Thursday, 28 February 2013

Which Nostril to be Pierced, Left or Right?

Modern women often dismiss this question as silly with a matter of fact answer, “Oh it is just personal preference and nothing much”. My take is there is lot more than these ladies have learnt so far. Each nostril is identified with different and sometimes opposing cosmic flow. Here is a gist of my argument:

Mothers and elders of family contemplate on the ritual of nose piercing, and decide as to which nostril is to be pierced after taking into account of the features, personality and inner qualities of a girl who has come of age. The word cosmics is used collectively to refer to these. Age old wisdom of these elders remains un-written. Today, thanks to the use of Internet, we realize that, there is lot more meaning in this customary discussion. Convincingly, each nostril functions in different state and equally convincing is the fact that, breathing alternates between right and left nostrils of every person. Let me explain you the cosmics surrounding each side of the nostril:

Left Nostril

This airway generally processes feminine energy except during the brief moment of change over when breathing alternates from one nostril to another. It is similar to what we notice in offices where main supply of electricity is alternated with power from generators. The kind of air flow via left nostril is named as “Ida” by Hindu Yogis Millenniums ago. The word means comfort in Sanskrit. It denotes the Goddess Shakti who is fondly called as “Adi Parasakthi”. Cooling, lunar energy flowing through left nostril reaches the right side of the brain that deals in emotions, feelings, sensitivity, femininity, being introvert and more than that, bring reproductive. Piercing left nostril is useful for menstrual process, child bearing, and child birth and so on. My feeling is that majority of caesarean births occur in women who have not got their left nostril pricked or for that matter any nostril pricked at all. I have no published statistics to prove, though.

Right Nostril

Through this airway, male energy is processed to reach the left side of the brain dealing with rationality, objectivity, reasoning, masculine, being extrovert as well as the ability to take charge and control. Hindu Rishis called it as “Pingala” meaning tawny in Sanskrit. Warm, solar energy flowing through right nostril is all about handling vital activities connected with living. Marriage, relationship, home economics, social conduct are few of the aspects nurtured by the right nostril.


The question which nostril is to be pierced must be answered only after assessing the person whose nose is to be pierced. It may be left, right or in some instances both nostrils. Matters to be considered include, but not limited to, individual circumstances, wants & wishes, strengths & weaknesses, stature & personality, manners & appearance and finally inner qualities of the person. Once an apt nostril is selected, it is necessary to find out the kind of gem & jewellery that goes along with a person. That parachutes us on the type of wear such as pins, studs, hooks or plugs that need to be settled.

Next in importance is to determine the type of metal together with suitable alloy to make this piece, truly an article of cosmic jewellery. Now that we have the type of wear, metal and alloy it is time to complete the story by deciding between making this jewellery a plainer one or something decked in cosmic gems. Gems & crystals do play a major role in galvanizing cosmic energy in addition to enhancing aesthetics. If the choice is, say, use diamond as cosmic gem , then we also need to examine whether a solitaire would do or a round brilliant with few accent stones fit in. For all these matters, of course, you need professional counsel.

Check with me via mobile or Skype.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems



Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Nose Piercing and Matching Jewellery

Choosing the right type of nose jewellery is dependent chiefly upon the type of nose piercing you have done. Here is a primer on the type of popular piercings and suggested jewellery wears that go with each type of piercings.

Although, there are several ways in which nose can be pierced for wearing jewellery, three main types are popular and can be carried out with much ease. Nose piercings are generally intended for women, but there is no bar if men bordering on being punkish or being lovers of feminism wish their noses be pierced.

Nostril Piercing

By far the most popular method standing next in importance to earlobe piercing is the nostril prick. In South Asian societies girls as they reach puberty are subjected to nostril piercing more due to culture and traditions than due to any religious dictates. The Tamil word “Mookuthi” began to be used for nostril piercing and is a lingua franca in several countries in South and South East Asia. Soft skin on the nasal airway is pierced, rather in painful manner in these societies. Some are resorting to modern surgical piercing to avoid infection. The exact point of piercing in the nasal airway is generally decided by elders taking into account of the softer part of skin and equally for reasons of cosmics. Piercing high or low is often preceded with a discussion on which nostril, left or right should to be pierced.

In India it is generally left nostril while Afghans prefer right nostril and in Near East it is not uncommon to see women having both nostrils pierced. Europeans, on the other hand choose piercing in random manner and have introduced many such types, most of these confined within their shores.

Nose pins, nose studs nose hooks and plugs are appropriate as jewellery on either or both nostrils. Out of these nose studs are in big demand. These studs come in different shapes and usually set in gems and/or diamonds. Variety of shapes includes circle, dome, cone, pyramid as well as depicting animal, bird and shoot of plant. Some display geometrical drawing to make it more illustrative. Nose screw and L-shaped pin get berth in the pin segment of nose jewellery while loops and hooks are classified under hooks generally. Plugs are often resorted to be worn as sleepers in order to avoid closing of the prick when desired nose jewellery is yet to be bought.

Septum Piercing

Next in importance is piercing septum that functions as a wall dividing right and left airways. The soft skin lying between the wall and the bottom of the nose is selected for piercing. Septum piercing is common among dancers, artists, artisans and amongst ancient societies including aborigines in Australia and Pacific.

Nose ring is the jewellery for septum piercing, followed by loops & hooks. Nose rings are usually closed or tucked in with a bead. This is called captive bead ring. A range of hooks and loops are available in the gem & jewellery market place. These are curls, plugs and curved barbell and circular barbell with a market place name of horseshoe.

Bridge Piercing

Most sensitive out of all piercings, bridge prick must be carefully handled less you damage your skin. Located on the top of the nose bone and in between two eyes, there cannot be any other spot skin flap in your body so much sensitive for purpose of piercing. Once completed meticulously, the piercing should never be neglected, lest it is susceptible to external infection.

Recommended only for women who need this piercing badly due to reason of cosmics more than aesthetics, bridge piercing is adorned with tiny jewellery of great glitz. Curved barbell is much sought after, nose jewellery for this spot.

Choice of Metals & Cosmic Gems

For all purposes the most suitable metal is gold, followed by silver and platinum. Titanium is also catching up in the Chinese dominated regions. Cosmic gems chosen from the world of gems & crystals along with sparkling diamonds afford class and clarity. Apart from aesthetics, most of this nose jewellery can easily pass off as cosmic jewellery, provided, that, metal and cosmic gems are chosen wisely for harnessing cosmic energy in women.

Keep in touch with me.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems




Monday, 25 February 2013

Enneagram Cosmic Jewellery, Ancient Wisdom in Modern Setting

Individually crafted enneagram cosmic jewellery blends ancient wisdom with modern technology. For those who wear this piece of gem & jewellery, it can be wondrous. There is a pre-condition, though. You have got to have the type of cosmics that make this piece fits you well. Interested, and then read on….

What is an Enneagram?

Geometrically it is nine-sided polygon; there are nine points on the outer edge with an irregular space in the middle as the lines crisscross. Being the most observed design, middle space with nine lines is an effective drawing. But the ancient Celtic designers thought the other way and in their enneagram there were eight points with a centre added as the ninth one.

There are other shapes as well. Enneagram formed by three triangles is touted as a powerful cosmic tool. In fact this is the one which fits the bill as nine-pointed star used extensively in Sufi teaching in Central Asia centuries ago. Another equally absorbing design is to render the nine points in a circle to make it looks like enneagram without lines traversing within.

Interest in enneagram in gem & jewellery grew in the later part of twentieth century. Mainly as result of its use by Baha’i Religion as a symbol for their followers, enneagram was given added fillip thanks to the writings of George Gurdgief who used it as a teaching aid in line with the Sufis of Central Asia. Psychologists are next in contributing to the craze with prototyping nine personalities in an Enneagram.

Cosmics surrounding Enneagram Symbology

Nine as a single digit number has the highest value, which translates into concepts of unity and completeness. On the other hand, nine is self-preservative; it remains forever without altering its stand. Look at this example, add five to nine, it totals fourteen and becomes once again five. When you bring nine-pointed star symbology into cosmic jewellery you blow into it all these characteristics. Moreover, pursuits of cosmic knowledge, preserving mental equilibrium, balancing positive and negative energies are chief objectives in wearing enneagram cosmic jewellery.

Yet another striking feature of this ancient geometrical symbol is that, it is formed by three triangles implying that, any person who wears an enneagram can live in piece with him, his fellow beings and then with the God. Special mention must be made of Soul Chakra known as ““Ruhr” in Arabic, which is located on your right side of your chest. This chakra takes the shape of an Enneagram generating cosmics as invisible rays targeted towards the Mind chakra to the left chest. From the birth till his death, a person receives trillions of cosmic colour darts from the soul chakra.

Types of Design and Wear

In making enneagram cosmic jewellery most jewellers zero-in on the nine petal flower design as it is deemed most pleasing. Next in demand is the nine pointed star design with pointers embedded with metal dots or cosmic gems. The one that can sway cosmics more effectively is to place the enneagram within a circular outer with or without cosmic lettering. Worn as earring, pendant, necklace, bracelet, and ring enneagram cosmic jewellery is fabricated with main metal such as gold, silver, platinum and copper along with appropriate alloy. This choice and setting the right stone from several available in the market for gems & crystals depend solely on the evaluation of your personal cosmics. If you possess the right type of cosmics to wear Enneagram cosmic jewellery it can bring in positive results. And that is a foregone conclusion really.

Check with me.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems




Thursday, 21 February 2013

How Profiling Cosmics help Choosing Right Field of Study?

As results of Advanced Level or High School arrive, parents are put in quandary as to how to choose a field of study for their sons and daughters. Some parents decide unilaterally; some listen to the ideas of their children; quite a few consult friends and relations to brainstorm. Rarely parents look at the cosmics of their children. Keep it aside your wishing and willing; start profiling cosmics of your children, so that, you can bring forth internal dimension to bear on your decision. Here is what you can do about it.

What is Cosmic Profile?

A cosmic profile explains the aspects of internal dimension of a person in relation to an issue, problem or question at hand. This cosmic profile delves deep into a person and unearths and understands aspects residing within him influencing and impacting his life throughout. We call these aspects as “Cosmics” a word that can be used as singular or plural depending on the circumstances. In most cases cosmics are un-seen and un-noticed by the person who is born with such cosmics.

By preparing a cosmic profile, parents get a report identifying, understanding and evaluating cosmics of their children. This profiling of cosmics helps in different ways. For parents it assists in choosing the right field of study. Here are few examples how profiling cosmics help choosing the type or field of study:

1. Steve has received average results and the parents are badly disappointed because they wanted him to pursue an engineering course. Exploring his numbers, parents saw in the cosmic profile report that has an inter play of 2, 4 & 8 in him. They were advised to put him through Quantity Surveying. Steve jumped at the idea. His parents were reluctant first, but came around later. Steve, completing his first year in the course has made a huge impression in under-study and work. His boss has just appointed him as Assistant even before he has fully qualified.

2. Ramsey as his names sounded bombastic and imposing. Though he had excellent results his high sounding name he can do well in media & entertainment. Cecil D B Mille produced remarkable films in Hollywood. Perhaps at that time nobody bothered about his gigantic name. Parents of Ramsey accepted the suggestion and made him follow a course in film making.

3. Cynthia is cute, petite and charming. Her results do not qualify her to follow medicine; yet there is a chance to do dental surgery. One thing that is lacking in her to be dental surgeon is strong shoulders that come handy in pulling decayed tooth! Still she wants to be a doctor. More than she, her parents were keen to make her one. Looking at her physiognomy, the way her hands are moving and the dexterity, the cosmic profile pinpoints that Cynthia indeed can be dental surgeon. You don’t need to pull teeth all the time, anyway.

In all three instances, profiling cosmics has helped parents choose the right type of course for their children. More than anything else it has taken out the worry from their minds.


Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems




Wednesday, 20 February 2013

How to Recommend Cosmic Gem and Cosmic Jewellery?

I have developed a Six-Point formula for recommending cosmic gems and cosmic jewellery. A brief explanation of the formula is given for the benefit of buyers and enthusiasts.

1. Analyse how numbers play in the life of the prospective user. Numbers are derived from the date of birth of a person. As you are aware, numbers flash cosmic light. For example if a person is born on 6 March 1980, then he has numbers 6, 3 and the total of 1980 i.e. 9 doing the inter-play for him. As you see, these numbers are multiple of 3 and exude brilliance.

2. If available scrutinize the time of birth. Most buyers/users of jewellery cannot give precise time. Approximate time can help in limited way. Time is always in essence. It is the arbiter of the world. We have seen time wrap that hovers over our thoughts, emanating from past, muddling through the present and trending our future. Time, space and being are three gateways one has to cross to see the real truth, which is alternatively known as God. Whether a person is born in a good time or bad time is immaterial, as far as he can take right actions he can minimize the negative effects of a bad time and maximize positive effects of good time.

3. Scan how the name sounds. Scriptures started the debate of which came first when talking about sound and light. Of course, we know light travels faster than sound. Yet both light and sound takes place at a particular moment of time. Good example is thunder and lightning. We see the lightning first and then hear the thunder. Meteorologists have a ready reckoner. They just count the seconds between time of lightning till hearing the sound of thunder and conclude the point in sky where this phenomenon takes place. Once the name of a person is heard we can do our own calculations.

4. Assess the appearance. Everyman is different in terms of his physiognomy. Even though you have heard terms like “look alike”, rest assured that even identical twins do possess varying physical properties. Everyman, once again is a space unto himself. When you look at a person, you are concentrating on dual aspects. One relates to static space of physiognomy, for example, broad forehead; the other is dynamic space of physiognomy, for example, laughter. Combined together, both aspects give clue to the chemistry of a person effectively.

5. Journey into past. This is so easiest for the prospective user to recount. By asking pertinent questions, we can find how the life has been played out in him. Has he been lucky or was he crushed by events overbearing him are few of the findings that can be unearthed. In sum, it is all about his being a person in specific set of circumstances, causes and results.

6. Hear the Message. This is so hardest for the prospective user to construe. But should not be that hard for a trained adviser to listen to. These are messages from the cosmic world, conveying to the person recommending gem & jewellery, usually a cosmic adviser, the precise cosmic profile of the prospect under scrutiny.

Once these six areas are evaluated, you can recommend the right cosmic gems and right cosmic jewellery. It is not an easy exercise, though. Cosmic gems have to be chosen from the world of gems & crystals. Thereafter these gems have to be set in different type of wear such as rings and pendants, which we call as holders or outers. In turn, these outers are made from a combination of main metal along with a suitable alloy to harness required cosmic vibrations.

In sum, each gem must be matched with a metal which in turn must be matched with the user lest any mismatch turns counter-productive. Making apt and proper design in cosmic jewellery is of utmost importance. Such a design includes, but not limited to, symbols, drawings, lines, dots, shapes, lettering and numbers. A combination of two or more of these parameters is necessary to harness relevant cosmic energy.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems



Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Does Swan Cosmic Jewellery Suit You?

As a popular symbology, swan is often depicted in cosmic jewellery in many countries. Quite a number of jewellery companies also adopt swan as part of their corporate logo in varying contours. Let me investigate for you what swan means in cosmic jewellery and paint instances where swan cosmic jewellery suits you fine:

1. If you wish for transformation from what you are into what you wish to be swan could be of service to you. In Greek mythology the Gods have special predilection to transform beautiful women or those serve them well as immortal swans. There is also an erotic twist to their talents. The ravisher, Zeus, for example wanted Leda, the wife of King Tyndareus very badly, so that he transformed himself into a swan to seduce her, a story that was celebrated as “Leda and the Swan “in art, sculpture and poetry thereafter.

2. If you need to fuse a union of polarity swan cosmic jewellery is ideal. In Celtic legends, swan represents two types of energy on opposite spectrums; solar, male and assertive energy of the God Lugh and lunar, female and passive energy of Goddess Bridgid are enmeshed in a swan. Blending the opposites in a swan is also noted in Chinese and Indian cultures.

3. If you wish to get adaptability and the ability of striking healthy balance between two or more aspects then you have to settle for swan cosmic jewellery. Swan is known as a bird that can wade through water, fly into air and saunter on earth with equal felicity. More to it: swan mingles in sunrise and sunset. Rarely we see a bird or for that matter a symbol that can bring home the idea of equanimity in such degree of finesse.

4. Are you a discerning person; if yes you have the quality of a swan which you have to fine tune some more for more successful living. If not it is time for you to get swan cosmic jewellery designed for you. This helps you in separating chaff from the gain to make your life lot more easier. Swan is known to possess a special ability to separate milk from water.

5. Do you want lasting love, if so, swan symbol in your cosmic jewellery reflecting your desire; swans live a committed life with their partners, and do mate with single partners for life. Moreover the loyalty and steady relationship is eulogized in Indian epic of Hamsa where Ham the male bird and Sa the female together floated over water and glided in the air till their end.

6. Are you bent on arts and learning; whether yes or no you would better get little bit of Muses in you. Aphrodite the Greek goddess of Love and Roman god of Venus is often personified as a swan. As a symbol of song and dance swan gives you that elegance and movement in dance as well as that scintillating voice in song. Learning comes naturally to swan as the Hindu Goddess for learning Saraswathi uses swan as her vehicle.

7. Are you person of excellence; just look at the crystal people Swarovski, their corporate symbol as the name suggests is a beautiful swan which they have etched in their pendants long sought after by ladies. Excellence also shines in the colour of swan; white being the predominant colour is simple and elegant whereas black swan native of New Zealand is said to be complex and absorbing.

Be that as it may, swan Symbology in cosmic jewellery has to be selected on the basis of your temperament and according to your cosmic profile. As a piece of art swan has its own class in gem & jewellery industry exuding positive cosmics. Adorning lovely ladies as pendants, necklaces, earrings and rings swan can be a unisex symbol as well. Men can settle for swan symbol in accessories more than in body hugging jewellery. Accent stones selected from the world of cosmic gems add more glamour and brilliance. And magnificent looks too.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems




Monday, 18 February 2013

Defend yourself with Amethyst cosmic Jewellery

Are you coming under attack or being put through testing circumstances in business, career, family and society? If yes, there is rescue for you in the form of cosmic jewellery using special class of alloy known as amethyst gold suitably set with gemstones or diamonds that collectively act as a bulwark against any form of offensive directed against you. Read on for details….

In business or career life, there has never been Cinderella idea of smooth sailing. You have to meet up with hostile parties, ideas and situations. You just cannot give up and run. You have got to fight back to survive in the rat race. Examples can be cherry picked from real life situation. Tom, for instance was a budding stockbroker moving in stealth and silence, he used to pick up those undervalued shares. Being an attentive listener, he has an uncanny ability of playing by the ear, literally and metaphorically. He would receive the right and mostly price sensitive information. Taking advantage of this he advised and managed client portfolio raking in millions of dollars as profit. Right round jealousy was being built and nurtured against him. He neglected his defence mechanism tripped and was trapped inescapably. Had he resorted to amethyst cosmic jewellery he could have easily got out of this situation?

Yet another example, this time, Jimmy not so flamboyant as Tom but was satisfied in doing modern art painting; most of these looked bizarre yet caught the eyes of many art lovers. In the middle of successful season, a widow visited him to buy a wall hanging. Never tired talking about his artistic talent and ensuing booming sales, Jimmy went overdrive, and the shrill voice of the widow, was still cringing in his ears, ”Oh! You are doing that well”. As days elapsed after her visit, Jimmy saw his sales plummeting; what puzzled him most was that he just cannot paint anymore. One thing he does not get any new ideas; even if he gets one he cannot do the right strokes with his brush. As times passed by, his canvas became for him a distant drum. Had he resorted to amethyst cosmic jewellery he could have managed the situation?

Both instances are results of jealousy, rivalry, wickedness and many other negative cosmic influences orchestrating against unsuspecting, even though successful persons. Like Tom and Jimmy many men and women regularly come under attack from different corners. You cannot always be alert and keep your guard up relying on your intelligence. Like Tom you can trip or like Jimmy you could be brushed aside.

Employing a proper defence mechanism against negative cosmic attacks therefore is a sine-quo-non. In m my opinion, the best defence is attack, this time not physically but by using proper cosmics. Amongst gem & jewellery, amethyst cosmic jewellery stands out. It is a God sent gift to attack, defend, take cover, from every conceivable situations in which you will be subjected to give up and run. Not only that, amethyst cosmic jewellery helps users in positive ways too.

Those who wish to improve their personality, mitigate weaknesses in health, enhance psychic ability, and harness cosmics and to achieve a particular purpose must opt for appropriate amethyst jewellery along with fitting gems & crystals chosen from a wide variety of cosmic gems to accentuate and augment the power and capacity of this cosmic jewellery.

After analysing the situation you are in and assessing your cosmic profile such an article can be designed. Wearing amethyst cosmic jewellery is the first thing you should do before venturing anywhere. Keep in touch.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems




Friday, 15 February 2013

Octagram Design in Cosmic Jewellery

An eight – point star alternatively known as Octagram is a design that makes your cosmic jewellery a class of its own. Not only it gives you a celebrity look, but works overtime to harness your cosmic energy in affording you composure and success in equal measure. Let me draw few ideas on my canvas on this fabulous design of octagram.

Cultures draw Eight - point star differently

For ancient Sumerians, octagram appears to be a work of art in gem & jewellery. Archaeological findings unearthed eight petal flowers said to decorate their dwellings as well as ornaments. Taking cue from the Sumerians, Spanish city states got their royal flags etched with an octagram. The use of octagram in bunting which is originally traced to the port city of Tartessos, Andalusia of ancient Spain has traversed to modern day national flags in several countries, notably Turkmenistan.

The symbol of octagram was drawn in different styles. Hebrew history paints a magical signet ring worn by King Solomon, often christened as “Seal of Solomon” this ring had a design of a six point star bisected by a straight line in the middle annealed right to left making the star finally an eight point one. Legends sate that this ring gave immense power to the king.

On the side of Arabic lore, octagram was drawn in two ways: one of these shapes has two squares merged together diagonally. Signifying 1/60 th part of Holy Koran, this design was given a flowery title of “Ruh- Al-Hizb”. Rendered in colourful motifs this octagram appeared in clothes and clay, not to, mention in jewellery designs across Asia, Africa and in the region washed by the Mediterranean Sea. Another shape, with a simple octagon was drawn originally by Ibn -Al-Arabi a Sufi master from Spain whose writings and treatises portray octagram as symbol of learning, interconnectedness, awareness and harmony. Later day writers construed octagram as a mark of completion and perfection lending to its popularity as a design in jewellery and clothing in almost all the countries of North Africa. Even today the symbolism of octagram pervades in style and elegance in these countries.

Near home in India, octagram was drawn as two squares merging diagonally signifying the sign of Goddess Lakshmi, known to bestow eight types of wealth. This motif was widely used in India in early times as jewellery design chiefly for deities and women of higher social strata. Yet another idea introduced by the Hindu rishis bordered on eight directions. Known in Sanskrit as Asthadisa, pendants made in gold, silver and copper octagram symbol are deemed to provide protection from negative cosmic attacks emanating from the eight directions.

Modernity gives more mauve

In astronomy the eight directions gained more traction after observing sunrise and sunset directions during summer and winter solstices. Four cardinal directions and four sunrise and sunset directions meant the need for plotting all these directions. Translating these directions into a piece of jewellery often necessitated an octagram. Hence, is the popularity of octagram jewellery, chiefly in the form of rings and bracelets amongst many intelligent people? To some extent science has unwittingly lent more colour and credence to the Symbology of octagram.

Still more Cosmics

Beyond the musings of culture and modernity, what we worry most is whether the benefit of wearing octagram design jewellery is indeed real. In simple terms, cosmics of this design help you to get connected with nature, harmonize with the fellow beings and give you more space in dealing with others. Promoting faith, learning and equanimity octagram can also turns its guns against any harmful attacks coming from the ambience. More than that, octagram has the ability to repair and renew your mind chakra. The Christian belief of octagram as a sign of redemption and regeneration is surely not out of place when we talk about the aspect of renewal.

Fabricated in different types of cosmic jewellery including nose ring, earring, pendant, necklace, amulet, and bracelet and finally as a ring octagram is often recommended as jewellery to be worn over the waist. Suitable metals and appropriate alloys along with the type of cosmic gems that need to be set within depend on your cosmic profile. While everything looks humpy dory, if your cosmic profile does not support the use of an octagram symbol then it could be rather counterproductive. Take care.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems




Thursday, 14 February 2013

How to Wear Cosmic Jewellery?

Channelizing cosmic energy to achieve one or more aims is the specific reason for wearing cosmic jewellery. Such article of jewellery can be manufactured as a plainer one sans any stones or studded with cosmic gems including diamonds. A set of instructions as regards to how to wear cosmic jewellery is often given. Here are few of these:

1. When you buy or make cosmic jewellery for you ensure you get precise and clear instructions from the person who recommends it usually a cosmic adviser. If you need any clarifications you must get these before you put the jewellery on your person. You must confirm to certain rituals that go along with donning a particular piece of jewellery

2. If you are wearing cosmic jewellery for the first time you have to take extra care and begin to do so only in the morning or before noon. This is to ensure that the intended cosmic flow works fine for you. Generally the effect of cosmic jewellery would be felt within few hours of your wearing it. If you feel any uneasiness you should immediately get in touch with the adviser who recommended you to wear the piece. As a quick step you must remove the jewellery promptly and wait for instructions from your adviser

3. Likewise you must observe how the new jewellery fits into your own personal chemistry. A period of 14 days is generally prescribed to assess the usefulness of a particular article of gem & jewellery

4. Unless constant use is prescribed, you need to remove cosmic jewellery before going to sleep. In certain instances you have to take it off after Sun down.

5. Certain jewellery, for instance waist chain, amulet and ankle are not meant to be removed at all

6. While taking bath, shower or swim it would be better to take off cosmic jewellery. Rings for example must be removed if you are doing extensive washing of clothes or handling manual work

7. Take care when you are visiting places like cemetery, mortuary and other locations where negative cosmics abound. Though it is advisable to remove jewellery and keep it in your pocket, it is not always necessary if the particular piece of cosmic jewellery you wear can withstand such negative cosmic flow

8. Metals and cosmic gems have in-built capacity to draw in cosmic power from the elements, chiefly sunlight. Jewellery wear such as earring, nose ring, necklace, pendent, bracelet and ring are too exposed to sunlight or artificial light. This is a must in most cases. However, when you are in office or outside a degree of circumspection has to be exercised to preserve civility and decorum at the same time without losing the prospects of receiving cosmic energy. While in office, for example, once in a way you can fold up your sleeves to expose your bracelet to the ambience, or peep out to get little sunshine on your piece of jewellery. Even if this is not possible expose your cosmic jewellery to elements over the weekends.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems




Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Hamsa Hand Symbol in Cosmic Jewellery

Widespread use of Hamsa hand symbol in cosmic jewellery in Middle-East, North Africa and India has not escaped the attention of enthusiasts world over. Once limited to geographical regions abutting great rivers like Euphrates, Indus and Nile, Hamsa has revived interest on Symbology on the one hand and on bringing it to day to day use on the other.

Hamsa Hand Symbol

The word Hamsa is from Hebraic and Arabic origin. Its meaning is five in these languages. In fact, the fifth alphabet of He/Hay in Hebrew and Arabic is often depicted as a hand where number five denoting five fingers of the hand. A stretched hand with fingers indicates the power of might and right.

Both ancient and modern cultures consider hand as a symbol of divinity, holiness, blessing as well as the art of grace. For them hand means that help is on its way from the heaven. An Hebrew tradition equated Hamsa with the hand of Miriam , Biblical sister of Holy Moses and Aaron; Arabic calligraphers dubbed it as hand of Fatima, daughter of Holy Prophet; Christians in Levant did not want to be left out either. They baptised it as hand of Holy Mary.

Apart from modern religious thought Hamsa figured prominently in the lore of Phoenicians as the hand of Goddess Tanit. In the East, Hindu Rishis understood hand as representing the five elements – fire, spirit, air, water and earth- in a single limb; they went little further and ascribed to the five fingers cosmic energy and summed up the hand as a fountain of cosmics. Beyond these cultures the ancients often saw in the hand a replica of God continually protecting them from negative cosmic attacks including often exaggerated evil eye.

Hamsa as Cosmic Jewellery

Fabricated in various forms and shape, Hamsa cosmic jewellery is one of the most sought after article in jewellery trade. A picture of three middle fingers shown straight with the thumb and small finger palming outwards sometimes in symmetry and elsewhere asymmetrically is advertised by many a jewellers. A variation of all five fingers drawn straight reflecting natural height of each of these looks much more appealing. Fingers pointing upward or downward along with right or left hand are seen. More to it than it meets the eye. Some of these designs have an opened eye in the middle of the outstretched palm hovered over by a pair of fish, grain or leaves. In sum, hand, eye and five fingers put together translates the symbol as a bulwark of defence against any form negative vibration coming from the ambience.

Benefits are snowballing

Said to protect the wearer from evil eye, Hamsa, can easily switch roles as harbinger of happiness, fortune, prosperity and general wellbeing. Abundance and at the same time affording much wanted mental peace is yet another cosmic benefit. Balancing energy centres commonly known as chakras in India is a key aspect often paraded by fabricators of cosmic jewellery. Hamsa can be worn as amulet, bracelet, pendent and necklace. Gold, silver and copper are the main metals with suitable alloy reflecting individual cosmic requirements. Gems & Crystals add colour to Hamsa along with art, drawing and motifs to complete the right piece of gem & jewellery.

Before buying Hamsa, it would be better to scan your cosmic profile so that you buy the one that works better for you. Better still; make one for you to suit to your own requirements.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems




Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Designing Your Cosmic Jewellery

You have the choice of either buying cosmic jewellery fabricated as a general one intended for multiple users or get one designed and crafted as unique and individualistic for you and you alone. The latter option works effectively even though it costs you little more. I give few tips for designing one for you.

First of all you should understand that cosmic jewellery is made with different type of metals such as gold, silver platinum as main metal with various kinds of alloy metals. Instead of metal you can also use thread or fibre from trees as holders.

Secondly you have to determine why you need cosmic jewellery and to achieve what kind of aims. Purposes can be manifold. Achieving business success is one; restoring family harmony another. No single cosmic jewellery can serve as an all-purpose one. By the same token you cannot wear too many of these on your person either. So you have to make a trade-off and select one or two purposes that are seemingly complimentary and fine comb a piece of jewellery for you.

Third and vital tip is that cosmic jewellery is often studded with cosmic gems. There are so many gems & crystals in the world. The ancients knew few of them. Today scientists are recovering crystals almost on a daily basis. Quite a number of them are yet to be tried and tested though. In the place of gems you can also use bark or beads of trees.

Fourth step is to analyse your own cosmic profile. As a person you are always unique with personality and characteristics that make your cosmic print. A point of proof is the colour choice. Even though blue is universally well accepted you may simply do not like this colour. Moreover, gem & jewellery has its own cosmics that cannot be quantified or standardised. These cosmics influence and impact the wearer in positive or negative manner. Diamonds are toasted as friends of ladies. Still there are many lovely women who simply hate the sight of diamonds. This argument can be extended to metals as well. Most prefer platinum, but this noble metal cannot bring any remarkable benefits to many of them.

Fifth step is to make a proper design for cosmic jewellery. Such a design includes, but not limited to, symbols, drawings, lines, dots, shapes, lettering and numbers. A combination of two or more is necessary to harness cosmic energy.

Cosmic jewellery is emerging as a separate segment in the gem & jewellery sector. An individually designed piece can make a big difference in your affairs. Keep in touch.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677

Skype: cosmicgems




Thursday, 7 February 2013

What is Cosmic Jewellery?

Simple definition of cosmic jewellery is an ornament used to serve a specific purpose. Generally you buy gem & jewellery for reasons of aesthetics, fashion or for occasional needs. When you wish to achieve say success in your life or acquire energy or be more positive in your outlook what you need is a piece of cosmic jewellery. Here is a primer for your benefit:

Serving your Purpose

As you go on in life you meet up with situations that demand solutions. Some of these relate to your career; some are concerned with your family or business life and quite a lot border on your capacity to enhance, neutralize or perhaps eliminate certain negative cosmic aspects. An exhaustive list of such aims is outside the scope of this blog post. Cosmic jewellery is used for healing, love & affection, relationship issues, health & wealth, improving business prospects, enhancing self-confidence, boosting personality and making you smarter than you appear. Enhancing balance & harmony; uplifting winning spirits, negating evil influence, neutralizing negative thoughts and harvesting positive cosmics are purposes well served by cosmic jewellery.

What goes in making Cosmic Jewellery?

Cosmic jewellery has a class of its own in gem & jewellery segment. In addition to varieties of gems & crystals that are studded on, cosmic jewellery is made from different type of metals and alloys. It does not mean that metals have a monopoly. Cotton thread is a major alternative used in chains; so are fibres from hemp, climbing plants, reeds and in Asia the stronger ones from banyan tree. Flexible roots from many trees add to the fibre list. Beads from trees such as Rudraksha and ornaments from barks of tree in the form of pendants complete the picture.

Design is the key Arbiter

Much depends on the design employed in cosmic jewellery. Symbols and signs play a vital role in protecting the image and content of this type of jewellery. Drawings such as lines, dots and shape are crucial elements adding to its credence. Other aspects of design include lettering and numbers chosen carefully.

Types of Wear and Users

Cosmic jewellery can be made as chain, necklace, pendant, talisman, trinket, earring, bracelet, bangle, and ring among other types of wear. Women can use jewellery in 12 places in their body whereas men can do so only in 6 places. These places are for jewellery that touches the skin. There are types of wear that do not clutch the body such as button, brooch, pin, tacks, clipping and cuff links for which cosmic jewellery can be made for, but with limited impact.

Cosmic jewellery fits in for all ages, for men & women and can be crafted as unique and individualistic for a specific person or general one for multiple users.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677





Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Why Peacock Design Jewellery?

Beautifully carved out peacock design in jewellery is very popular in the East more than in the West. Many cultures are now beginning to take a fresh look at this legendary design. Let me air some of my thoughts on peacock symbolism, its application across the cultures and how these designs are brought into the jewellery wear.

Peacock Symbology

Peacock as a symbol represents varied ideas: integrity, nobility, watchfulness, guidance, protection, prosperity, royalty, love, compassion, peace, devotion, renewal, grace, beauty are some of the positive undertones. On the side of negative it is considered as pride and vanity and fearfully as a slayer of serpents. On prognosis peacock symbolises rains as the male bird spreads its feathers in a fan like manner during the onset of rains. More than that ancient cultures ascribe a degree of immortality to peacock due, perhaps for the simple reasons its flesh takes longer time to decay than others. Resurrection, on the other hand, was introduced as Christian ethos when its feathers were used during the time of Easter.

Wading through Cultures

Persians top the range with their peacock throne said to be more than two millenniums old. In China and India peacock became a revered bird. So much so, India has declared it as a national bird. Its predominant position in Greek, Chinese and Indian cultural history has been well documented. In India, the Moguls transformed peacock design as most prestigious ones to adorn in their clothes, carvings and pricey ornaments. Hindu Gods have more affinity towards peacock than deities in the other cultures though. Lord Krishna, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu dons a head gear containing beautiful blue-green peacock transmitting cosmic rays. Lord Murugan uses peacock as his vehicle whereas Goddess Saraswathi has two mounts swan and peacock; she is often depicted as seated on a lovely peacock.

Now in Jewellery

Necklace made with peacock in the centre piece is much popular in India and its neighbouring countries. Used in both as heavy jewellery for formal wear and light ones for casual flaunting, peacock is a design that most women crave for. Quite a number of combinations are used in bringing peacock designs into intricate jewellery. Solo peacock, a pair of peacocks, or male and female birds together happen to be the chief concerns of jewellery designers. A pair of peacock facing each other or standing erect or drinking water is used as key design. This design can fit snugly in as earrings, pendants, chains, bangles and bracelets in addition to the ubiquitous necklaces.

How it harnesses your cosmics?

Aesthetics apart, you have to look at how the peacock design can serve as cosmic jewellery bringing out your inner qualities and energy, which is collectively known as cosmics. Perhaps you wish to wear peacock design to achieve a particular purpose such as protection, prosperity and so on. Much depends on the metal and gems and how you set these in your gem & jewellery. Moreover, what type of wear suits you are also matter to be considered. Whether, you wear it as earring, necklace or bangle matters as each wear impacts different limbs of a human body.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile: +94 777 265677


