Every now and then you come across the word Blessings and you feign that you have lot of these if not only from the God but from several others whom you consider are important and capable of giving such blessings. Who can shower you blessings and whose behalf? This vexed question is answered in this blog post.
Blessings: Scriptures make blessings the prerogative of God and rightly so. All of us accept that it is the God who has created the universe and the beings within including every living organism. Having done that the God continues to shower his blessings. Undoubtedly, we need the blessings of the Lord for us to play our role as human beings on Earth.
Medium: Since the God does not personally appear to bless you, there has to be a medium found for this purpose. In Greek culture an Oracle was construed as a medium; in many Eastern cultures clairvoyance was resorted to receive the blessings of the Lord. In Hindu Culture, however, beings other than humans such as cobras were venerated in order to receive such blessings.
Message: All these media essentially started to give the blessings on behalf of the God , later as time passed by, developed into giving message of their own as well. Both types of blessings have come to be accepted. While the blessings of the Lord remains supreme, the blessings of those venerated do play a major role in human conduct.
Media Types: According to an old Tamil adage the level of authority in showering you blessings come in a typical scale: Mother, Father, Preceptor and Priest. Let me explain how each of them can pass the blessings of the Lord and their own upon you and in doing so help you in improving your life.
Mother: She is the first human being you come across when you are born; her milk of kindness is the first ever thing you taste as you emerge from her womb. In her you see an undaunted spirit as she goes through the motions of labour in bringing you out to this world. From this time onwards you are clung to your mother whether it is sunshine or rains. So much is said about her flowing kindness that even we call the world as “Mother Nature”. Her love to you cannot be ever priced. Like Mother Nature she lives a long life so much so that she is alive and kicking even you pass the age of 60. Throughout, she is at best a strong anchor and at worst a mild critic. She is the first person you should turn to get the blessings of the God; having done so ask her own blessings as well.
Father: Your love and affection towards your father goes in a see-saw pattern in your life. When you are up till 10 years old, your father remains your strength; he knows best, he is pretty smart. As you pass in age till 20 years you begin to see him as old fashioned and too old to remember how a teen would feel about. Thereafter till 30 years you are not much attached towards him, you feel he knows nothing and most often than not he acts in a clumsy manner. After 30 years you think maybe you speak to him, maybe he has plenty of experience, and maybe he has a winning style. By the time you reach 40 you regret you did not have many inter-actions with him, he is now in the heavens and you have to sort out all these without his presence. So whether your father is living or not it does not matter; seek the blessings of the God thru him and his own blessings too.
Preceptor: The word comes from Latin “Praeceptor” and relates to a teacher, guide or philosopher who is constantly at your side. Ranked third in the blessings hierarchy, a preceptor can never mar your life because he is wont in shaping life of his ward in perfect and alluring manner in keeping with the ideals of human nature and dictates of a civilized society. He can over-ride the negative aspects of your nature, marginalize negative cosmics within you and optimize your positive aspects to grow and glow. If you have done past wrongs to your mother or father or both he is in a position to advise you in correcting those misdeeds and guiding you towards loving them once again. Such is the power of the preceptor, that in Greek and Hindu mythology heroes go to their preceptors first before embarking on adventures, battles or acts of mundane nature. Hence, you should get the blessings of the God thru him and his own blessings very often. Remember a cardinal point: a woman cannot act as preceptor.
Priest: By training they are holy in nature; he is always with the God, serving the God or acts in manner that propagates the will of God. He is a safe person for you to confess all your peccadilloes as he is the best listening post you ever had. He is wise, learned in scriptures and in the art of persuasion of turning you towards achieving your goals and missions. He is circumspect and will preserve your secrecy. His plea to God is quickly answered. Therefore, go to the priest to get the blessings of the God thru him and seek thereafter his own blessings.
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
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