Monday, 5 October 2009

The Six Chakras in your Body

You walk into a new supermarket in search of a can of caviar. Within few seconds you are guided to the shelf close to the rack where it is stacked; neither had you read any display nor you asked an assistant to find it for you. How this happened? Is it Intuition, intelligence, experience or an uncanny habit you possess that made this possible? You did it because your chakras in your body are working in perfect harmony. There are Six Chakras in your body. Let me give a broad brush stroke of the Six Chakras, their cosmics and how they influence your lifestyle.
1. Base Chakra
This Chakra is known as “Nafs” in Arabic and is located in solar plexus just below your navel. This chakra takes the form of five pointed star or pentagram. This is the only chakra in the body that is stationary. Beaming in red colour the chakra ranges between crimson to blood red. It generates five types of energy via each point of the pentagram: Fire, Spirit, Air, Water and Earth. Fire spews out up from the base chakra onto your right side torso to activate your cylinders of action. Fire also engulfs the Soul Chakra located on your right side of your chest. Spirit from the centre of the pentagon is sprayed directly upward to make you spirited in a given circumstance. Spirit also encompasses the Middle located in the middle of your Chest. Air is pumped from the base chakra to the left side of your torso to fashion your thought process. Air also surrounds the Mind chakra located in the left side of your chest. Water gushes down from the base chakra towards the left leg to give you liquidity. Water also inundates the left hip, which is the junction of sexual power. Finally, Earth falls from the base chakra to the right leg to give you solidity. Earth also covers the right hip, which is the junction of physical prowess.
This chakra symbolizes the Arabic and Hebrew alphabet of “Hei”. The chakra’s red colour gives you stimulus in life, sports or business. However, your vibrations are related to body only, thinking part takes back seat. Although red protects you and nourishes you it cannot balance itself. Red leads to heightened activity, without cosmic balance. If the base chakra is working in harmony and well proportioned you become an active, successful and practical person enjoying both family life and business life. If it does not you are beset with problems of grounding yourself, sexually weak or violent, dysfunctional person who will mar his family as well as business life.
2. Mind Chakra
This chakra is known as ““Qalb” in Arabic, is located on your left side of your chest. The chakra takes the form of eight pointed star or octagram. At different times, this star rotates either clockwise or anti clockwise. Not only that it wobbles a lot going up and down within a range. Hence this chakra is the most fluid ones amongst the six chakras. Though the chakra flashes yellow as the base colour, the cosmics range between light yellow to beige colour on the negative side and magenta to violet on the positive side. The chakra has command over your entire thought process.
This chakra symbolizes the Arabic alphabet “Hay” (un-stressed H) and Hebrew alphabet Chet. This chakra denotes all functions of forming, analysing, joining, dissecting and synthesizing. The chakra’s yellow colour generates positive and negative vibrations in same wavelength. That is why yellow is called “the great equalizer”. If the Soul chakra is working in harmony then: it makes you think positively; it moderates sex and lust; it equalizes your thoughts and actions; it eliminates your depression; finally it builds up your steadfastness and energy. More than that, it gives you ability to think fast and find your way out fast. If the Mind chakra is not in harmony you are prone to wilful actions, negative thoughts, wavering quality, criminality, evasive behaviour, emotional flare-up, indecisiveness and chronic depressions.
3. Soul Chakra
This chakra is known as ““Ruh” in Arabic, is located on your right side of your chest. The chakra takes the form of nine pointed star or ennegram. This star rotates anti clock wise. Even though the base colour of the chakra is blue, it generates cosmics in combination of colour rays including the ones in the rainbow. Mostly these cosmic rays could take the shades of green, sea-green, turquoise, sky-blue to dark blue. These cosmics are targeted towards the Mind chakra to the left chest and are in-visible. From the birth till his death, a person receives trillions of cosmic colour darts from the soul chakra.
This chakra symbolizes the Arabic alphabet “The” (Unstressed T) and Hebrew alphabet Tet. The chakra’s blue colour represents Inspiration, devotion, fidelity, friendship, trusts and confidence, aspects that keep human race moving forward. Appreciating beauty, wisdom, faithfulness, intuition and intelligence are other aspects. If the Soul chakra is working in harmony and its cosmics are well received by the Mind chakra you are in perfect control of your body, mind and soul. You are like a person who combines the features of an angel with a Superman from the cartoons. If the soul chakra is not in harmony it leads you to a soul- less person, fearful, fretful and a person unworthy of love and friendship. Sometimes you may turn out to be a cruel despot.
4. Middle Chakra
This Chakra is known as “Sirru” in Arabic meaning “mystery” and is located in the middle of the chest just above the straight line between Soul and Mind chakras. This chakra takes the form of six pointed star or hexagram. It is pure white in colour and rotates clockwise in a slow pace. This is the slowest amongst the rotating chakra. This chakra is the only one communicating with the divine world receiving and sending communication. In the Euphrates culture it was equated to the zodiacal sign Cancer which functioned as the gateway for the souls to enter this world. The middle chakra is a straight-forward one like a vertical line; it divides everything into two compartments: right and wrong; truth and un-truth; black and white.
This chakra symbolizes the Arabic and Hebrew alphabet “Vav”. This chakra denotes a gateway or a junction where the commands received from the heaven are being channelized to other chakras in the body. The beginning, sustaining and ending of a person’s life span is indicated here. If the chakra is working in harmony then you are an angel donning the human clothes: you have the spiritual and worldly wisdom in thoughts and action. You have perfect balance and a knack of timing. You always move up in the ladder and take many others along with you in financial and family progress not to mention inner satisfaction. If the Middle chakra is not in harmony you are on your own and responsible for your actions. Friends and relatives shun you as a devil. You are never in peace: either rolling in the bed with anger or anxiety or harping for revenge and vindictiveness. However, this chakra is such that whether it works in harmony or not you will get famous or notoriety for your behaviour and actions.
5. Forehead Chakra
This chakra is known as “Aqfa” in Arabic meaning ‘Veiled” and is located on your fore-head between your both eyes. The chakra takes the form of twelve pointed star or dodegram. This star rotates clock wise faster than the Middle chakra. At the same time it flashes one of the twelve cosmic colours namely: red, orange, yellow, green, sea-green, turquoise, sky-blue, blue, purple, magenta, violet and white. This chakra shines brighter than other chakras and has the power to magnetize, mesmerize, dazzle or burn anyone who comes into his presence. The energy generated takes the form of electrical, magnetic and telepathic energy that cannot be properly recorded or verified by any scientific equipment.
If this chakra is in harmony you are a charismatic person with inner calmness and outer composure. People are drawn to you for advice and assistance. Your work schedule is full, but the end of the day you are still fresh and cheery. You can shine like a star in your chosen field of activity. If the Forehead chakra is not in harmony you tend to become egoistic and dogmatic person forcing your views and ways on others. You are a politician of George Bush and Tony Blair ilk.
6. Crown Chakra
This chakra is known as “Qafi” in Arabic meaning “More Veiled “and is located on your middle of your head. This chakra takes the form of 72 pointed star or septua-duogram. It has un-known colour combinations not intelligible to human understanding. The unique feature of this chakra is that it opens up towards the end of a person’s life. Once it is opened it never shuts until the person’s demise. These points in the star are known as “Leelah” in Hinduism, “Lailah” in Hebrew, and “Noor” in Arabic; these points denote the level of spiritual status achieved by a person. Those who have their chakras opened go as “Rishis” in Hinduism and as “Saints “in Christianity & Islam. This chakra is beyond human analysis and we can safely leave it to the will of the God Almighty.

Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677

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