornaments, perfumes and luxury goods; appreciate graceful living and modish dwellings

4. Childhood hobbies of collecting stamps and memorabilia mould into appreciating works of art in middle ages and then morph into spiritual or esoteric realm in advanced age; much adept in mantra and tantric love.

Venus Twinkling Dull

1. Money is the major motivator shoving this Venusian to shed noble virtues for a pittance or momentary pleasure; pride & prejudice on one side and emotional & sensual nature on the other constrict room for manoeuvre, resulting in variable moods and unstable mind; the more materialistic one is more unstable one turns out to be; relationship is externally focussed; unwarranted attention towards opposite sex; leaning more towards courtesans and danseurs; exhibit lean & hungry look in hunt for pleasure sexual favours; seductive person wishing to be mollycoddled; desire the company of celebrities and artist in general; devoted wife but foxy mistresses surround him

2. Money & greed notwithstanding, show preference to run marginally profitable business owned solo or in partnership with someone from the opposite sex; what is unexplained is why his sources of income never dry out; games & gaming, PR & advertisement, fashion, publishing magazines, entertainment and glamour industry suit the bill

3. Live a life of a Casanova with an armoury of secrecy and stealth; none can predict his movements and whereabouts; marked fastidiousness in taste and equally strong consciousness for being well groomed and well accepted; Excess is the order of the day in squandering wealth which miraculously gets replenished; susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases when guards are lowered

4. Throughout his life this hard nut Venusian never changes colour and prefer to bid adieu like Frank Sinatra having enjoyed his life in full and in scandal.

Dimming a shining Venus to keep you in moderation or illuminating a twinkling Venus to keep you out of trouble is done by implementing a cosmic solution. Such a solution invariably prescribes the use of cosmic gems and cosmic jewellery to get you back on right track.

Keep talking via Mobile or Skype.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems

E-mail: cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Are You Influenced by Planet Jupiter?

It is universally accepted, that, all seven planets lie within us shaping our character, appearance, attitude, belief and finally our behaviour. Out of these seven planets there could be one planet whose influence is paramount. When this happens we are considered to be under the influence of that particular planet and named accordingly. If this planet happens to be Jupiter then we are automatically elevated to the post of Jovian. Now, let us find out more of being a Jovian….

Jovian Benefics

1. Pleasant disposition together with bright countenance creating feelings of warmth and enthusiasm in others; inspire and energise family, friends, and business colleagues

2. Action orientation mellowed by cautious optimism, considered opinions and calculated risks operationalized in step by step manner

3. Display of abundance, wealth, prosperity, benevolence, tolerance and understanding leading to success & glory in life

4. Extrovert integrating well into society and fit into any system, flaunting high degree of charisma enmeshed with iron fist in a velvet glove, speaking in soft tone and sweet manner

5. Towering frame, but projecting amiable personae using mostly soft power to get things done

6. Solo relationship with single devoted spouse; men being uxorious and women faithful loving children and grandchildren and showering them with expensive gifts

7. Highly judgemental listening to both sides of argument, called “Audi alteram partem” in Latin; give equal attention to parties and weigh everything said and done in neutral manner; as regards to relationship with others moderate, educate and implore best or near best in them; remain attached and detached at one and the same time similar to a trustee or custodian.

Jovian Malefics

1. Fat & jovial disposition displaying a degree of levity even when serious matters are discussed; laugh it off even under testing circumstances; shun hard work; led by blind optimism prepared to take risky and unwarranted steps

2. Egoism on one side and pretension on other, exaggerate matters to the extent of incredulousness; if challenged easily turn aggressive or domineering with loud and harsh tone in order to intimidate; make huge promises that are hardly delivered

3. Fond of using hard power in getting things done; excesses are committed in approving donation or granting largesse in company administration; marry more than once in addition to having several liaisons with paramours; over-indulgence in sex and leisure dissipating energy within.

The extent of benefic or malefic cosmics prevailing on us has to be traced by character mapping of a person by analysing his numbers, name, time, physiognomy and bio-data. Once that is done it is necessary to evaluate whether we should manage and enhance positive cosmics or isolate and reduce negative cosmics or do both. Whatever the decision is, a solution therapy must be administered which include among other things selecting and wearing right cosmic gems and cosmic jewellery. As you are aware gem & jewellery alone accounts for 80% of any such cosmic solution.

Keep talking via Mobile or Skype.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems

E-mail: cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com


Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Four Types of Mercurial Qualities

You will never miss persons with mercurial qualities. Crowned as Mercurians, most of them appear to be childlike or plainly childish. Logic and reasoning guide them towards achieving the tasks at hand. Moreover, they can be damned innovative in finding new products or new uses of existing products. Their gift of the gab is proverbial and so is their wont in using their diction to the best of their advantage. Looks like they have all plus points. But wait a minute….

Mercurians and those who are not strictly defined as such but coming under the cosmic light from the wings of planet Mercury do possess positive and negative mercurial qualities. What is more, these cosmics could turn out to be active or passive. Based on this I have sketched four types of mercurial qualities that are displayed by Mercurians and others with mercurial qualities:

Active Positive Qualities: Keen understanding along with being top on managing sensory process; creates and expresses ideas in plain language; pleasant style of communication presenting one as great conversationalist; extrovert using wit & wisdom in apt manner; curiosity and confident posture that facilitates search for answers to issues and tasks at hand; shows attachment and at the same time independence; fuses physical energy with psychological energy to get synergy; ability to create complex plans and schemes; possesses hidden knowledge which is often put to use

Passive Positive Qualities: Logic and reasoning along with the ability in using thought processes to create complex systems and formulas; remarkable alignment towards using figures rather than facts; inquisitive person with a strong mind and memory that mills through incoming data and outputs it in some understandable format; good at solving jig saw puzzles; detached personality aided by independence; functions at psychological levels so much so their physical abilities are on week side, evidenced in their lack of libido and sexuality; possesses hidden knowledge that is never put to use

Active Negative Qualities: Characterised by quaint behaviour and conduct; introvert at best and creator of friction at worst; studious to the point of boring; too detailed to the extent of dotting the I’s and crossing the t’s; Fussy and needling; ability to form theory and concepts without ever bothering about practical relevance; restless mind that works cross purposes; physical energy goes one side and mental energy to the opposite side

Passive Negative Qualities: More in confusion than in sense; shows tendency towards breaking norms of society secretively by indulging in petty thievery or cheating; insensitive to feelings of others; definitely a petty minded person; unstable mind back pedalling towards nihilism; negativity runs amok in psychological level and can spill over to physical level resulting in incest; quick thinking helps averting long arm of law booking him for breaking law and customs; high intricate thinking process brings cash-flow and a cover for his peccadilloes or misdemeanours as the case may be.

Diagnosing the type of Mercurial qualities of a person is done by mapping his character, appearance, attitude, belief and finally behaviour. Thereafter, it is necessary to devise means of improving the right type of mercurial qualities in him and at the same time weaning him away from the bad cosmics. That is done by selecting and using the right cosmic gems and proper cosmic jewellery. Needless to say, gem & jewellery form the bulk of the required bulwark in Mercurial therapy.

Buzz me when needed.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems

E-mail: cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com

Monday, 8 April 2013

Planet Mars Playing Havoc with You

Despite all the hullaballoo of manliness and courage associated with the planet Mars it remains for many a source of havoc. So much so the ancients devised ways and means of corralling the malefic effects of Mars. They hastened to prescribe cosmic gems and cosmic jewellery as primary remedy.

Taking a cue from the ancients modern analysis attempt to identify whether a native is subject to positive or negative influence of the planet Mars. This is done by character mapping of a person by analysing his numbers, name, time, physiognomy and bio-data. If the analysis leads to the conclusion that a person is under the iron grip of planet Mars he is christened as “Martian”.

Hallmark of Martian is displayed in his sheer courage, raw guts and press-on attitude. So much so mimicking the Bard one can say “Courage, thy name is Martian”. His personal brand is stewed with plenty of can do stuff. Always paddling at high energy levels Martian tends to be firm in his dealings clinging stubbornly onto his point of view. Though he is not a born leader, he can rise to any occasion due to his inherent quality of vim, vigour and vitality. Nary a moment he is idle, tending to this or that issue he can be ruthless in getting to his target. Enjoying full what he has got he may be selfish at times in denying others their fair share. Initiative never fails him or rather he never fails to take apt initiative.

If this general description fits you, read on to find out, on the one hand how Mars cause negative cosmics such as distress, damage, disorder and confusion in your life and on the other significant positive cosmics that make you proud being a Martian:

1. You are bumping from one conflict to another. In a way it is good in that it makes you an expert in conflict resolution and allied subjects. But it takes its toll too. There are several agonizing moments often occurring in a train of events

2. On-off sex drive in Martian is a subject of debate and discussion among many occultists. The ancients considered Mars causing marital issues in general. In modern sexology this needs to be re-phrased as fluctuating libido that at the summit prods a Martian to become licentious and lustful and at the low point pushes him filing for divorce from erstwhile spouse for no good reasons

3. Your masculinity is always showing. Call it mojo, macho or just the reflection of Tag Heuer brand. You are hot, hard, stony, sharp and everything about the male energy yang in Chinese and Pingala in Sanskrit. Well and good. But how to channelize the vast resource of this energy is the question that stares at you throughout your life. If you exceed limit, which you will do in any case, you are branded as a brute, spoiler and perhaps as an out of out rascal. All these for no fault of yours

4. You are an embodiment of confusion worst confounded. The bolt from planet Mars stuns you so much that it harms your level-headedness. Your marriage, career and lifestyle all go up in smoke as you grope in darkness and get sucked in confusion, disorder and distress

5. Good things do not bypass you either. You get sheer luck when that beautiful lass living down the lane falls for you despite being courted by men who are richer and more popular. Whether this unfortunate girl finds conjugal happiness is another question

6. Your drive and dedication is legendary in your circle. Your gung-ho style and the way and means you adopt to get things done elicit envious praise. You are the Atlas in many companies, as colleagues turn to you to solve their issues and perhaps unload their burden on you. By the same token, you can become the fall guy too when things go out of control

7. Physical features of you come in combinations; large head, with small but sharp and fierce looking eyes; Finely laid forehead with thin lips; slender waist with long fingers; pleasant countenance with steely arms; short stature with strong upper body so on these sets of physiognomy make you recognisable wherever you as Martian strolls.

Mitigating negative cosmics of a Martian demands that you wear selected cosmic gems and cosmic jewellery in addition to being tutored by an independent cosmic adviser. Gem & jewellery is also prescribed to buttress positive cosmics of a Martian so that you can turn a new leaf in your business life and family life.

Press-on by talking to me via Mobile or Skype.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems

E-mail: cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com


Friday, 5 April 2013

Are you under the Spell of the Moon?

Out of the seven planets that are present in your cosmic chemistry, the Moon sounds much more mysterious. If you have preponderance of the Moon influencing your character and conduct then you are considered to be under the spell of the Moon. Let me give you a brief of the Moon person:

Although ancients linked the Moon as an astrological phenomenon, modern analysts use the Moon typology to map character, appearance, attitude, belief and finally behaviour of persons and conclude whether someone exhibits these features on the basis of line of best fit. To do so, a cosmic adviser analyses numbers, name, time, physiognomy and bio-data of a person under scrutiny. Where the analysis leads to the conclusion that a person is under the spell of the Moon, then he is crowned as “Lunarian”.

In general form a Lunarian is a mysterious person, who understands others better but never makes him understood by others. Sensuality and sensitivity go hand in hand with him. Dreaming a lot, he will be able to recall what he has dreamt in pin point accuracy. Even though he is fortified with powerful mind structure buttressed with a keen analytical frame, he often falls prey to those who uses emotion to milk his generosity. Frequent changes in focus and attention are the result of his mind and mood that are in constant state of flux.

If you fit this general description read on to trace your cosmics in the list of seven special characteristics:

1. You get ultimately what you desire; whether you enjoy what you get remains a muted question; never satisfied is a sum total of you

2. Sex arousal goes in crescendo during waxing moon and dives diminuendo during waning moon like tonal variability of musical score. High degree of sexuality together with sensuality is at summit around the Full Moon day

3. The cosmic energy produced within your body system experiences see-saw pattern; consequently either you brim with vitality or complain about loss of concentration

4. Emotional instability is yet another disturbance afflicts you especially if you are engaged in stressful jobs and vocations or having competitive lifestyle

5. Often dubbed as mother’s boy or girl you have special attachment towards feminine groups; mother tops the scale followed by aunts, sisters and sisters-in-law. Quite a lover of women, many of whom remain faithful friends

6. The following cosmics are to be noted: fond of elegance in dress and demeanour; measured speech; splendid gait; straightened composure; joint eyebrows; habit of raising eyebrow while conversing; reputed and respected personality

7. To compensate any negative cosmics, you possess hidden knowledge that comes handy in solving knotty problems.

Managing the spell of the Moon requires behaviour modification, known by its acronym “Be-mod”. In addition you must wear apt cosmic gems along with cosmic jewellery. Mitigating negatives and enhancing positives of moon spell dictates the use of gem & jewellery that accounts for about 80 % of the moon spell therapy.

Touch base with me thru mobile, Skype or e-mail.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems

E-mail: cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com


Thursday, 4 April 2013

Are You Sun dominated Person?

All seven planets lie within you shaping your character, appearance, attitude, belief and finally your behaviour. The degree of their presence is, however not symmetrical. There could be one planet whose influence on you is predominant. The ancients often segregated a native as subject of a particular planet and ascribed to him qualities pertaining to that planet. The Sun is one of the planets. Read more…

Leaving aside your astrological identity, modern analysis takes into account your numbers, name, time, features and your bio-data to trace how much and how far you are dominated by the Sun. If you are in the Sun class, then you are given the rubric as “Solarian”.

A Solarian is basically a self-conscious person, whose self-esteem is not negotiable item. If you are known for excellent leadership qualities and often tend to have a trade-off between ambition and kindness and not dismissed as a kind of ruthless person then you fit the bill as Solarian. Quick in thought and much quicker in action you have both vibrancy and vitality in equal measure. More often than not, you are elected as leader. Let me say with a wink, you will manoeuvre so that you are elected as such. A key driving force is your eagerness for power and glory.

Few more highlights of your cosmics are sketched below:

1. Noble in manners and conduct; sometimes lose patience and blare at others but quickly gain repose and come to terms with aggrieved parties

2. Have one or more of the cosmics: penetrating eye, attentive ear, sensing nose and a sonar in your system that forewarns you

3. Chaste at the same time sensual so that you love and appreciate beauty but do not break social norms

4. Wish to have a house like a palace, but satisfied in whatever the dwellings you are in

5. Take pleasure in dining and whining; displaying predilection for dried fruits

6. Marked by youthfulness, you go with the times in dress and attire; fashion and fads

7. Keep updated in knowledge of subjects that concern you

You might or might not have all these qualities. In order to enhance your Solarian status you are advised to wear appropriate cosmic gems and cosmic jewellery. Such gem & jewellery helps in big way in making you shine like a real Solarian.

Keep in touch!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems

E-mail: cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com


Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Which Nakshathra relates to you the Most?

At first sight, you would not worry much about this subject, as Nakshathra is an open and shut case for you. You were supposed to be born under a particular Nakshathra, so said your parents and so said astrologers whom your parents consulted years ago. So why you should re-visit the subject and find about which Nakshathra relates you most?

Daily several millions devotees go to temples and make “Archana” a special kind of puja or prayer officiated by priests wherein incantation is made citing personal name along with name of Nakshathra to invoke blessings of the Deity who oversees them. Elsewhere, Nakshathra is compared to find out compatibility of a man and woman before they are married.

Beyond these events analysis of Nakshathra and how it relates to you as a person has never been attempted. Today, interest in Nakshathra is re-kindled due to the straightened circumstances in which you, society, country and in broader sense the world are placed. The concept of Nakshathra as cosmic script dovetailing character and capability is understood and analysed more openly and more critically. There is a via media. Whatever the Nakshathra under which you are born is considered fait accompli and leaving it aside, a different Nakshathra which has most resemblance in terms of attitude, appearance, motivation, goals, characters, capacity and host of other features need to be selected out of 27 such Nakshathra from Hindu system and 28 Lunar Mansions from Arabic system. By and large even the Hindu system is being brought to parallel at the ball park point of 28 after the addition of Abijit as separate Nakshathra.

The search for the right Nakshathra has already begun. You cannot be left out. You have to collate all information available for Nakshathra in general and try to see which one applies you at best. As an alternative you can seek proper counsel in finding out the one that displays the person you are. It is true, that you tend to see quite some relativity in many of the astrological signs, but Nakshathra is different. Either your personality fit in or you do not belong to it. The litmus test is whether features of a particular Nakshathra speaks of the man who claims to have it as his Nakshathra. A degree of quantification is necessary and one can use Pareto theory suitably amended for this purpose. If the line of fits hovers around 80 % then we can accept that a person belongs to a particular Nakshathra

Let me cite a cosmic case study about the “Pushya” Nakshathra. This is the eighth Nakshathra with a symbology of cow’s udder. Appropriately named as “Star of Nourishment” Pushya is marked astronomically with double stars Ascellus Australis and Ascellus Borealis in the Cancer Constellation. Cosmics of these stars speak of nourishment of self as well as nourishing others. Hence, there are two limbs in the Nakshathra. One speaks of a person who loves fruits, sweets and palatable eatables and remaining well nourished. The next limb declares that he is most charitable, marked more for his tendency to feed those who are hungry. To belong to this Nakshathra one must display both these qualities. Any permutations other than this must be rejected. My hypothesis is that either those who have Pushya as stated Nakshathra do not possess these limbs together in their personal profiling or those who are nourishing self or others do not have Pushya as claimed Nakshathra.

Keep talking!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems

E-mail: cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com


Monday, 1 April 2013

What is Cosmic Solution?

A cosmic solution is defined as a series of steps that you take in order to solve a problem or issue that impedes your progress. These steps are recommended to you after studying your problem or issue in depth along with your personal dynamics. Interested then, read on...

You face quite some problems or issues in your day to day life. Of course, you will turn to a specialist in solving your problem say, health or marriage. These specialists would look it from the point of view of their training. Their solutions might work completely or partially or simply fail. But cosmic solution assists you in making many of their recommendation work better. It does not mean that you should not consult, for example, a doctor for your health problem. What it means is that cosmic solution makes the medicine work for you better.

Cosmic solution is developed after carefully considering each of your problem or Issue in isolation and in conjunction with one another. Moreover, it is necessary to treat your problem or Issue as a distinct one requiring a personalised solution. Never, there could be hum – drum generalized solutions. Let us assume that you have a career problem where you are not getting along well with your boss & colleagues. There is nothing wrong in you or in your boss or colleagues. So it is something other than career.

Now you got it. What is lacking is the absence of understanding and evaluating your inner self, which we call personal dynamics or simply as cosmics. As you are aware cosmics are aspects residing within you shaping and influencing your life though these are un-seen and un-noticed by you. For example, if your cosmics dictate that you should open a jewellery business no point of your getting into a business that sells shoes. Harnessing your cosmics and turning it to your own advantage is the key input that is provided in a cosmic solution.

A cosmic solution comprises recommendations relating to several items including gems & crystals, metals, colours, numbers, directions, timing, calling name, signature, logo, symbology, talisman, meditation, incantation of words or mantra and host of others that have some form of vibrations that influence the cosmic resonance either positively or negatively.

When used in cosmic solution gems & crystals are dubbed as cosmic gems. Metals are used to house these cosmic gems in a holders or outers giving rise to what we call as cosmic jewellery. Gem & jewellery alone accounts for 80 % of the cosmic solution. Never the less, the rest of the solution is vital to make cosmic gems and cosmic jewellery to function well.

Keep in touch via mobile, Skype or e-mail.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems

E-mail: cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com