Tuesday 13 October 2015

Rewire Your Body with the Mind

When your body is not wired properly to the mind, you tend to move your hands around without a sense of purpose. Flailing of hands is one of the signs that a person needs rewiring sooner than later. Here are few instances where you must attempt rewiring lest you become a miserable failure.

Getting negative thoughts: Unless checked, barging in of constant negative thoughts can demolish your life, family and career in no time. You can forestall this tragedy by resorting to wiring positive mind with the body. When you get free time look at the sky or natural scenery. Start thinking of how good the sky is or how the scenery unfolds. Repeat these thoughts 3 to 5 times. Now get the thoughts transform into positive feelings and emotions. You get an elan in you. Now connect with your body, specially your face. Suppress your gleeful smile, now that you see a glow in your face and a glittering glint in the eye. That is it, the rewiring is done and in place.

Failing to achieve goals set:  Your career is like an eraser. Repeat failures in achieving goals can reduce the size and continuity of your career. Whenever a goal is set or task is given for you to perform, sit down and run the entire sequences of your work activities as mental dry run that teaches you any snags that you will encounter or any pitfalls in the sequence. Re-run the sequence couple of times. Cut here, improve there and fashion out how the task can move seamlessly. Now rewire your body with the pathway to the goal. I am sure you are now ready for action.

Managing embarrassing moments: At this point, anybody’s wire can go haywire. Anything you say can be held against you in the future. First reaction from your side must be to keep calm and gag your mouth. Loosen your hands; allow the mind to run a rehearsal of how you should respond by word, body language or other actions. Once you are sure of the pros and cons then connect with your body by rewiring it. Now you have control of the situation at the mind level as well as control of your body. You have taken it on the stride and came out brilliantly well. 

Being too emotional:            Highly emotional people tend to react in two ways. Pouring out externally or keeping in internally. One instance of pouring out is to scowl at others in menacing manner. Brooding in anger and sulking in isolation is an example of keeping emotions internally. Both are bad and could damage your psychological and physical wellbeing. You can come out of being too emotional by rewiring your body with your mind. This is how you do this. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and call the mind to spew out all the emotions it has stored. Group the emotions into two categories: positive and negative. Allow the positive ones to pass muster. Now is the turn for flagging negative emotions and feelings. Repeat these negatives and single out the ones that are too critical. For sake of convenience, limit these to 2 or 3 at a time.

Now you move onto a sofa, settee or bed that has springs fitted. Call each negative emotions and say loudly, “Perish you from my life” so saying spring up hands held high. At this moment, you see a sense of elation going through your body. You feel relieved and rejuvenated. You are brimming in confidence and your body is ready for action. Well you have successfully rewired your body and mind to succeed in life and career.

Be in touch!

Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677
E-mail:    cosmicgems@gmail.com

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