Tuesday 23 February 2010

Full Moon February 2010


Full Moon February 2010 forecasts, good and bad in equal measure. In this blog post let me explain the details of the Full Moon in terms of astronomy and cosmics and offer you few tips for improving your life.


1. Full Moon: The Full Moon appears at 16.38 UTC/GMT on Sunday 28 February 2010. You have to trace your local time in reference to this time.

2. Location: At the time the Moon is located at:

Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) 10 hour 42 minutes 16 seconds

Declination (Celestial Latitude) North 4 degree 7minutes 53 seconds

3. Constellation: Sextans

4. Illumination: 99.96 per centum

5. Perigee: This is the point where the Moon is closest to the Earth in its revolution. The Moon reached the Perigee point on the previous day, that is, February 27, at 21.41 UTC/GMT when its distance from the Earth was around 222,345 miles. At the time of Full Moon, the Moon is moving away from the perigee point; consequently the pulling power is, in fact, recedes

6. Surrounding Planets: Saturn on the East in Virgo constellation; Mars towards North-west in Cancer constellation

7. Lunar Mansions: At the time of Full Moon, it is located in the Eleventh Lunar Mansion (Arabic: Al-Manzil Al-Qamar) of Al-Zubrah, which means the Mane of the Lion.

8. Star: At this time the Moon is overlooking the star Hydrobius located on the hood of the snake. The Greek word Hydrobius means “Water Dweller”. It is the brightest amongst the six stars on the hood of the snake and considered to be the most potent. Astronomically known as Zeta Hydrae, it is a bright yellow giant with a spectral class of G9III; with a magnitude of 3.11 Hydrobius showers magical yellow light that can make your pulse move faster. Located some 150 light years away, with a surface heat of 4,820 Kelvin, it is about 138 times luminous as our Sun and is about 16 times its size.

9. Asterism: The star Hydrobius is one of the six stars on the hood of the serpent known as Hydra Head Asterism. Other stars in the asterism are: Delta, Epsilon, Eta, Rho and Sigma stars, all of them in the Hydra constellation.


The combined effect of the Full Moon in the circumstances described above gives both positive and negative cosmic results:

Positive Cosmics: More emphasis on rationality and calculation; profit or cash-flow turns out to be the only measure leaving others out; time for intellect and rational mind; more importance of law and order, compulsion on standards and ethics in business or family affairs.

Negative Cosmics: Fiery nature together with imbalance of cosmic energy of Leo and Virgo leads to temper tantrum both in office and in family affairs; Health is generally impaired; caring for others or considering the point of view of others might be skipped with disastrous consequences. Being careless could cost you more.

Improving Your Life

Few tips for improving your life till the next New Moon are given below:

1. Apply brakes in carefree lifestyle lest you make your life miserable

2. Control your tongue and temper, otherwise you are going to make the already bad atmosphere more poisonous; this applies to both in your office and in the hone front

3. Take care of pollution from the environment, as the heat generated could spell physical discomfiture

4. For those in politics, beware of conspiracy and calculated actions of your enemies; for those in higher administration in public and private sectors, you must be careful about giving nods to unsavoury and unlawful projects or actions

5. Good time for sales and marketing guys who are bent on travelling

6. For women ill-health in general and menstrual disorders in particular could be very nasty

7. Time to get married but not time to start a new romance

8. Those in financial markets, such as stock and bonds, you would better play the field widely

9. For business men new partnerships or new ventures in technology are best plays

10. Use lot of yellow in your system: yellow colour, yellow vegetables, fruits with yellow inside are the best for you

11. Fruit essence for men is blackberry; for women it is Apricot. Follow the instructions on the bottle; use two such bottles in this fortnight

12. As regards to Gems & Crystals, any yellow gems are good for this season: Yellow sapphire, Yellow topaz, Lemon topaz, Citrine, Garnet, Beryl and Zircon are generally recommended.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

E-mail : cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web : http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com

Blog : http://cosmicgemslanka.com/blog/


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