Breathing well is the key to your physical and mental well being. Follow the easy steps in effective breathing outlined in this blog post and see how your cosmics work for you in enhancing your health and in improving your life.
1. Sit comfortably on a chair; keep your spine straight and the chest up. Relax for few minutes. Hold my hand; I shall take you step by step to master the technique of breathing. Let us begin.
2. First learn to inhale and exhale slowly. Inhale slowly for 4 seconds and thereafter exhale slowly for 8 seconds. Once you master it you can increase the time slot of inhaling by 4 seconds interval. Please note that inhaling is the base measure. Your next level is to inhale for 8 seconds and exhale for 16 seconds; go one step above by inhaling for 12 seconds and then exhaling for 24 seconds. For normal persons this is sufficient. But after mastering this basic breathing technique if you wish to do more you can extend the time of inhaling up to 60 seconds, that is, one minute. Remember always that in this case, inhaling is the base measure and that inhaling and exhaling ratio is 1: 2. Repeat for 6 times for good results
3. Now let me add another dimension: Holding the breath. Inhale for 4 seconds afterwards you hold your breath for 16 seconds and thereafter exhale in 8 seconds; as you practise it well you can increase the time slot of inhaling by 4 seconds interval. Your next levels is inhaling for 8 seconds, holding for 32 seconds and exhaling in 16 seconds; improve breathing further by inhaling for 12 seconds, holding 48 seconds and exhaling in 24 seconds. For normal persons this is sufficient. But after mastering this medium level breathing technique, if you wish to do more you can increase the time of inhaling for 60 seconds, that is, one minute. Remember always that in this case inhaling is the base measure and that inhaling, holding and exhaling ratio is 1: 4: 2. Repeat for 6 times for good results
4. I wish to add yet another dimension: Breathless period. Inhale slowly for 4 seconds hold your breath for 16 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds and go breathless for 8 seconds that is do not inhale for 8 seconds. As you practice this well, you can scale up to the next level; now pitch inhaling at 8 seconds, hold breath for 32 seconds, exhale in 16 seconds and being breathless for 16 seconds. Thereafter you can improve further by inhaling for 12 seconds, holding for 48 seconds and exhaling for 24 seconds and being breathless for 24 seconds. For normal persons this is sufficient. But after mastering this advanced breathing technique, if you wish to do more you can increase the time of inhaling for 60 seconds, that is, one minute. Remember always that, in this case, inhaling is the base measure and that inhaling, holding exhaling and being breathless ratio is 1: 4: 2: 2. Repeat for 6 times for good results
5. You can graduate to using alternate nostrils for breathing in and breathing out. The procedure is very simple. First learn to inhale via the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril. Close your left nostril by your right hand ring finger; inhale via right nostril for 4 seconds; hold the breath for 16 seconds; now close your right nostril by your right hand thumb finger. Exhale via the left nostril for 8 seconds; thereafter stay breathless, that is, without inhaling for 8 seconds. This is the first part of the cycle.
The second part of the cycle is to alternate the nostril. Now it is the turn of inhaling via the left nostril and exhaling through the right nostril. Close your right nostril by your right hand thumb finger; inhale via left nostril for 4 seconds; hold the breath for 16 seconds, now close your left nostril by right hand ring finger. Exhale via the right nostril for 8 seconds; thereafter stay breathless, that is, without inhaling for 8 seconds. Once this is done the full cycle is over. Repeat the full cycle for 6 times.
But after mastering this highly advanced breathing technique, if you wish to do more you can increase the time of inhaling up to 60 seconds, that is, one minute. Remember always that, inhaling is the base measure and that inhaling, holding, exhaling and being breathless ratio is 1: 4: 2: 2.
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