Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Pentagram Cosmic Jewellery

A pentagram, as the name suggests is a five-point star, commonly used in cosmic jewellery. Pentagram cosmic jewellery combines aesthetics of gem & jewellery with that of your cosmics, aspects that reside within you shaping your life, attitude and finally your achievement. A brief sketch of pentagram cosmic jewellery is painted in a canvas below:

Pentagram as Cosmic jewellery

A five point star made by a single continuous line connecting five points in an imaginary circle is how a pentagram originates. The drawing itself brings cosmic energy to the fore. There are two ideas: one is the continuity and the other is the interval between any two points remaining as 72 degrees, a number that evokes magic and mysticism. It does not necessarily mean that pentagram must be presented as a star. Alternate forms include five petal flower and a circle where five points are highlighted. Still the theory is steadfast. In between two points the distance must remain as 72 degrees and nothing else. Having aliases is not a bad thing for a piece of cosmic jewellery. Pentacle, pentagon, pentangle and more explanatory star pentagram are names used for this mystical symbology.

Variety is Spice of jewellery

More so with pentagram cosmic jewellery, which is fabricated in various shapes? The common thread of five point shape is embellished by making changes in design methodology. Open pentagram is the sharpest with a cutting edge on each of the five points. High risk taker may like this but for the faint hearted these sharp points are often blunted with metal dots placed or subordinated to a cosmic gem so that the wearer does not feel any accidental prick. Open design is sought after by busy people who move fast, adore pleasures of life and are often the first to brace the winning tape. Quintessentially they are movers and shakers taking the known risks of sharp edge contained in an open pentagram notwithstanding.

Then there are cautious risk adverse persons who prefer to wear pentagram ensconced within a circle so that it would not make them uncomfortable; nevertheless they stand to gain comic energy flowing out of this cosmic jewellery. They easily get connected to the five elements; fire, spirit, air, water and earth; with a big bonus, that is, the energy is flowing continuously as pentagram is drawn keeping that aspect of continuity in mind. Notable other designs cover, inverted pentagram which is placed as upside down with the stated purpose of obtaining, using and managing both negative and positive energy flows on an even keel. Pentagram in floral design of scintillating colour of wood and flowers and eye-catching mosaic form are made for those who are fastidious yet equally focussed on achieving life goals.

Flowing Cosmics

Every piece of pentagram cosmic jewellery is intended to serve the central purpose of channelling the right cosmics. Protection from evil remains the key theme. Functioning in dual capacity is another aim. This duality rests on using pentagram as a shield and thereafter as a tool to squire you on the winning streak. Adorned mainly in and around your neck, pentagram is mostly seen as pendants in a chain or as a part of a necklace. Earrings are far-fetched, whereas bracelet sounds peremptory. Signet rings with an imposing pentagram evokes stories of King Solomon.

Once made in the back of gold and sterling silver, pentagram can be turned out in noble metals such as platinum and palladium. Selecting the metal is only half story. The rest lies with deciding on the appropriate alloy and cherry picking sparkling cosmic gems. The latter is a daunting task. There is multitude of gemstones and diamonds in the world of gems & crystals. For that, indeed, you need good counsel.

Keep talking!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems

E-mail: cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com


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