Tuesday 16 February 2010

Choosing the Right Time

When you succeed, you say it is a good time. But when you fail you say you are dogged by bad time. So time is always in essence for you and for the entire world. What about choosing the right time where you can neutralize the chances of failure and enhance the degree of success. This blog post attempts to explain freedom and capacity in choosing time and recommends cosmic time as a method of choice.

Time is in essence is a basic concept and to great extent a rule of law followed by every body. You will observe that for every activity the start time is specified. For several others both start and end time is also stipulated. All of you are used to these parameters. Rarely you criticize these parameters let alone violate any. So much so your lives are inter- wined with the concept called time. Apart from social norms that govern the time element there are religious commands that mandate that you follow the right time in activities such as prayer or penitence. When you subject any activity in which you are concerned with, you see two aspects dangling over it: freedom to choose the time and capacity to fix the time.

Freedom to Choose the Time

The degree of freedom to choose the time differs, depending on the type of activities you undertake. Broadly, there are three categories:

No Autonomy: Under this category, you have no freedom to choose the time at all. For example, the time when your train comes into your platform at the railway station

Semi Autonomy: Under this category, you have some freedom; for example, the lunch time you take. Here, you can choose the lunch time of half to one hour at anytime between 12.00 Noon till 2.00 p.m.

Full Autonomy: Under this category, you have complete freedom. For example, the time you wish to go to bed.

Capacity to Fix the Time

Concomitant to freedom aspect, capacity to fix the right time varies depending on the nature of the activity you undertake. Broadly, there are three categories:

Emergency : On and off you are placed in an emergency situation where you have no capacity to fix the time at all. A fire in your office is an apt example

Routine : As the name implies these activities are mundane and of routine nature set with a uniform pattern. However, you have capacity to amend or alter as these activities progress in a typical office day. For example, your appointment diary is amended to bring a priority meeting forward

Discretionary : Under this category you have full capacity to fix the time; most activities of discretionary nature relate to your family and business life. For example, the time to embark on a new venture in your business life.

As you see, it is in the area of discretionary matters you can combine full capacity with full autonomy. In order to fix the time you generally tend to use either of the two methods:

1. Convenience: Your convenience decides

2. Gut Feeling: Your gut feeling says so

When the result comes you get into the situation described at the beginning of the blog post; either you succeed and say it is a good time or fail and say it is a bad time. There is no such thing as good time or bad time; there is only one thing you need to be concerned with, that is choosing the right time. If you choose the right then you can neutralize the chances of failure and enhance the degree of success. This can be done easily by finding the cosmic time for you.

Cosmic Time

To understand cosmic time you have to look at the sky. Each moment there is a star rising, a star culminating over-head or a star setting. The Sun moves from one constellation to another in its annual journey traversing about 13 constellations and not 12 as erroneously believed. The Moon in its rotation around the Earth parks in 28 Lunar Mansions in a typical month. The other five planets, namely Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury also move in their respective orbits. You should choose the right time by looking at the stars in the sky rather than depending on your convenience or gut feeling.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

E-mail : cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web : http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com

Blog : http://cosmicgemslanka.com/blog/


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