Cannot be, is what you are going to react to my blog post. True, jewellery boxes are made to keep jewels and jewellery safe and secure. And it is also true a thief can only lay his hands on it to rob its contents, if he gets a chance. But there is absolutely no way a thief can reside inside or for that matter creep inside. How come there is a thief inside your jewellery box, then. Strange, though it is, most of you who keep valuables inside tend to forget a cardinal truth: conflict between jewels and jewellery. Read more…
Most women and sometimes men hold jewellery boxes inside their wardrobes. Made in gold, silver, ivory or porcelain, expensive boxes covered in silk or lined in satin broadcast your unique personality and status. Some of these boxes are too elaborate with separate compartments for necklaces, pearls, diamonds and jewellery. Quite few are modestly made with leather, crystal and glass with not more than three compartments. Still others have a single or two trays made in plastic, fabric or cardboard just to serve the purpose of keeping your jewellery. Cheap metals such as copper, iron, brass and aluminium are used to turn out boxes for lower end of market. But there is a catch: base metals start corroding sooner rather than later. But more frightening prospect is not the metals that go in making a jewellery box, but what you are going to keep inside it.
Gems & crystals are notorious in one aspect; they tend to hate each other more than befriend one another. For example, take ruby, a gemstone of class and clarity; it is a hot gem relating to the planet Sun. Ruby is mere aluminium oxide known as corundum, its colour originating from the traces of chromium. Its rival is also from the same mineral composition of corundum with traces of iron famously known as blue sapphire; relating to planet Saturn blue sapphire is just opposite as cold gem. Now you keep these together, you are asking for trouble as the mutual conflict between these two flares up as unexpected quarrels with your own loved ones, plummeting finance and finally ending in career and business failure. Both these act together more like a thief robbing your fortune wholesale.
Colour of gemstones lead to further thievery of your happiness. Let us look at moonstone and amethyst. The former is projecting orange cosmic rays while amethyst spews violet cosmics. These cosmic gems work in different wave lengths. Moonstone has mnemonic speed of 590 to 620 prodding active and fairly speedy rhythm. In contrast, amethyst is a slow generator of cosmics with a colour speed of 380 to 435 Mnemonics. Let us imagine your job needs speedy action; possessing these two mutually conflicting speed spectrum in your jewellery box is a sure fire way to get your performance below target.
Peals, for instance are keen lovers, provided they are paired well. Generally you have to keep pearls in even numbers. Never have odd number in your jewellery box, as one of the pearls is left without company and starts weeping silently. You may not hear her wailing, cosmic universe does and robs your pleasure quietly and quickly. There is an interesting twist about pearls from the tusks of elephant known as “Gajamuthu”. They are paired with a male and a female. If your jewellery box has two males it results is eternal fighting in your family. By the same token, if they are both females then your life is much worse than having two women as wives.
Out of the thieves in jewellery box, the one who invites the devil is gem & jewellery made of sterling silver. Replacing sterling gem & jewellery after use without wiping the sweat and dust gets sulphur around it. The scent of sulphur, as you are aware is an invitation to the devil, let us call it Dracula, who not only draws out your life spirit but makes you lose money and happiness. Beware of the thief inside your jewellery box. Assess the contents of your jewellery box periodically and eliminate the silent thief.
Contact me for a professional review of what is inside your jewellery box.
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