You often come across someone saying, “This is my
motto and mantra”. Is the statement
correct? Not at all. While motto is, something you tell others in public,
mantra is something you tell yourself privately. Read for a brief explanation
of my point of view.
Motto is a brief phrase or sentence expressing idea,
belief and rule guiding you in conducting your affairs with others. It is often
considered as a component of your personal branding. This is because you invest
lot of time and effort to design an eloquent
and power packed motto in order to boost your image and personality. You say
the motto in public to anyone and everyone. What you are conveying them are
anchored upon four salience. First, one is that you have an idea; second aspect
is that you strongly believe in that idea and the third point is that in
between you and others this idea is enforced as a rule of conduct. Finally, by
saying a motto you expect others to comply with your idea.
on the other hand is a word, phrase or a brief sentence that you say to
yourself privately. Rarely mantra is divulged to others. Broadly, there are two
types of mantra: personal mantra and spiritual mantra. A personal mantra is
a word, phrase or a brief sentence that you say to yourself to get inspiration
and motivation in you. Spiritual mantra is a chant, inspirational
verse, invocation or recital of a group of words that has hidden cosmic power
to bring you success and fortune.
By doing a
cosmic analysis, you can design motto and mantra for you to move forward in
life, career and business.
Keep in touch!
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile: +94 777 265677
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