Wednesday 27 January 2010

Deneb, White Star of Fortune

After sun set during months between June till October, you are marvelled to see a bright white star in the north-eastern sky. Known as the summer star, Deneb is fascinatingly luminous. If you are born under the star you soar in wealth and fame. Let me explain about the star Deneb in this blog post, outlining its astronomy, cosmics and how you can start improving your life and lifestyle.


The full name of the star “Deneb” is ‘Deneb Adige” which is derived from Arabic “Al-Dhanab Al-Dajajah” meaning “Tail of the Hen”. It has couple of aliases too. One is the name of “Aridef” given from the Arabic word “Al-Ridhf” which means ‘Innermost” as Deneb is located in the tail of the swan much deep in the constellation. Another name is “Arion” one of the Lyre-players who was turned into a swan by Zeus. The star’s location in the Cygnus constellation is very unique. Whether the wings are outstretched or folded the star Deneb remains prominent and colourful.

There are number of stars in vogue carrying the common name “Deneb” meaning the tail in Arabic. Deneb Algedi and Deneb Kaitos are few of the examples. But out of all these stars Deneb Adige is the most brightest and brilliant. Hence, we call the star simply as “Deneb”. Astronomically known as Alpha Cygni, Deneb is the number one star in the Cygnus constellation. Cygnus means a swan. Deneb is a variable star located at Right Ascension (Celestial longitude) of 20 hours 41 minutes and 44 seconds and Declination (Celestial latitude) of 45 degree and 18 minutes. If you look at the star intently against the background of the nearby sky you will notice three important shapes:

1. The Northern Cross where the star Deneb is on the head, with four other stars in centre, foot, right and left of the cross

2. A flying swan with outstretched wings with the star Deneb on the tail part

3. A Summer Triangle formed by Deneb along with stars Vega and Altair.

Though Deneb is the brightest star in the Cygnus constellation, it is just the nineteenth brightest in the known sky. A blue-white super giant its apparent magnitude is 1.25, but its real or absolute magnitude must be very much higher as Deneb is about 66,500 light years away from us. It has several unique qualities:

1. It is the largest white star known to us with 20 times the size of our Sun and with a diameter of about 116 times that of the Sun

2. Its brightness changes slightly due to pulsation; Deneb has become a prototype of this type of phenomenon called “Alpha Cygni Variables” extended to other stars that pulsate in similar manner

3. Deneb is moving away from the Earth at two and half miles per second

4. Deneb has stopped fusing hydrogen at the core; heavily lashed by stellar winds, it is losing its mass steadily. Consequently, Deneb a blue- white star at present would evolve to be a red giant and then explode as a supernova after millions of years hence

5. At present, the star generates 8400 Kelvin heat giving fantastic white colour rays wherein all the colours are present in equal strength as white is the mother of all colours

6. Deneb is also surrounded by nebula; one such nebula is North America Nebula or NGC 7000

6. Deneb figures in several science fiction films such as “Star Trek”, as it remains one of the keenly watched and well –researched stars in the heaven.


Deneb forms the Northern Cross Asterism, the one that attracts attention during the summer sky. This asterism is noted in astronomy because it arises almost in the parallel position to the star Canopus in the north eastern sky. The Northern Cross is formed by:

1. Deneb on the head

2. Sadr (Gamma Cygni) in the centre; the name Sadr from Arabic “Al-Sadr Al -Dajajah” meaning ‘Breast of the Hen”

3. Albiero ( Beta Cygni) at the foot; alternate name is Minhar from Arabic “ Al-Minhar Al-Dajajah” meaning “Beak of the Hen”

4. Delta Cygni on the left; called variably as ‘ Rukh” and Al-Fawaris” meaning ‘Mythical bird’ and ‘Rider” respectively

5. Gienah (Epsilon Cygni) on the right; the name Gienah from Arabic “ Al-Janah Al-Dajajah” meaning ‘ Wing of the Hen”.

Cygnus Constellation

There are several legends of Cygnus constellation in the Greek Mythology. Two of these are well known:

1. When Leda is married to Tyndareus King of Sparta, Zeus creeps into her bedroom in the wedding night and seduces her; as a result of the union she gives birth to a son by the name of Pollux of Gemini fame. Hence, the swan is placed in the heavens

2. Orpheus and Arion are two lyre players,; Orpheus was killed while he was in a drunken state. Zeus placed both of them as musicians for eternity in the form of a flying swan.


Deneb does not figure as a birth star, sighted by the Moon or lucky star sighted by other six planets because it is far away from the ecliptical plane. Hence, Deneb can influence your life as a rising star or a culminating star only. However, the effect of the star Deneb is not much pronounced in cases of persons who are born in locations above 30 degree north in latitude or below 30 degree south in latitude. This is because for those who are born in locations above 30 degree north the star Deneb never sets and to those who are born in locations below 30 degree south the star Deneb never rises.

Improving Your Life

Considering the positive and negative cosmics of the star Deneb the following are brief recommendations given for improving your life:

1. You should select blue, white or bright colours for your upper and lower garments

2. Numbers 2, 4 and 5 should do wonders for you

3. You must sleep, keeping your head towards the direction of North - East

4. You must select business or profession that deals with aviation, broadcast, telecast or satellite transmission

5. You can also deal in poultry farming and related areas

6. Dealing in white goods such as fridges and washing machines could lead to prosperity

7. Industries such as Music and films and Leisure & tourism could be more rewarding

8. You should work in pleasant areas and shun areas of rough and tumble

9. Your marriage life soars in the beginning and falls flat in the end; hence you should take care

10. You should use the alphabet “R” in the name; if this is not possible get username, pet name or business name in this manner.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

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