Thursday, 21 February 2013

How Profiling Cosmics help Choosing Right Field of Study?

As results of Advanced Level or High School arrive, parents are put in quandary as to how to choose a field of study for their sons and daughters. Some parents decide unilaterally; some listen to the ideas of their children; quite a few consult friends and relations to brainstorm. Rarely parents look at the cosmics of their children. Keep it aside your wishing and willing; start profiling cosmics of your children, so that, you can bring forth internal dimension to bear on your decision. Here is what you can do about it.

What is Cosmic Profile?

A cosmic profile explains the aspects of internal dimension of a person in relation to an issue, problem or question at hand. This cosmic profile delves deep into a person and unearths and understands aspects residing within him influencing and impacting his life throughout. We call these aspects as “Cosmics” a word that can be used as singular or plural depending on the circumstances. In most cases cosmics are un-seen and un-noticed by the person who is born with such cosmics.

By preparing a cosmic profile, parents get a report identifying, understanding and evaluating cosmics of their children. This profiling of cosmics helps in different ways. For parents it assists in choosing the right field of study. Here are few examples how profiling cosmics help choosing the type or field of study:

1. Steve has received average results and the parents are badly disappointed because they wanted him to pursue an engineering course. Exploring his numbers, parents saw in the cosmic profile report that has an inter play of 2, 4 & 8 in him. They were advised to put him through Quantity Surveying. Steve jumped at the idea. His parents were reluctant first, but came around later. Steve, completing his first year in the course has made a huge impression in under-study and work. His boss has just appointed him as Assistant even before he has fully qualified.

2. Ramsey as his names sounded bombastic and imposing. Though he had excellent results his high sounding name he can do well in media & entertainment. Cecil D B Mille produced remarkable films in Hollywood. Perhaps at that time nobody bothered about his gigantic name. Parents of Ramsey accepted the suggestion and made him follow a course in film making.

3. Cynthia is cute, petite and charming. Her results do not qualify her to follow medicine; yet there is a chance to do dental surgery. One thing that is lacking in her to be dental surgeon is strong shoulders that come handy in pulling decayed tooth! Still she wants to be a doctor. More than she, her parents were keen to make her one. Looking at her physiognomy, the way her hands are moving and the dexterity, the cosmic profile pinpoints that Cynthia indeed can be dental surgeon. You don’t need to pull teeth all the time, anyway.

In all three instances, profiling cosmics has helped parents choose the right type of course for their children. More than anything else it has taken out the worry from their minds.


Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems




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