Tuesday 19 November 2013

Jewellery Matching: Skin Colour or Skin Tone

Before buying gem & jewellery, you have to decide whether you are going to match your exterior skin colour or interior skin tone. Majority of ladies look at their skin colour as a criterion to buy expensive items that eventually fail to bring out the best in them in terms of beauty and appearance. A good piece of advice is to look into both as dovetailed in this blog post.

Skin Colour: It is also known as overtone, surface tone, actual colour or exterior colour and denotes to the overall appearance of skin. The skin colour is determined by several substances most important amongst these is Melanin. Varying from dark to white human pigmentation gives a range of colours including dark, light, medium, tan, black, brown, white and yellow skin colours. There are several factors influencing the evolution of colour of skin. Geography, climate, environment and nature are chief amongst these factors. Skin colour undergoes changes over a period of life in a single generation, if the factors mentioned above are altered.

Skin Tone: It is also known as undertone, under-laying colour, or interior colour and denotes to the glow of skin. This skin tone personalizes the skin colour and projects an individual look. There are three types of undertone: warm undertone flashing yellow or golden colour and cool undertone signalling pink and blue colours. Neutral undertone has mixture of warm and cool colours. Undertone in generally subject to genetics and ethnicity and rarely changes. Perhaps, it might undergo slight change after few generations.

Selecting jewellery: While skin colour is useful in giving you general directions in buying gem & jewellery it is the skin tone that can accentuate your beauty and elegance in a big way. For example, if you have warm undertone, then buy gems & metals that are of warm colours. Gold is the primary warm metal. When the skin tone is matched properly it brings out best of not only the skin tone but the skin colour as well. You generate bright and polished look. More than that your cosmics start working positively and you appear so alluring to become overnight a darling.

Keep talking to me!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail : cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com


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