Wednesday 16 December 2009

What makes Venus Unique?

Bright in the sky, planet Venus is similar to our Earth. But many of her features are so unique that Venus has gained importance not only in Astronomy but in your life too. This blog post details facts about Venus in terms of Astronomy, Legend and Cosmics to enable you to understand Venus better and embark upon improving your life and lifestyle.


Venus is a feminine planet and I have used the word she or her appropriately:

1. Similarity to Earth: She is considered as twin sister of Earth due to similarity in terms of size, mass and gravity. The diameter of Venus is 7,521 miles about 86% of that of the Earth; her mass is about 82 % of that of the Earth. Gravity of Venus is equal to 90% of the Earth’s gravity; for example a person weighing 100 pounds on Earth would weigh 90 pounds on Venus

2. Difference between Earth and Venus: Key difference lie in the atmosphere of Venus which is made up of mostly carbon dioxide. It is too hot there with average temperature on the surface ranging about 460 degree Celsius compared to Earth’s hottest temperature at 58 Celsius. Furthermore, the density in the atmosphere of Venus is very high; something like 92 times the air pressure of Earth prevails on Venus. If you land there you would simply be crushed and melted. Yet anther difference is equally appalling. Sulphuric acid in the cloud surrounding Venus together with lack of water on surface or beneath makes the planet inhospitable

3. Proximity to Earth: Venus is the closest planet from the Earth; her mean distance is calculated as 0.28 astronomical Unit or about 26 million miles. In her orbit around the Sun, Venus travels closest to the Earth at 23.7 million miles; when it moves away from the Earth her distance is about 162 million miles

4. Appearance: Venus appears both in mornings and evenings, a scenario that led ancient Greeks to conclude that there are two such planets: Phosphorus for the morning one and Hesperus for the Evening one. However, modern astronomers found that Venus appears at times in the western sky in the evening when Venus is moving towards the Earth and other times Venus appears in the eastern sky in the morning when Venus is moving away from the Earth

5. Conjunction: In her orbit around the Sun Venus can come in between Earth and the Sun which is known as Inferior conjunction where the light of Venus is lost due to the glare of the Sun. When Venus goes to the opposite point, Sun comes in between Venus and Earth which is known as superior conjunction where the Sun completely occults (covers) Venus and shuts her light falling on Earth

6. Brightness: Venus is the brightest planet viewed from Earth after the Sun and the Moon. There are several reasons: one is the proximity and the other in the manner in which Venus rotates. The silvery planet rotates so slowly on her axis that it takes 243 days for a single revolution. Compare this with Earth’s rotation of 24 hours. Now in her orbit around the Sun Venus takes 224 days just about seven and half months to complete the journey. This feature makes Venus remaining almost as a day planet

7. Rotation: The other four planets namely, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn rotate on their axis West to East called counter clockwise, whereas Venus rotates on her axis East to West called clockwise. There is a reason for this phenomenon. Millenniums ago Venus was struck by a huge asteroid. As a result Venus turned upside down. Even today Venus rotates on its axis that tilts about 177 degrees. So Venus is seen as rotating East to West. If she was in her original condition then she would behave like the other four planets

8. Topography: Her surface is covered by caters created by volcanoes and have topography of huge mountains (higher than mountains on Earth) with valleys in between representing bosoms of a lady. Hence the planet is considered feminine.


1. Venus is named after the Roman Goddess of love and beauty due to silvery light and the appearance of heaving bosom of a lady

2. Venus is the jewel in the sky bright with her carbon dioxide representing blue diamonds

3. Both Holy Scriptures Bible and Quran call Venus as the “morning star”; Venus is one of the stars that guided the three magi to Infant Jesus

4. Hindus called Venus, Shukra personifying the great teacher of Ashura by the name Shukracharya who is said to bestow many boons including Wealth & prosperity, Knowledge & arts, Happiness & enjoyment, Luxury & comfort, Love & marriage, Sex & pleasure, Sensuality & civility and Beauty and brains.


The position of Venus at the time of your birth is very important to understand the nature of your cosmics:

Firstly, you have to find out where Venus was posited at the time of your birth. Theoretically, Venus visits 24 constellations in the sky. In addition to the Twelve Zodiacal Constellations where Venus spends most number of days it also visits Four Non-Zodiacal Constellations: Ophiuchus, Cetus, Orion and Sextant. Moreover, Venus touches eight other constellations one day or less out of 1000 days as calculated by the Astronomical Institute of Utrecht University in Germany. Venus in different constellations means different things for you. Venus in Aries can make you a famed soldier and in Capricornus can make you a renowned professor. Venus in Virgo however can make you a ladies man

Secondly, you have to find out whether Venus was in the sky map of your place of birth at the time of your birth. If so, you have to see whether it was rising, culminating or setting in the sky at the time of your birth. A rising Venus makes you famous; culminating Venus turns you a man who enjoys life; setting Venus however, can cause trouble for your sex and family life

Thirdly, you have to find out whether any phenomenon involving Venus has taken place at the time of your birth. For example, if there is an inferior conjunction your life and fame are overshadowed by events beyond your control; if there is superior conjunction your rise in career and family life finally goes up in smoke due to a transgression on your part.

You can contact me via E-mail or Webpage

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

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