Thursday, 23 April 2009

Seven Steps in Developing a Winning Concept

Many of you bewail the fact that everything happens around you and you have simply no way of influencing the ultimate result. If you have a concept developed for private life or public life or both, you will be able to take charge and influence the outcome because a well developed concept gives you direction, motivation and tenacity. In this blog post I describe Seven Steps in developing a Winning Concept.
1. Firstly, think about yourself; your ideas, your moods, your feelings, your desires, your strengths and your weaknesses. Now think of the goals you wish to achieve in private life or public life or both. Private life relates to you and your personal side; let us call this as “family”. Public life relates to what you do for a living; your employment or vocation or engagement; let us call this as “business”. Once this is complete you have an idea as to what is the central theme running, something that threads between and amongst all what have been described above.
2. Secondly, you cross to the opposite side; become an imaginary critic of yourself. Start where you ended under step number 1, that is the central theme and subject it to brutal examination. Is your central theme is tenable? Is it bunkum? From there go down to the goals you have set upon. Are these achievable? Are you over-shooting? Go down still further. Your weaknesses, strengths, desires, feelings, moods and ideas do all these truly reflect you? Did you under-state the weaknesses and over-state the strengths? Are you true to yourself when you listed everything about you?
At this point it is better for you to write items 1 & 2 in your note book; you have done the internal analysis; so far so good
3. Thirdly, you are going to look at outside; this time gathering information from books and magazines, observing others similar to you behaving the way they do, listening to those who are similar to you about their feeling, thoughts and actions that made them succeed in life. Once this phase is over, write down a summary of your observations
4. Fourthly, you turn inward to yourself once again; you have already written the pros and cons of everything along with the outside inputs as well. Now it is the time to switch on your inner mind. Go deep and listen to what your inner mind says about the whole thing. If it says “enough” you stop and go to step number 6. If the inner mind says “all what you did so far is not enough and you need to do more work” go to step number 5
5. The fifth step deals with the realm of the un-chartered or un-known. In this step you have to find something that has never occurred to you so far; or observed by you in your dealing with the external parties under step number 3, something that is unimaginable like Windows or Dell to the inventors who founded it for the first time. Both windows and Dell are success stories now but came from this un-chartered and un-known area. You will also come across an idea that would shape your concept after you explore the realm of un-chartered or un-known
6. Once you have the bare concept ready by now, you have to switch –on your Cosmics to further examine whether your concept suits you fine. Each person is born with a different set of Cosmics. Some have predominantly water in their element whereas others have fire. For some certain numbers will work for others the same numbers would not? Certain colours would appeal to some while the same colours make others un-comfortable. Some can work at a stretch for several hours while others need rest and relaxation to continue. The probabilities are endless. Once you analyze your cosmics you will come to an understanding whether the concept you are developing will suit you in the first place
7. The last item is to dry test the concept you have developed and reduce it in few words or a phrase or a single sentence. I give few examples:
Maths Teacher: My concept is “innovative teaching method along with rote learning bent on more class work”
Lawyer: My concept is “tell the truth, nothing but the truth to everyone including my clients”
Old car salesman : My concept is “bring convenience and affordability to the buyer and reasonable price to the seller, keeping my commission intact”
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677

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