Friday, 29 March 2013

Cosmic Colours of Gemstones

Paradox can be too incredible when it comes to cosmic colours of gemstones. Usually the face colour of a gemstone is different from the cosmic colour generated by it, except in few cases. You are cautioned not to buy a gemstone on its face colour or even on its face value. Read more………

You can easily check for the cosmic colour by beaming light on the surface of any gemstone. You can then observe and identify the colour that starts frittering out. We call this as cosmic colour or simply cosmics. There are seven major cosmic colours as listed below:

Red: As a basic colour red is an exception where red coloured stones usually reflecting the same colour as cosmic colour. But the tonal strength of cosmic colour can differ widely. Ruby for example can refract in red, crimson and even in tinge of purple. Then there is infra-red cosmic colour which is much sharper in hue and light in tone. Yellow to greenish brown gemstones give forth this colour. Cat’s Eye, Chrysoberyl and Tourmaline are gems in this genre. Something always catches your eye in these gems. These are damned transparent.

Orange: Silky rose to pale white stones such as pearls and moonstones flash orange cosmic colour. This cooling colour is highly energizing though.

Yellow: You have to see it to believe. Transmitted by ochre coloured gems such as Coral and Carnelian, yellow as cosmic colour resonates with intensity in feelings and emotions. Never the less yellow is a cosmic colour one needs to be with often.

Green: As exception to rule, face colour and cosmic colour is same in the case of green gems. Yet there is much tonal difference ranging dark, medium to light green. Sea green , Turquoise and Spot green are cosmic colours mirrored by Emerald, Peridot, Tsaverite, Chrome tourmaline and Jade.

Blue: Even though it is one of the three basic colours, blue as cosmic colour is beamed not by blue stones but by yellow gems. All natural yellow gems and specifically yellow sapphire give out this fascinating cosmic colour.

Indigo: Any white or colourless gemstones cast this noble cosmic colour. Most well-known is Diamond; there are others equally popular: White sapphire, White topaz, Quartz, Apatite, Zircon and Goshenite are available in the market with prices to match your budget.

Violet: Oh yes! Gemstones with face colour of blue give forth violet cosmic colour. Famously connected to blue sapphire, indigo as cosmic colour is a perfect combination in any bridal jewellery box consisting gem & jewellery. Natural blue to violet gemstones reflect violet in tints of light hue. Amethyst fits the bill very well, being a stone that equates face colour with cosmic colour. Others include, but not limited to, Iolite, Blue spinel, Tanzanite, and more absorbing Indicolite from the arena of gems & crystals. An extension of the violet colour into deep gets us what we call as ultra-violet cosmic colour. Being with a face colour ranging between golden orange to brownish orange ultra-violet cosmic colour is manifested by Hessonite and Spessertite.

In the never ending saga of cosmic gems, difference between face colour and the cosmic colour remains a mystery or call it mystique.

Keep talking to me via Mobile or Skype.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems



Thursday, 28 March 2013

Finding Your Cosmic Direction

Each person has a specific direction from where energy flows into him. It is indeed, necessary for you to find out your cosmic direction in order to enhance energy flow. Secondly, you have to select the right gem & jewellery to do that.

There are 28 cosmic directions; four are cardinal directions and the rest 24 are ordinal directions sandwiched between the four cardinal directions. For example let’s take north and east; these two are cardinal directions; in between these two we have six ordinal directions: NE- 1 to NE – 6. This completes a quarter. In a circle we have four such quarters and the ordinal directions total 24.

Cosmics flow from all these 28 directions. However, each person is given only one cosmic direction. Identifying this direction helps you in four ways:

1. You can guard your cosmic direction jealously, so that the gates of the direction are always kept open without any hindrances. At times you feel depressed, disturbed, distressed and often resort to medical advice. While it is necessary that you take appropriate measures in looking after your health it is also recommended that you ensure cosmic energy flow has never been blocked. Additionally, you have to protect your cosmic direction being affected by evil forces.

2. You can enhance positive cosmic energy channelled thru your comic direction so that you remain energized throughout. As and when this positive energy flow gets impaired or interrupted you can take meaningful steps in restoring the supply of energy to normal levels.

3. You can eliminate or at least neutralize any negative cosmics that could come thru your direction. Every cosmic direction can give positive as well as negative cosmic energy.

4. Finally, after eliminating or neutralizing negative energy you can move up one step ahead and re-start the flow of positive energy.

To do all these, you need to take two steps. Firstly, find out your precise cosmic direction. Thereafter, select the right gem & jewellery. You must zoom in on the right stone from amongst the varieties available as cosmic gems. Moreover, you have to wear apt cosmic jewellery made of right main metal and proper alloy.

Keep in touch via Mobile, Skype or E-mail.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems




Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Thief inside Your Jewellery Box

Cannot be, is what you are going to react to my blog post. True, jewellery boxes are made to keep jewels and jewellery safe and secure. And it is also true a thief can only lay his hands on it to rob its contents, if he gets a chance. But there is absolutely no way a thief can reside inside or for that matter creep inside. How come there is a thief inside your jewellery box, then. Strange, though it is, most of you who keep valuables inside tend to forget a cardinal truth: conflict between jewels and jewellery. Read more…

Most women and sometimes men hold jewellery boxes inside their wardrobes. Made in gold, silver, ivory or porcelain, expensive boxes covered in silk or lined in satin broadcast your unique personality and status. Some of these boxes are too elaborate with separate compartments for necklaces, pearls, diamonds and jewellery. Quite few are modestly made with leather, crystal and glass with not more than three compartments. Still others have a single or two trays made in plastic, fabric or cardboard just to serve the purpose of keeping your jewellery. Cheap metals such as copper, iron, brass and aluminium are used to turn out boxes for lower end of market. But there is a catch: base metals start corroding sooner rather than later. But more frightening prospect is not the metals that go in making a jewellery box, but what you are going to keep inside it.

Gems & crystals are notorious in one aspect; they tend to hate each other more than befriend one another. For example, take ruby, a gemstone of class and clarity; it is a hot gem relating to the planet Sun. Ruby is mere aluminium oxide known as corundum, its colour originating from the traces of chromium. Its rival is also from the same mineral composition of corundum with traces of iron famously known as blue sapphire; relating to planet Saturn blue sapphire is just opposite as cold gem. Now you keep these together, you are asking for trouble as the mutual conflict between these two flares up as unexpected quarrels with your own loved ones, plummeting finance and finally ending in career and business failure. Both these act together more like a thief robbing your fortune wholesale.

Colour of gemstones lead to further thievery of your happiness. Let us look at moonstone and amethyst. The former is projecting orange cosmic rays while amethyst spews violet cosmics. These cosmic gems work in different wave lengths. Moonstone has mnemonic speed of 590 to 620 prodding active and fairly speedy rhythm. In contrast, amethyst is a slow generator of cosmics with a colour speed of 380 to 435 Mnemonics. Let us imagine your job needs speedy action; possessing these two mutually conflicting speed spectrum in your jewellery box is a sure fire way to get your performance below target.

Peals, for instance are keen lovers, provided they are paired well. Generally you have to keep pearls in even numbers. Never have odd number in your jewellery box, as one of the pearls is left without company and starts weeping silently. You may not hear her wailing, cosmic universe does and robs your pleasure quietly and quickly. There is an interesting twist about pearls from the tusks of elephant known as “Gajamuthu”. They are paired with a male and a female. If your jewellery box has two males it results is eternal fighting in your family. By the same token, if they are both females then your life is much worse than having two women as wives.

Out of the thieves in jewellery box, the one who invites the devil is gem & jewellery made of sterling silver. Replacing sterling gem & jewellery after use without wiping the sweat and dust gets sulphur around it. The scent of sulphur, as you are aware is an invitation to the devil, let us call it Dracula, who not only draws out your life spirit but makes you lose money and happiness. Beware of the thief inside your jewellery box. Assess the contents of your jewellery box periodically and eliminate the silent thief.

Contact me for a professional review of what is inside your jewellery box.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems



Thursday, 7 March 2013

Ten Types of Pentagram Jewellery

Is pentagram obsession or fad in gem & jewellery? Many jewellers consider neither; market driven demand for pentagram symbology in cosmic jewellery is simply boosting their sales. The ubiquitous form of five star pentagram is turning out as a major work of art in the work benches of jewellery industry. Out of several that are peddled, the following ten types of pentagram cosmic jewellery are too prominent to be missed out.

1. Open Pentagram: Available both in star and flower designs this piece of jewellery makes the five points much deeper in focus and literally much sharper. Jewellery industry often resorts to blunting of the sharp points lest these scratch the skin of wearers. To do that, they place metal dots over the points.

2. Within Circle: This type is meant for those who are overly cautious yet wish to wear a pentagram in order to garner positive cosmics. To add more prominence and focus, metal dots are placed over the points or leave these slightly thickened.

3. Double the Circle: One is not enough, when it comes to circle that represents yoni a source of female energy. So doubling the circle does two marvellous things: it is “2+” a synonym for what the modern management gurus call as synergy. Simply put, you get more than double quantum of energy. Additionally, two circles reinforce cosmic power and balance it like what wheels do in a motor vehicle.

4. Enter Cosmic Gems: Be it open pentagram or the one safely snugged within a single or double circles decking a pentagram jewellery with cosmic gems give shine, brilliance and value. Moreover the cosmic gems so placed act in concert with the metal in bringing out the goodness of gem & jewellery. Yet lot depends on the setting of these cosmic gems, their type, colour and inherent cosmics.

5. Closing Middle Space: Wiccans call the mid space of a pentagram in an unusual, but poignant word: Womb. For all purposes a womb cannot be barren or empty; so the jewellers have come out with brilliant strokes of either filling the mid space by metal sprayed over it or set it with one or more gemstones selected from several available in the gems & crystals market.

6. Backed Pentagram: This is truly an innovation worth wearing. Here, the pentagram is embossed on a circular metal sheet to capture cosmics and impel it to flow around the circle to multiply the energy source. It is something similar to water current beneath the sea.

7. Floral Rhapsody: Nature’s beauty cannot be captured in such flourish as a Pentagram in floral design of scintillating colour of wood and flowers. More of a choice by women who are fashion conscious, this type does attract connoisseurs from the opposite sex too.

8. Mosaic Magic: More pleasing to the eye, mosaic magic pentagram form is made for those who are fastidious, lovers of art, nature and harmony. Those who wear this pentagram exhibit strong sense of identity with goal achievement as well.

9. Celtic Mystery: As you are aware Celtic culture is long known for its out of the box inventions. Celtic pentagram is sketched by draping a circle inside the five-pointed star as if it is to be half-clothed. Remaining forever a mystery, Celtic pentagram is celebrated as a key design in pentagram cosmic jewellery.

10. Inverted Pentagram: If God created the star then, the man created inverted pentagram where the star is turned upside down so that it does not look up but peeps down. Once shunned by theologians as symbology manifesting of Satanism, inverted pentagram is used, today as a major tool in receiving, employing and then transmitting both positive and negative cosmic energy. In as much as one believes that sky is the celestial source for sustenance for human life, he must recognize the aspect of earth as terrestrial space of living. An inverted pentagram stresses this unshakable truth and glances downward to the earth keeping the person who wears it steady and firm.

Keep in touch via Skype or Mobile.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems




Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Pentagram Cosmic Jewellery

A pentagram, as the name suggests is a five-point star, commonly used in cosmic jewellery. Pentagram cosmic jewellery combines aesthetics of gem & jewellery with that of your cosmics, aspects that reside within you shaping your life, attitude and finally your achievement. A brief sketch of pentagram cosmic jewellery is painted in a canvas below:

Pentagram as Cosmic jewellery

A five point star made by a single continuous line connecting five points in an imaginary circle is how a pentagram originates. The drawing itself brings cosmic energy to the fore. There are two ideas: one is the continuity and the other is the interval between any two points remaining as 72 degrees, a number that evokes magic and mysticism. It does not necessarily mean that pentagram must be presented as a star. Alternate forms include five petal flower and a circle where five points are highlighted. Still the theory is steadfast. In between two points the distance must remain as 72 degrees and nothing else. Having aliases is not a bad thing for a piece of cosmic jewellery. Pentacle, pentagon, pentangle and more explanatory star pentagram are names used for this mystical symbology.

Variety is Spice of jewellery

More so with pentagram cosmic jewellery, which is fabricated in various shapes? The common thread of five point shape is embellished by making changes in design methodology. Open pentagram is the sharpest with a cutting edge on each of the five points. High risk taker may like this but for the faint hearted these sharp points are often blunted with metal dots placed or subordinated to a cosmic gem so that the wearer does not feel any accidental prick. Open design is sought after by busy people who move fast, adore pleasures of life and are often the first to brace the winning tape. Quintessentially they are movers and shakers taking the known risks of sharp edge contained in an open pentagram notwithstanding.

Then there are cautious risk adverse persons who prefer to wear pentagram ensconced within a circle so that it would not make them uncomfortable; nevertheless they stand to gain comic energy flowing out of this cosmic jewellery. They easily get connected to the five elements; fire, spirit, air, water and earth; with a big bonus, that is, the energy is flowing continuously as pentagram is drawn keeping that aspect of continuity in mind. Notable other designs cover, inverted pentagram which is placed as upside down with the stated purpose of obtaining, using and managing both negative and positive energy flows on an even keel. Pentagram in floral design of scintillating colour of wood and flowers and eye-catching mosaic form are made for those who are fastidious yet equally focussed on achieving life goals.

Flowing Cosmics

Every piece of pentagram cosmic jewellery is intended to serve the central purpose of channelling the right cosmics. Protection from evil remains the key theme. Functioning in dual capacity is another aim. This duality rests on using pentagram as a shield and thereafter as a tool to squire you on the winning streak. Adorned mainly in and around your neck, pentagram is mostly seen as pendants in a chain or as a part of a necklace. Earrings are far-fetched, whereas bracelet sounds peremptory. Signet rings with an imposing pentagram evokes stories of King Solomon.

Once made in the back of gold and sterling silver, pentagram can be turned out in noble metals such as platinum and palladium. Selecting the metal is only half story. The rest lies with deciding on the appropriate alloy and cherry picking sparkling cosmic gems. The latter is a daunting task. There is multitude of gemstones and diamonds in the world of gems & crystals. For that, indeed, you need good counsel.

Keep talking!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems




Monday, 4 March 2013

Highlights of Pentagram Symbology

Most observed star in the world today is the pentagram, which happens to be used extensively in flags of nations, corporate emblems, cultures, religions and in gem & jewellery. In addition to generic names of pentangle and star pentagram ascribed to, pentagram is curiously dubbed as pentacle, by adherents of Wicca, modern day manifestation of pagan beliefs. Pentagram symbology is steeped in beliefs and traditions, few of the highlights given below give credence to these illustratively.

1. Formation: Pentagram is formed by drawing a continuous line in five straight segments without lifting your pencil. Once finished your drawing looks like a star, and for that matter picture of all stars on earth is generally drawn like this.

2. Legend: The legend of “Sir Gawain and the Green Knights” brought the pentagram to the fore. According to this legend, a pentagram was inscribed as a glyph on the shield of Sir Gawain reflecting five knightly qualities: generosity, courtesy, chastity, chivalry, and piety.

3. Civilizations: Sumerians, Mesopotamians, Pythagoreans (Ancient Greece), Egyptians, Romans and Indians have used pentagram in sometimes or other in their chequered history.

4. Religions: Adherents of established religions use pentagram as symbology for their noble truths. Early Christians considered it as indicating the five wounds suffered by Lord Jesus. Followers of Islam, took the pentagram introduced by Mongolians seriously and replaced the hitherto used hexagram (Star of David). Since then pentagram is the avowed presenter of Islamic beliefs. Gnostics of both these religions too, recognized pentagram as a searching tool for hidden knowledge.

5. Cultures: Neo-pagans such as Wiccans and selective groups including Masons have healthy admiration for pentagram. There is an opposing spectrum of pentagram as well. Kabbalists from Judaism receive positive flow of energy from the star whereas Satanists tend to derive negative cosmic flow.

6. Five Elements: For Hinduism, pentagram is similar to the hand with five fingers, each denoting an element. The order of the elements run thus: fire, spirit, air, water and earth. Joining them in the league Wiccans also accept the five elements phenomenon calibrating this symbology within a circle and re-arranging the order of the elements as spirit, water, fire, earth and air. Chinese as usual are too imaginative to reformulate elements as water, wood, fire, earth and metal, which find expressions in their acupuncture, medicine and Feng Shui.

7. Mystical Quality: Mystics find five senses, sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste in a pentagram and connect it with geometrical dimensions; as each of the five points is placed 72 degrees afar. This mystical number has connotations to the Crown Chakra that houses the brain, being the sixth sense has the capacity to manage and control the rest of the elements.

8. Microcosm in Macrocosm: Picturing a man head raised at the top and hands and legs spread sideways in a pentagram sounds like someone trying to imitate a Procrustean bed; no, this is about telling a basic mundane truth about the position of a man in the universe. He is just a microcosm in the macrocosm of larger universe. His head denotes spirit, left hand air, left leg water, right leg earth and finally right hand holding the fire element.

9. Modifications: In Celtic lore, pentagram was often pictured as five pointed insignia with a circle of lesser contour drawn inside the pentagram. Then there is inverted pentagram where it is turned upside down so that it does not look up but looks down. This modification attracts many distractors from religions and traditions, who chide the use of inverted pentagram as an insignia of Satanism.

10. Cosmics: Pentagram made as a continuous loop and pitching on the middle position of the number five is easily sized upon by most powerful nations, organizations and corporate bodies in order to garner the power of cosmics. As a star it figures in the flags of USA, Russia, China and host of other nations. Surely the cosmic power of pentagram has come to stay forever.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems




Friday, 1 March 2013

Gem and Jewellery for Female Knee Problems

Women suffer more from knee problems than men. Every year millions of ladies seek medical treatment for their troubled knees. Medical attention is a must, but more than that, women should also be encouraged to use gem & jewellery to alleviate knee pains. Details follow:

Why Need Alternate Therapy?

According to physiology the knee is of an unstable structure. It supports the body weight of a person when he or she stands, walk about, run or kick something. The knee connects thigh bone and shin bone popularly known as shank. There are several reasons for developing knee troubles: Degeneration of cartilage in knee joints, enlargement of the bone, inflammation of muscle, tearing of ligaments, altering of fluid –producing membrane called “Synovial” and finally the collapsing of the cover or capsule of the joint.

But there is a cosmic reason too. It is do with the limited exposure of knees to the sunlight. In several countries and cultures females are asked to wear garments covering their knees. In fact, exposing knees is a taboo in many parts in the East. Sunlight is the source of cosmic energy, more relevant than the theory of Vitamin D. Getting sunlight in early childhood is a necessity for every one and a definite must for females during their formative pre-menstrual period between 7 to 14 years. By shutting them out of sunlight irreparable damage is caused to the knee structure whose functionality is to store this cosmic energy to be used as and when necessary. Just imagine that the knee downward to the foot is a big source of basic cosmic energy that keeps a person kicking and vibrant. Where generation of cosmic energy is impaired or absent altogether then an alternate therapy using gem & jewellery is, doubly recommended:

Cosmic Gems: In every case where such shunning of sunlight takes place, women have got to use alternate therapy of using cosmic gems to bring in new energy. Several of these gems & crystals could be easily obtained. Although a comprehensive listing is not possible to pen, I suggest the use of following from among many such comic gems available in the market: Topaz, Aventurine, Green & Blue Calcite, Red Coral, Red Garnet, Hematite, Rhodonite, Apatite, Malachite and Black Tourmaline.

Cosmic Jewellery: Gems & crystals are to be housed in an outer or holder. Such housing is referred to as jewellery. Cosmic jewellery, on the other hand is made with a recommended main metal such as gold and copper with appropriate alloy containing one or more of elements such as cadmium, zinc, magnesium, iron, chromium, manganese and silicon and selenium. As you know some of these minerals are nationally important to the healthy functioning of human body.

Choice: However, it must be pointed out that, choosing the right cosmic gems, main metal, suitable alloy and the right type of jewellery wear whether bracelet, anklet etc., are to be decided on a case by case basis.

Keep in touch.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems

