Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Hamsa Hand Symbol in Cosmic Jewellery

Widespread use of Hamsa hand symbol in cosmic jewellery in Middle-East, North Africa and India has not escaped the attention of enthusiasts world over. Once limited to geographical regions abutting great rivers like Euphrates, Indus and Nile, Hamsa has revived interest on Symbology on the one hand and on bringing it to day to day use on the other.

Hamsa Hand Symbol

The word Hamsa is from Hebraic and Arabic origin. Its meaning is five in these languages. In fact, the fifth alphabet of He/Hay in Hebrew and Arabic is often depicted as a hand where number five denoting five fingers of the hand. A stretched hand with fingers indicates the power of might and right.

Both ancient and modern cultures consider hand as a symbol of divinity, holiness, blessing as well as the art of grace. For them hand means that help is on its way from the heaven. An Hebrew tradition equated Hamsa with the hand of Miriam , Biblical sister of Holy Moses and Aaron; Arabic calligraphers dubbed it as hand of Fatima, daughter of Holy Prophet; Christians in Levant did not want to be left out either. They baptised it as hand of Holy Mary.

Apart from modern religious thought Hamsa figured prominently in the lore of Phoenicians as the hand of Goddess Tanit. In the East, Hindu Rishis understood hand as representing the five elements – fire, spirit, air, water and earth- in a single limb; they went little further and ascribed to the five fingers cosmic energy and summed up the hand as a fountain of cosmics. Beyond these cultures the ancients often saw in the hand a replica of God continually protecting them from negative cosmic attacks including often exaggerated evil eye.

Hamsa as Cosmic Jewellery

Fabricated in various forms and shape, Hamsa cosmic jewellery is one of the most sought after article in jewellery trade. A picture of three middle fingers shown straight with the thumb and small finger palming outwards sometimes in symmetry and elsewhere asymmetrically is advertised by many a jewellers. A variation of all five fingers drawn straight reflecting natural height of each of these looks much more appealing. Fingers pointing upward or downward along with right or left hand are seen. More to it than it meets the eye. Some of these designs have an opened eye in the middle of the outstretched palm hovered over by a pair of fish, grain or leaves. In sum, hand, eye and five fingers put together translates the symbol as a bulwark of defence against any form negative vibration coming from the ambience.

Benefits are snowballing

Said to protect the wearer from evil eye, Hamsa, can easily switch roles as harbinger of happiness, fortune, prosperity and general wellbeing. Abundance and at the same time affording much wanted mental peace is yet another cosmic benefit. Balancing energy centres commonly known as chakras in India is a key aspect often paraded by fabricators of cosmic jewellery. Hamsa can be worn as amulet, bracelet, pendent and necklace. Gold, silver and copper are the main metals with suitable alloy reflecting individual cosmic requirements. Gems & Crystals add colour to Hamsa along with art, drawing and motifs to complete the right piece of gem & jewellery.

Before buying Hamsa, it would be better to scan your cosmic profile so that you buy the one that works better for you. Better still; make one for you to suit to your own requirements.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems




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