Friday 16 April 2010

Welcome Sun in Aries


Entry of the Sun into Aries constellation marks a new beginning. It is because when it enters into Aries it completes the annual ecliptical journey across the constellations and come to the point where it originally started. This year the Sun enters into Aries on April 19, heralding good times for all of you. Let me explain in this blog post astronomy and cosmics surrounding this event. As usual, I give you few tips for improving your life.


Long time ago when the Vernal Equinox was in the Aries constellation the Sun used to enter it on March 20. However, due to precession of the Earth the Vernal Equinox point has now shifted to the Pisces constellation. When the Sun enters into Aries constellation on April 19 this year, he has company of both Venus and Mercury who are already there. The Sun is expected to stay in Aries for 25 days till May 13. Aries is one of the seven constellations where the Sun spends less than 30 days. Other six constellations are: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Ophiuchus, Capricorn and Aquarius. Out of these, Ophiuchus is a non-zodiacal constellation.


The entry point for the Sun into Aries is located at the hove of the stretched left foot of the Ram. Having entered Aries, the Sun moves in a fashion cutting through the lower belly of the Ram. In doing so the Sun passes minor stars such as Omicron Arietis, Pi Arietis, Sigma Arietis and Rho Arietis. The only significant star that the Sun passes in proximity is Botein (Delta Arietis).

The entry of the Sun into Aries is welcomed from the time immemorial. This event was celebrated by different cultures as New Year, Spring Festival etc. Originally Sun’s entry into Aries coincided with the Vernal Equinox giving rise to celebrations such as Nowruz. While most of the western world adopted the tropical New Year on March 20, Hindus adopted the sidereal New Year on Mid-April. However, the actual entry of the Sun into Aries was slowly forgotten. I am rekindling interest on the actual event to bring a degree of awareness about the movement of the Sun in terms of astronomy.

The Sun generates both positive and negative cosmics during its stay in Aries constellation:

Positive Cosmics

Ability to face up challenges; willingness to take responsibility; rising to the occasion, give leadership and make others follow you; always take it to the next level; drive, dedication reinforced by physical strength; unswerving leadership; springing for action at any given time; quality of accepting defeat and try again; sportsmanship; helping others in their need are some of the highlights in positive side

Negative Cosmics

Rashness bordering on arrogance; desperado type action against all odds ending in failure and decimation ; insensitivity to the feelings of others; high degree of action orientation sans thoughts and rationality; impulsive nature; first to draw the gun life-style; stubbornness resulting in ignoring dangers or weaknesses are key negatives

Improving Your Life

The following are few hints to optimize your cosmics:

1. Always put your right foot forward, that is, think right, speak right and act right

2. Control your angst and anxiety; tongue and temper; guts and feelings. This is the time for you to go for the meat, but at the same time do it thoughtfully. This applies in your home with family and at your office with business partners and colleagues. You must also take care that peer pressure does not make you lose balance in dealing with subordinates

3. Best time to implement your plan. You observe within your system a sense of going ahead and getting things done during the period. Translate this feeling into action

4. Expand your lifestyle into ruthless work regime with equally fastidious fun and frolic; in other words bring the energy to flow into your vein and go on energizing others to do at your bidding. You must not forget to reward others for doing their part

5. Adopt a win-win approach in your business and family; ensure that you look at some of the things you have not done for the family, say, paying the arrears of the college fees of your son; in your business life, close the deal in selling some of the items that were slow moving during last few months and be prepared to cut loss so that you can free your cash flow.

6. Those of you who need a wee bit of push and personality must choose uplifting your dress style, and colour choice; improve your style of working with others, for example take your admin for a lunch which was long over-due anyway. Few of the gems & crystals that can flip your turn around in your psyche and physics include Red Coral, Bloodstone, Pyrope (Red Garnet), Red Jasper and Rubellite (Red Tourmaline).

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

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