Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Cosmic Analysis of your Mind

Mind has four layers: conscious mind, sub-conscious mind, unconscious mind and cosmic conscious mind. You can master each level as you progress in your life. The only requirement is that your personal cosmics must be attuned to it. Cosmic analysis can find out how your planets indicate your disposition towards attaining this mastery. Read for more:

1. Conscious Mind: At the first level, your conscious mind functions as reservoir of sensations, perceptions, memories, thoughts and fantasies consciously. Simply put, you are aware about the present moment and realize what is happening outside and what is happening inside. All your six senses are working fine and you will process information in a rational and methodical manner. What you want for current use or future use is stored in the conscious mind; whatever you wish to forget about is banished to the third level of unconscious mind. Mastery of the conscious mind is indicated by strong presence of planets Sun and Moon in your cosmic profile.

2. Sub-conscious Mind: Coined by Pierre Janet, French Psychologist the second level of mind refers to the store of information that you are not currently and actively aware at this moment but stored and available if you can access or recall it whenever necessary. Since the info is neither consciously processed nor readily available you have to make an effort to retrieve it. Mastery of this level is shown by strong presence of planets Moon and Mercury in your cosmic profile.

3. Unconscious Mind: Originally introduced by Friedrich Schelling, German Philosopher, in this third level of mind you store emotions, feelings, urges, and memories to lie outside your conscious awareness. As explained earlier the conscious mind archives info that is not in current use or that gives a distaste into files that are hidden or deleted. Some of the transcripts might relate to wild desires, painful memories or ideas that are not socially acceptable. Though hidden these files exert significant influence over your personality and conduct. You cannot access these files easily unless your unconscious mind speaks up with you by sending flashes, messages, signs, symbols from the transcripts stored in deep levels. Mastery of this level is illustrated by strong presence of Mercury and Saturn in your cosmic profile.

4. Cosmic-Conscious Mind: Fourth and final level of mind relates to cosmic conscious mind. Although this level of mind does not figure in any major works of psychologists, you can find it in the annals of Kabalist, Yogi and Sufi literature. Described as a reservoir of spirituality beyond your conscious awareness, this level is achieved by saints, sages and mystics who move seamlessly in a triangle consisting of perception, meditation and transformation. Your potential for this level is revealed by strong presence of Saturn and Sun in your cosmic profile.

Check with me!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

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