Wednesday 9 December 2009

Monarchy First

A whiff of silence and admiration floated in the royal court for a moment as the crier announced the visit of the three Brahmins, most learned men from a neighbouring country who have come to pay their respects to the monarch. As everyone rose to their feet the king welcomed them with glee………

King Salas has been ruling the country for the last one decade, after coming to the throne at the death of his father, who foresaw cosmics of his son would make him a great king. He is indeed. His fame has spread far and wide as a benevolent king, patron of art, protector of the weak, brave soldier in the battle field. True he is despotic; nevertheless he is always kind towards children, women and senior citizens. Hence, the royal court attracted learned men, performing artists, brave soldiers from many parts of the world who come to the royal court to perform to receive rewards from king Salas or to being in his employ.

It is natural, therefore the announcement of the visiting Brahmins was greeted with silence and admiration by the royal court consisting of ministers, courtesans, public and the royal guard. The beaming King Salas welcomed the three learned men with reverence and delight; he offered them seats on his side reserved for visiting dignitaries. After exchanging pleasantries King Salas allowed them to be heard by the royal court.

The first Brahmin rose and came in front of the throne. “What is your matter” asked King Salas. “Oh Mighty King”, said the first Brahmin, I have come to seek the blessings of the God on your noble person”. As he finished King Salas ordered 1000 gold coins be rewarded to the first Brahmin for his prayer. Thereafter, the first Brahmin returned to his seat.

The second Brahmin rose to his feet and came in front of the Throne “What is your matter” asked King Salas. “Oh Mighty King”, said the second Brahmin, “I have come to seek the blessings of the God on the people of this country”. As he finished there was glee and grin on the public gallery as the Brahmin has sought blessings of the God upon them. King Salas smiled and ordered 2000 gold coins be rewarded to the second Brahmin for his prayer. The public did not hide their glee and raised heir hands cheering the King in appreciation. Thereafter, the second Brahmin returned to his seat.

The third Brahmin wore a muted smile as he got up and came in front of the Throne. “What is your matter” asked King Salas. “Oh Mighty King”, said the third Brahmin, “I have come to seek the blessings of the God firstly upon your noble person and thereafter upon the people of this country”. An ambience of ambiguity spread to the entire court as the third Brahmin finished. Those present in the court did not understand the meaning of the nuanced blessings showered by the third Brahmin. King Salas understood what the third Brahmin meant and with a broad grin on his face he ordered 4000 gold coins be rewarded to the third Brahmin for his supplication. Thereafter the third Brahmin returned to his seat.

Everybody assembled in the court was looking at one another as to why the great king has given rewards in this manner. The King instructed the prime minister to explain. His prime minister bowed to the king and thence to the three Brahmins and addressed the court: “Oh Countrymen, our great king rewarded the three Brahmins differently and there is a worthy lesson for all of us to learn” started the prime minister. The royal assembly listened to him intently. “The first Brahmin received 1000 gold coins for mentioning the king and the king alone. As you are aware a king can stand alone neither on the chess board nor on earth. He needs the people to rule; people are his assets, his strength and his wards. So a king cannot exist without you the people”.

Continued the prime minister, “The second Brahmin, however, sought the blessings of the God only upon you the people. Although people can exist without a king they need leadership to guide them in their lives and for the common good. A country and people without a king is a herd without a head. Such a herd can fall prey to predators because there is no head to take them to safety. Considering these aspects our great king awarded the second Brahmin with 2000 gold coins”.

The prime minister concluded, ” The prayer of the third Brahmin is the right thing to do. He gave in his supplication pride of place to the king and at the same time did not forget the people. A king needs people and the people need the king. The primacy of the king and the monarchy must and shall be preserved for ever. Therefore, our great king awarded the third Brahmin with 4000 gold coins”.

When the prime minister finished the entire royal assembly including the three Brahmins rose from their seats and raising their hands exclaimed in unison: God Save Our King.

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Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser


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