Monday, 9 November 2009

Check Your Elements by Your Fingers

You can easily check the state of your elements by examining your five fingers. The elements of Fire, Spirit, Air, Water and Earth find outlets through your fingers. In this blog post, I explain each of the elements and the fingers that represent the elements and their cosmics so that you can improve your lifestyle. I have also included a Grandma’s Test to check whether the element is in working order.
Fingers in your right hand give out energy generated from your Base Chakra located in solar plexus just below your navel. Fire, Spirit, Air, Water and Earth are the elements generated from this Chakra. Though the human body as a whole represents the inter-play of these elements we need an easy way to check out the level and efficacy of the body elements. One way is to examine your fingers by caressing, fondling, touching or massaging. For this purpose we always use the right hand because right hand gives out energy to the ambience while the left hand receives energy from the ambience. The fingers and their respective energy are given below:
Thumb Finger: Fire
Index Finger: Spirit
Middle Finger: Air
Ring Finger: Water
Small Finger: Earth
Thumb Finger – Fire Element
Features: Fire is a good servant but a bad master. It intermingles in positive and negative nature; appears in constructive and destructive form; moves in slow or quick space. Fire can fluctuate heavily between the extremes. When fire is high your cylinders are firing faster and when it is down you are rendered in-active. You can have unlimited fire taking you to height of activity or lack of fire in your system jutting you as a burn-out. Fire will keep you warm in cold climate and explode in anger in hot climate.
Cosmics: Fire is all about quality of leadership, action, assertiveness, sexual potency and creativity. Your thumb finger is shortest of all fingers because you need fire in limited quality. In the Roman tradition thumbs-up is to give Yes, Appreciation, Greetings, Permission including freedom to the gladiator. Thumbs-down, on the other hand denotes No, Unhappiness, Anger, Disallowance including the order to kill the gladiator. Fire makes you an extrovert person, passionate in love and sex and a go-getter. On the flip side, fire drives you to lose your temper, puts your marriage on the rock, and in some cases shoves you towards criminality. You are well advised to keep the fire element in median or average point.
Grandma’s Test: Stir brandy with the thumb finger and give it to a women in labour; she would give birth much easily.
Index Finger – Spirit Element
Features: Spirit is not one of the classical elements in Greek tradition. But Hindu and later Arab traditions brought Spirit as an element to be considered. There are two key differences that keep Spirit unique compared with Fire, Air, Water and Earth elements. One is that, Spirit cannot stand on its own. It is often considered as a complement to or limiting factor for the other elements. Secondly, there is no median or average point in the level of spirit as in the case of other elements. Either you are low-spirited or high-spirited.
Cosmics: Zest, zing and kick are aspects that emanate from the Spirit. As you mature in age and experience Spirit gives you courage to sand –up against social ills, or stand-out as person of dignity, or bent religiously.
Grandma’s Test: During tragedy or bereavement, hold both your index fingers in an intertwining lock for few minutes to console and be spirited.
Middle Finger – Air Element
Features: Air like fire soars into extremes; either you are calm or stormy. Air can be bright and light or misty and dark; air can pervade in lower or higher atmosphere. According to Al-Biruni, the famous Arab astronomer air can take the form of wetness or dryness. Air can rejuvenate you or make you feel sick.
Cosmics: Air is about intelligence, analytics and intellectual reasoning, the art of designing, music & entertainment and everything that touches the human endeavour bordering on creativity as well as utility. You feel for others and wish to be part of their happiness and sorrow. At the same time you will not forget to sell your products, services or your importance. Mostly you feel humble, calm and collected. You are always on the side of freedom and humanity. A negative form of air whips you to “put up airs” and behave arrogantly. This element also gives you pretension. So much so that a weak person pretends to be strong; a thin person bloated; a boaster conning you around. A combination of fire with air spells doom in these instances.
Grandma’s Test: When someone is bragging about, tap a wooden table or chair with your middle finger in his presence; he will be brought to his sense.
Ring Finger – Water Element
Features: Water like fire and air goes into extremes; slow gush of water is desirable indeed, but when it turns out as a flood or Tsunami you have to find safe places. Water is on a quantum base. Unless it is in manageable quantum, water can be a disaster. Not only that, water can add value or neutralize the effects of other elements. For example, it nourishes the earth element and puts out the fire, but when it gets entangled with air it can lead to a cyclone. Unlike in the case of fire and air, excess water can remain in your body either as still, deep or stagnant water yielding mainly undesirable effects.
Cosmics: Water gives you emotions, sensitivity, sensuality, intuition and feeling of care and sympathy. You feel for others and go out of the way to help them. Water is about arts, crafts and aesthetic studies. Water can sway others by their speech and actions; that is why most artists and celebrities have water as their predominant element. Water gives you ability to listen to others but takes away the ability to adjust to others. The latter aspect is a key negative that causes lot of misunderstanding in the minds of others. Still, deep or stagnant water remaining within your system transforms you as an isolated person, preferring to stay out of trouble. You will have qualities such as risk aversion and violent mood swings; a party pooper or dreamer out of touch with reality.
Grandma’s Test: Cut an orange into two halves; run through the inner pulp with your ring finger; you will get more juice when you squeeze or put on a juicer.
Small Finger – Earth Element
Features: Earth is the base element; according to scriptures human being is created out of earth. Earth is an all-pervasive element. You build a structure with earth whether you include metal or wood. Earth can extinguish fire, face air with steadfastness and acts against water as bulwark. Unlike in the case of water, excess earth can be cut, quarried, pounded or pulverized for human use. Earth is for both utility and luxury; earth is what you feel safe when you are adrift in water or engulfed in fire or running away from air. Only earth provides you with safety and security, therefore it is considered as the most grounding element.
Cosmics: Earth grants you a sense of hard-work, perseverance, steadfastness and pragmatism. It guides you towards goals and objectives; it encourages you to implement plans to achieve higher lifestyle. Earth also makes you a person of responsibility and authority. You are a hard and smart worker. You can weather any storm, flood or fire. Your staying power is proverbial. But negatives are also too daunting: You are not sensitive to inner feelings. As a workaholic you take little interest in private affairs of your co-workers. You enjoy life and its pleasures and give a hoot to what others do. You are part of officialdom and that is it. Finally when you are to hang your boots there is none to give you a bouquet of flowers.
Grandma’s Test: When mixing jelly, stir with your small finger, it would crystallize better.

Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677

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