Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Whatever happened to Flight MH – 370

Happened to prove that strange phenomena can occur anywhere in the globe, Flight MH – 370 disappearance is indeed a revelation for all those concerned with air travel. Airline operators, air traffic controllers, flying crew and host of others connected to, in providing or facilitating air travel should realize that there is a limit for the use of technology. The power of cosmics, however pervade limitlessly. See for details:

Flight MH-370, operated by Malaysian Airlines took off from Kuala Lumpur airport at Saturday 12.21 a.m. on 8 March 2014 and was scheduled to arrive in Beijing at 6.30 a.m., on the same date. On board, it carried 227 passengers from 15 countries and an all-Malaysian crew of 12. Piloted by Captain Ahmad Shah who had 33 years of experience and 18,365 flying hours to his credit, the plane was cruising around 35,000 feet above without any technical glitch or unfavourable weather conditions. Carrying 8 hours’ worth of fuel it can easily fly into destination, which required little more than six hours. Then strange things supervened.

1. Last transmission from the plane was at 1.07 a.m. “All Right; Good Night”

2. The transponder wen out at 1.21 a.m.

3. Contact lost by Malaysian Air Controller at 1.30 a.m.

4. The plane wobbled rising 45,000 feet, turned from Northeast to Southwest and descended steeply to 23,000 feet near Penang. Once again, rose to 35,000 feet flew Northwest over Malacca strait. Thereafter turned Northeast and flew into Gulf of Thailand. It went zigzagging between Northwest to Northeast gyrated violently backtracked heading once again Northwest towards Andaman Sea, rose steeply before plunging into the belly of the ocean below.

5. Exact location is yet to be determined. It can be in Andaman Sea or Gulf of Thailand. However, Chinese seismologists have recorded “ sea –floor event” resulting in an earth quake wave in the sea between Malaysia and Vietnam caused by catastrophic plunge of huge object that bored into the rock bottom of the ocean. The time is said to be around 3.00 a.m.

6. According to lunar calendar, it is seventh day of the waxing moon. When the dive took place planet Saturn was directly over-head in Libra constellation while planet Mars was close to star Spica in Virgo constellation posited in North-West. Saturn plunges and Mars buries.

Nobody can prevent cosmic phenomena. These can arise in the form of natural disasters, destruction and incidents that are outside the working of cause-effect equation. There is neither technical fault nor pilot error. It is indeed a strange happening. Nonetheless, it is the responsibility of the airline operators and cabin crew to factor unexplained incidents of this nature into their training. While preventing these incidents altogether is beyond the means of them it is better for them to get some form of warning signals beforehand. One way of acquiring and harnessing cosmic energy to deflect negative phenomena is to use right cosmic gems.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail : cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com


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