Business moves through seven stages in each year. Planning, implementing and evaluating are some of the key stages. You will achieve success if each of the seven stages of business is programmed along with the movement of the Sun. This blog post explains the seven stages of business, the movement of the Sun called “Sun Declination” and Cosmics connected to the seven stages of business to enable you to improve your business life.
Seven Stages of Business
1. Planning: This is the first stage where you draw up your business plan for the year anchored on your mission and vision and focussed on your objectives and goals. This you do after collecting and collating internal and external information throwing light on your strength, weakness, opportunity and threat.
2. Scheduling: This is the second stage where you have to marshal physical and technical assets, arrange financial resources and allocate human resources. Simply stated this step is to put your house in order
3. Implementing Level One: This is the third and key stage where you put your plan into action steps
4. Monitoring: The fourth stage is to check the implementation as an on-going process, or mid-term activity
5. Amending: The fifth stage is to amend parameters such as objectives and goals upward or downward as the case may be so that you can succeed optimally in your business
6. Implementing Level Two: The sixth and key stage is where you put your amended plan into action steps
7. Evaluating: The Seventh and last stage examines the final or near final results so that you can pass judgement of your success or otherwise of your business.
Sun Declination
Few points relating to Sun Declination are explained below:
1. The earth rotates west to east on an axis that shows a tilt to the right. The tilt itself is variable and the International Astronomical Union periodically computes it. At present the tilt of the earth is 23.44 degree. As a result of the tilt we have seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. The tilt also results in alternate season for the northern and southern hemispheres. For example during the June solstice it is summer in the north but winter in the south. Likewise during the December solstice it is winter in north and summer in south.
2. Due to the tilt, the Sun is seen moving on its celestial latitude. This latitude is called “Declination”. There are four milestones in the movement of the Sun:
Winter Solstice on December 22: On this date the Sun has reached the lowest point in terms of Declination at 23.26 south. From this date the Sun moves northward
Spring Equinox on March 22: On this date the Sun touches the celestial equator at 00.00 degree; still the sun is moving northward
Summer Solstice on June 22: On this date the Sun has reached the highest point in terms of Declination at 23.26 north. From this date the Sun moves southward
Autumn Equinox on September 22: On this date the Sun again touches the celestial equator at 00.00 degree; still the sun is moving southward.
3. You can easily check the Sun Declination Chart below to understand the dynamics of the Sun:
Sun Declination Chart
If you programme the seven stages of your business in line with the Sun Declination, it could lead to positive cosmics for you. The structure of such a programme and results arising from it are sketched below:
1. January: You have to push your button for Planning on the first day of January, barring any holidays. During January, you get a sense of new beginning and time to sit and think about your business.
2. February till Mid- March: This correlates with the Scheduling function. The Roman practice of beginning action after Ides of March (March 15) has quite some cosmic relevance. This is time to gather resources ready to face action
3. Mid March to End May: Level One Implementation shall take place using this two and half month long period. You observe a sense of going ahead and getting things done during the period. You experience increasing tempo within business commensurating with rising level of demand for your products resulting in beaming sales
4. June : As the Sun gets to extreme north, you sense a climax and think about a quick re-cap of what must be done to keep the business growing at the same pace or more. At this point you need to do the Monitoring function
5. July: Time bell is rung for Amendments stage. You are about to taper off; this is the time to make viable amendments to your plan so that any probable downside is arrested. At the end of this process your amended plan must be ready
6. August to November: This is the time for Level Two Implementation; you swing like a pendulum during this four month long period correlating with your business going up and down. Big deals are made or killed during this period
7. December: It is most apt month for the Evaluation stage of your business. On the one hand you see business volume has risen on the other hand profit level has fallen. So it is the best time to get a certificate of health for your business, which you can do yourself by carrying out an Evaluation of final or near final results.
You can contact me via E-mail or Webpage
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
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