Friday, 18 December 2009

How to Cool down Your Hot Temper?

Being hot tempered is not necessarily a bad quality in you because you can take several measures to cool down your anger. However if being hot tempered is a quality acquired by birth then you need to put extra efforts to cool off. This blog post explains details of anger and anger management to enable you to adopt suitable measures in improving your life.

Getting Angry

Many writers make a big hullabaloo about people getting angry as if it is the worst thing ever done. This is completely a false argument. Even in mythology, Gods in Greek, Roman and Hindu lore have had enough of temper tantrums. So why is the fuss? It is because the norms of the society demand that everybody suppresses his anger. Aristotle in his writing, however, has mentioned about the concept of “Catharsis” a situation where you let out your feelings so that the resultant situation becomes saner and better. Blowing your fuse at times is as natural as your go for fun and frolic. It can be excused as well. But if you habitually flare up the society shuns you as an angry person; likewise if you start to get physical while in episodes of anger and land few blows on others then you are crossing the red line.

Showing Anger

There are two ways of venting your feelings:

1. Internal Expression of Anger: In this case you keep your anger within your body and mind. This method does help you in the short run but in the long run does lot of harm. You tend to spend endless nights rolling on the bed thinking about the incident. Or you harp on the issue for long time that your elements tune you to be a morose person. By suppressing anger one day you are going to implode within; face a breakdown in heart and other vital organs. Some of you can get into neurosis and complications in connection with the proper functioning of the brain

2. External Expression of Anger: In this case the cathartic effect comes into play. You blast out and that is the end. So you feel relieved unless others are hurt by your rage. There are three ways of showing anger externally:

2.1. You grimace, show a long face or mimic; here you use the face to show your bubble of rage in a muted manner

2.2. You shout, scold or leather out; here you use your voice mainly against family members, business associates, friends and relations or sometimes members of the public

2.3. You use your hands and legs to demonstrate your rage; here it is all physical resulting in damages to your limbs and consequential damages to others as well. This can lead to family disharmony, business related issues and perhaps financial loss

Causes of Anger

Anger can be caused by a single factor or several factors put together. Provocation by others, disappointment, mental hurt, depression, touching the raw nerve by others especially in religion and politics, stress, busy lifestyle are main causes. Women take their anger out on husbands and other family members when their ego is under siege. Moreover, women who do not get sexual satisfaction from their spouses have tend to fly into rage frequently. Brooding behaviour also leads to destructive forms of anger. More than that anger can be caused by characteristics you acquire at the time of birth. This birth related cosmics continue to prevail in you unless mitigatory measures are implemented.

Anger Management

If you blow hot once in a way it does not matter to you or to others. But if you are getting angry habitually you will be branded with “Hot- Tempered” label which is very difficult to take it off on the one hand and on the other hand leads the society at large to shun you. To avoid this situation you should follow a system called anger management. It consists of two types of therapy: one deals with short term cooling down and the other uses long term cooling off.

A) Short term Cooling Down

Here we go like the cowboys fingers on the trigger:

1. Just look out of the window at the sky or trees or at nature

2. Drink a glass of water

3. Splash cool water on your face and if possible daub your chest area with a freshened moist tissue

4. Have a cool drink made from fruits

5. Lie down on the floor for about 4 to 8 minutes

6. Change your seat, close your eyes and count from 1 to 28; by the time you reach 28 your system gets fresh thoughts and sensation. The number 28 relates to the Lunar Mansions

7. Become a baby and sing a nursery rhyme in soft voice

8. If you are unable to control physical urge get the waste paper basket, sit on the floor, pour the contents on the floor, now begin tearing the papers as if you are shredding these, put everything back, now you are done with your anger. A Swedish ceramic manufacturer had a heap of damaged ceramics, stored in his backyard left to be pounded; he was also aware that most employees in ceramic industry get frequently angry. So he circulated a note: If you are not happy with the management go into the backyard and damn those ceramics. He got the result: the employees gave vent to their feelings and the damaged ceramics were pounded to dust

9. Sprawl on your cushioned chair, bring your hands together on the back of your head and rest your head resolutely, put your feet up on the table, close your eyes, now get into dream world, think about your time as a youth, sauntering on beaches with your girl friends, think of your mother and the love and affection she showered on you. Result: you are fully relaxed.

B) Long term Cooling Off

Here you reflect on the basics and allow your cosmics to work for you:

1. Do a self- assessment; Write why are you getting angry frequently, what can be done, whom you should talk to; go thorough the process of understanding you and your present state and how you wish to make your future by keeping cool

2. Consult a therapist or a neutral person and get his advice

3. Learn to relax

4. Understand your birth cosmics. The following are some of the birth characteristics associated with generally angry persons:

4.1 Birth on Tuesdays and Saturdays store and harness more adrenalin resulting in anger and frustration

4.2 If your predominant element is fire the tendency to lose control and display emotions is high

4.3 When your middle chakra in your body is not in equilibrium you can fly into rage momentarily. The base chakra deals with hunger, the heart chakra deals with impulse and the middle chakra deals with anger. The coordination between these chakras is directed by the middle chakra. When it fails either hunger or impulse or both can make you blow a fuse. You know the proverb: an hungry man is an angry man

4.4 When your birth Moon is in Aries or Leo constellations

4.5 When your birth Moon is either in New Moon or in Full Moon Lunation Cycles

4.6 When your birth Moon is in either of the Lunar Mansions: Al-Sheratain, Al-Debaran, Al-Qalb, and Al-Jabbah

If you have any of these characteristics you have to do lot more in cooling off your hot temper. You are advised to wear light coloured clothes, use cooling gems and crystals such as pearls and moonstones, drink plenty of water and keep your stomach one third with solid foods, one third with liquids and one third empty.

You can contact me via E-mail or Webpage

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser


Thursday, 17 December 2009

What is Your Right Sun Sign?

So you have found your Sun sign by looking at popular newspaper columns and internet pages and adopt it as your own. The dates given for these Sun signs are made arbitrarily and do not relate to the actual transit of the Sun. Find your Right Sun sign by reading this blog post. I explain details of the transit of the Sun so that you can find your Sun sign easily and go on improving your life.
Your Right Sun Sign
Just check the actual transit dates given in the table below and find out Your Right Sun Sign. The table details twelve Zodiacal signs plus Ophiuchus, a Sun sign that was ignored by the ancients but plays a major role today. Hence, there are thirteen such Sun signs now. In Astronomy, these Sun signs are known as “Constellations”. The table below indicates the name of the constellation, date Sun enters into the constellation, date Sun leaves from the constellation and the duration in days the Sun stays in a constellation, as shown by Dr. Lee T. Shapiro, Director Morehead Planetarium, of the University of North Carolina. The accompanying notes explain finer points over the Sun transit:
Transit of the Sun
Constellation Date Enters Date Leaves Duration of stay in days
Aries                April 19           May 13                  25
Taurus             May 14            June 19                  37
Gemini            June 20            July 20                    31
Cancer            July 21             August 9                 20
Leo                 August 10        September 15         37
Virgo              September 16  October 30              45
Libra               October 31      November 22          23
Scorpio           November 23   November 29            7
Ophiuchus     November 30    December 17         18
Sagittarius     December 18    January 18             32
Capricorn       January 19        February 15           28
Aquarius        February 16       March 11              24
Pisces            March 12           April 18                38
1. The Sun transits into 13 constellations and not twelve as popularly known. In addition, the Sun while in the Pisces constellation breaks new ground by parking into the Cetus constellation on March 27. What happens is that half of the Sun’s disk is in Cetus constellation and half of the Sun’s disk is still in the Pisces constellation a unique process that lasts almost 18 hours on that day
2. Depending on the leap year adjustment the days may fluctuate plus or minus one day for every Sun sign
3 Those who are born on border days have to check the precise position of their Sun sign by looking at the sky map of their time, date and place of birth, or should consult an astronomer to trace the position of the Sun. This is because the Sun unlike the universally accepted day, does not begin its journey on twelve midnight. The time of its entry into a constellation can take place any time during the 24 hour slot
4. Duration of the stay of the Sun in these constellations is uneven. The Sun stays more than 30 days in six constellations: Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Whereas The Sun stays less than 30 days in seven constellations: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Ophiuchus, Capricorn and Aquarius
5. The Astronomical name for Scorpio is Scorpius; Capricorn is Capricornus; while the calling names for Ophiuchus vary: snake handler, snake charmer, serpent carrier and its Latin name Serpentius are very common
6. The Sun stays more days in Ophiuchus than in Scorpio
7. Just above 60 per cent of the global population is born under six Sun signs of
Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces
8. The longest stay of Sun is in Virgo constellation and the shortest stay is in Scorpio constellation.
Most of you have read about the twelve Zodiacal Sun signs. Probably you have not learnt much about the Ophiuchus Sun sign. Let me give you few details of the Ophiuchus. This Sun sign comes in between Scorpio somewhat of a negative Sun sign and Sagittarius an extremely positive Sun sign. Hence Ophiuchus combines positive and negative features. If you are born between November 30 and December 17 you come under the Ophiuchus Sun sign. Here is a review of this Sun sign:
Positive Cosmics: Person with becalming and balming effect, most of the time a healer, in every family a “ sugar daddy” ; compassion is your hall mark ; high dexterity and manoeuvrability in handling any situations; an excellent problem-solver and trouble shooter; moderate but satisfactory lifestyle ; ability to forecast and clairvoyance; brings opposing factions together; dull looking person with passion for bright and flashing colours; always an idealist; hates crime and criminals; artistic and expressive tendencies make you famous in publishing , media, fashion and entertainment industry; during Christmas you don the clothes of Santa Claus to distribute gifts; you do well in professions bordering on medicine, therapy and ones that bring happiness and laughter to others
Negative Cosmics: Fall victim to conspiracy and deceit; land in unseen troubles without your knowledge; too passionate in love accompanied with too quick failures in family life; prone to accidents and accidental poisoning; high sensitivity mar your health resulting in breakdowns of heart and vital organs.

Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

What makes Venus Unique?

Bright in the sky, planet Venus is similar to our Earth. But many of her features are so unique that Venus has gained importance not only in Astronomy but in your life too. This blog post details facts about Venus in terms of Astronomy, Legend and Cosmics to enable you to understand Venus better and embark upon improving your life and lifestyle.


Venus is a feminine planet and I have used the word she or her appropriately:

1. Similarity to Earth: She is considered as twin sister of Earth due to similarity in terms of size, mass and gravity. The diameter of Venus is 7,521 miles about 86% of that of the Earth; her mass is about 82 % of that of the Earth. Gravity of Venus is equal to 90% of the Earth’s gravity; for example a person weighing 100 pounds on Earth would weigh 90 pounds on Venus

2. Difference between Earth and Venus: Key difference lie in the atmosphere of Venus which is made up of mostly carbon dioxide. It is too hot there with average temperature on the surface ranging about 460 degree Celsius compared to Earth’s hottest temperature at 58 Celsius. Furthermore, the density in the atmosphere of Venus is very high; something like 92 times the air pressure of Earth prevails on Venus. If you land there you would simply be crushed and melted. Yet anther difference is equally appalling. Sulphuric acid in the cloud surrounding Venus together with lack of water on surface or beneath makes the planet inhospitable

3. Proximity to Earth: Venus is the closest planet from the Earth; her mean distance is calculated as 0.28 astronomical Unit or about 26 million miles. In her orbit around the Sun, Venus travels closest to the Earth at 23.7 million miles; when it moves away from the Earth her distance is about 162 million miles

4. Appearance: Venus appears both in mornings and evenings, a scenario that led ancient Greeks to conclude that there are two such planets: Phosphorus for the morning one and Hesperus for the Evening one. However, modern astronomers found that Venus appears at times in the western sky in the evening when Venus is moving towards the Earth and other times Venus appears in the eastern sky in the morning when Venus is moving away from the Earth

5. Conjunction: In her orbit around the Sun Venus can come in between Earth and the Sun which is known as Inferior conjunction where the light of Venus is lost due to the glare of the Sun. When Venus goes to the opposite point, Sun comes in between Venus and Earth which is known as superior conjunction where the Sun completely occults (covers) Venus and shuts her light falling on Earth

6. Brightness: Venus is the brightest planet viewed from Earth after the Sun and the Moon. There are several reasons: one is the proximity and the other in the manner in which Venus rotates. The silvery planet rotates so slowly on her axis that it takes 243 days for a single revolution. Compare this with Earth’s rotation of 24 hours. Now in her orbit around the Sun Venus takes 224 days just about seven and half months to complete the journey. This feature makes Venus remaining almost as a day planet

7. Rotation: The other four planets namely, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn rotate on their axis West to East called counter clockwise, whereas Venus rotates on her axis East to West called clockwise. There is a reason for this phenomenon. Millenniums ago Venus was struck by a huge asteroid. As a result Venus turned upside down. Even today Venus rotates on its axis that tilts about 177 degrees. So Venus is seen as rotating East to West. If she was in her original condition then she would behave like the other four planets

8. Topography: Her surface is covered by caters created by volcanoes and have topography of huge mountains (higher than mountains on Earth) with valleys in between representing bosoms of a lady. Hence the planet is considered feminine.


1. Venus is named after the Roman Goddess of love and beauty due to silvery light and the appearance of heaving bosom of a lady

2. Venus is the jewel in the sky bright with her carbon dioxide representing blue diamonds

3. Both Holy Scriptures Bible and Quran call Venus as the “morning star”; Venus is one of the stars that guided the three magi to Infant Jesus

4. Hindus called Venus, Shukra personifying the great teacher of Ashura by the name Shukracharya who is said to bestow many boons including Wealth & prosperity, Knowledge & arts, Happiness & enjoyment, Luxury & comfort, Love & marriage, Sex & pleasure, Sensuality & civility and Beauty and brains.


The position of Venus at the time of your birth is very important to understand the nature of your cosmics:

Firstly, you have to find out where Venus was posited at the time of your birth. Theoretically, Venus visits 24 constellations in the sky. In addition to the Twelve Zodiacal Constellations where Venus spends most number of days it also visits Four Non-Zodiacal Constellations: Ophiuchus, Cetus, Orion and Sextant. Moreover, Venus touches eight other constellations one day or less out of 1000 days as calculated by the Astronomical Institute of Utrecht University in Germany. Venus in different constellations means different things for you. Venus in Aries can make you a famed soldier and in Capricornus can make you a renowned professor. Venus in Virgo however can make you a ladies man

Secondly, you have to find out whether Venus was in the sky map of your place of birth at the time of your birth. If so, you have to see whether it was rising, culminating or setting in the sky at the time of your birth. A rising Venus makes you famous; culminating Venus turns you a man who enjoys life; setting Venus however, can cause trouble for your sex and family life

Thirdly, you have to find out whether any phenomenon involving Venus has taken place at the time of your birth. For example, if there is an inferior conjunction your life and fame are overshadowed by events beyond your control; if there is superior conjunction your rise in career and family life finally goes up in smoke due to a transgression on your part.

You can contact me via E-mail or Webpage

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Friday, 11 December 2009

Perfumes for You

Everyday is different in terms of cosmics; in some days you are high in spirits; in some days you feel low in spirits; in few others you are on average in spirits. You can use perfumes effectively to harness high spirits and neutralize low spirits. This blog post helps you to do just that. Find the right perfume for each day and get your cosmics to work for you to change your lifestyle and end up improving your life too.

Just Few Notes

1. I am detailing the type of perfumes to be worn or applied on each day beginning from Sunday and ending on Saturday

2. Generally perfumes work well during the day. It is because the Sun is out there and sunlight and sunrays can augment the positive effects of the perfumes and neutralize any negative reactions. Yet another reason is that, the use of perfumes in the night time attracts unwanted attention from Genie on the one hand and criminal elements from human beings on the other. For example, when a young and beautiful girl wears an irresistible perfume during night, it can arouse feelings bordering on criminality in the minds of weak and violent men

3. In cosmic calculation a day begins from Sunrise and ends with Sun down. Each day is owned by a different planet. Hence, each day has different cosmics

4. The perfumes recommended are from generic names. Generally branded perfumery indicates on the carton a specific perfume as one of the basic part known as Notes”. There are three such notes: top, middle and base

a) Top note gives instant burst of the perfume but does not last more than one hour.

b) Middle note, is the central part of the perfumery. In most cases this part is same as the brand name mentioned in the label; this perfume lingers for considerable hours.

c) Base note lasts longer say more than 12 hours but will have fairly low burst of fragrance.

5. It is better for you to buy branded products only if the product uses the perfumes either in middle or base notes

6. You should always insist on natural perfumery rather than artificial ones.


Day: Owned by the Sun Hot & Dry Planet. Your spirits are on median level. You generally shift to reverse gear on Sundays. Avoid doing the same tasks you have been doing for the other six days; do something different; spend time out of your usual abode; attempt something out of the way. So use the perfumes that can make you turn diametrically.

Perfumes: Amber, Frankincense, Musk, Myrrh


Day: Owned by the Moon, Cold & Moist planet. Your spirits are high; you feel elated; you are ready for action; you want result. But you want it on your own way. That is not going to happen. Matters will come head on, one after another. Your patience is tested and you are in conflict with the environment. To resolve these psycho metrics you have to use perfumes that calm you down but make you brace any situation.

Perfumes: Honey suckle, Jasmine, Lemon, Night queen


Day: Owned by Mars, Very Hot & Dry planet. You are high on spirits so is your adrenalin. You can easily be teased into anger. You have high blood pressure or could sway violently in terms of moods. But your capacity to work is not impaired. At this moment you should use perfumes that take out the heat from your system and moist you more.

Perfumes: Neroli, Pitchouli, Rosemary


Day: Owned by Mercury, Moderately Cold & Dry planet. You are “born again adolescent” on a Wednesday. Enthusiasm, energy, and feeling of intense desire grip you. Wednesday can turn out to be busy or light depending on the activities you have scheduled. Yet for all purposes it is a day of moderate spirits. You can up your spirits if you want to by using the perfumes that build from the point you are and take you gradually upward.

Perfumes: Basil, Green champa, Lavender, Lemon grass, Lily


Day: Owned by Jupiter, Moderately Warm & Moist planet. Good things always happen on a Thursday. More than that, you get rewards and appreciation too. Every Thursday you are ready for the big action because your spirits are damned high. All round you have pleasantness, easiness, a sense of deja vous; feeling of smoothness inside and a sweet smell of success outside. Your big task is how to keep up the tempo? So use the following perfumery.

Perfumes: Sandalwood, Saffron, Vanilla


Day: Owned by Venus, Moderately Cold & Moist planet. It is refreshing day as if you have swallowed all the mints in the world. High spirits in three sides: intellectual, sexual and spiritual. You have bonhomie quality through out the day. Awakening of these three energies have to be channelized by using the perfumery that would balance and focus these into a single flow.

Perfumes: Gardenia, Lilac, Rose, Violet


Day: Owned by Saturn, Very Cold & Dry Planet. Saturday is a day of see-saw. Mornings are generally low spirited that taper as the day passes. Often you will experience moderate spirits combining internal delight and energy towards late afternoons. This negative cum positive level of enthusiasm has to be balanced on an even keel by using perfumery that drives away negative feelings and restore or sustain positive feelings.

Perfumes: Hyacinth, Peppermint, Pine, Vetiver

You can contact me via E-mail or Webpage

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser


Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Monarchy First

A whiff of silence and admiration floated in the royal court for a moment as the crier announced the visit of the three Brahmins, most learned men from a neighbouring country who have come to pay their respects to the monarch. As everyone rose to their feet the king welcomed them with glee………

King Salas has been ruling the country for the last one decade, after coming to the throne at the death of his father, who foresaw cosmics of his son would make him a great king. He is indeed. His fame has spread far and wide as a benevolent king, patron of art, protector of the weak, brave soldier in the battle field. True he is despotic; nevertheless he is always kind towards children, women and senior citizens. Hence, the royal court attracted learned men, performing artists, brave soldiers from many parts of the world who come to the royal court to perform to receive rewards from king Salas or to being in his employ.

It is natural, therefore the announcement of the visiting Brahmins was greeted with silence and admiration by the royal court consisting of ministers, courtesans, public and the royal guard. The beaming King Salas welcomed the three learned men with reverence and delight; he offered them seats on his side reserved for visiting dignitaries. After exchanging pleasantries King Salas allowed them to be heard by the royal court.

The first Brahmin rose and came in front of the throne. “What is your matter” asked King Salas. “Oh Mighty King”, said the first Brahmin, I have come to seek the blessings of the God on your noble person”. As he finished King Salas ordered 1000 gold coins be rewarded to the first Brahmin for his prayer. Thereafter, the first Brahmin returned to his seat.

The second Brahmin rose to his feet and came in front of the Throne “What is your matter” asked King Salas. “Oh Mighty King”, said the second Brahmin, “I have come to seek the blessings of the God on the people of this country”. As he finished there was glee and grin on the public gallery as the Brahmin has sought blessings of the God upon them. King Salas smiled and ordered 2000 gold coins be rewarded to the second Brahmin for his prayer. The public did not hide their glee and raised heir hands cheering the King in appreciation. Thereafter, the second Brahmin returned to his seat.

The third Brahmin wore a muted smile as he got up and came in front of the Throne. “What is your matter” asked King Salas. “Oh Mighty King”, said the third Brahmin, “I have come to seek the blessings of the God firstly upon your noble person and thereafter upon the people of this country”. An ambience of ambiguity spread to the entire court as the third Brahmin finished. Those present in the court did not understand the meaning of the nuanced blessings showered by the third Brahmin. King Salas understood what the third Brahmin meant and with a broad grin on his face he ordered 4000 gold coins be rewarded to the third Brahmin for his supplication. Thereafter the third Brahmin returned to his seat.

Everybody assembled in the court was looking at one another as to why the great king has given rewards in this manner. The King instructed the prime minister to explain. His prime minister bowed to the king and thence to the three Brahmins and addressed the court: “Oh Countrymen, our great king rewarded the three Brahmins differently and there is a worthy lesson for all of us to learn” started the prime minister. The royal assembly listened to him intently. “The first Brahmin received 1000 gold coins for mentioning the king and the king alone. As you are aware a king can stand alone neither on the chess board nor on earth. He needs the people to rule; people are his assets, his strength and his wards. So a king cannot exist without you the people”.

Continued the prime minister, “The second Brahmin, however, sought the blessings of the God only upon you the people. Although people can exist without a king they need leadership to guide them in their lives and for the common good. A country and people without a king is a herd without a head. Such a herd can fall prey to predators because there is no head to take them to safety. Considering these aspects our great king awarded the second Brahmin with 2000 gold coins”.

The prime minister concluded, ” The prayer of the third Brahmin is the right thing to do. He gave in his supplication pride of place to the king and at the same time did not forget the people. A king needs people and the people need the king. The primacy of the king and the monarchy must and shall be preserved for ever. Therefore, our great king awarded the third Brahmin with 4000 gold coins”.

When the prime minister finished the entire royal assembly including the three Brahmins rose from their seats and raising their hands exclaimed in unison: God Save Our King.

You can contact me via E-mail or Webpage

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser


Monday, 7 December 2009

Let the Sunlight Come in

Van Helsing pulls down the curtain and let the sunlight comes in; feet of Dracula are caught in the ring of the sunlight; Dracula crumbles into dust and blown away………… runs the final scene of the 1958 horror film “Dracula”. Sunlight can do more than that. In this blog post I am arguing why you should let sunlight come into your life, home and office. I am also elaborating cosmics of sunlight so that you will use it for improving your life and lifestyle.

What is Sunlight?

Sunlight is an electro magnetic radiation coming from the Sun consisting light and heat. Sunlight is filtered through the atmosphere surrounding the earth as well as the clouds in the sky. Though electromagnetic radiation has several aspects; let me deal with the Visible Spectrum and the Ultra Violet Rays of the sunlight in this blog post.

Visible Spectrum

A visible spectrum is what your eyes can see in the sunlight. You can do this by looking at a rainbow or see the sunlight through a prism. You will see several colours continuing in a spectrum. Traditionally, the number of colours was fixed as seven. This is because of cultural and occult reasons. The Hindus ascribed Sun as Lord Vishnu who rode a carriage driven by seven horses implying seven colours and seven days in a week. Sir Isaac Newton on examination of the white sunlight through a prism found six colours: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Violet. Being an occultism he added one more colour “Indigo” by splitting the Violet colour. In fact indigo colour is formed by the mixture of more blue with less red.

Ultra Violet Rays

The Sun sends down ultra violet (UV) rays. Depending on the wavelength the UV rays are divided into three categories: UVA, UVB and UVC. The wavelength of the individual UV rays is given below:

UVA – 315 to 400 nanometers

UVB - 280 to 315 nanometers

UVC - 100 to 280 nanometers

The last one UVC is more damaging than the rest but is prevented by earth’s ozone layer from penetrating down on the surface of the earth. The human body produces Vitamin D through the intervention of the UVB of the sunlight. UVA is most beneficial with proper mix of radiation with the light

Positive Cosmics of Sunlight

1. Sunlight drives away vampires or simply destroys them. The visible spectrum of six colours Viz: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet transforms into the Star of David with miraculous power. It acts as a shield against evil spirits. Judeo-Christian-Islamic theocracy has accepted the existence of spirits and genies, which may be good or evil. You can check this aspect easily by going into your basement or attic that was never exposed to sunlight and sense the shrill silence and evilness pervading there. Neglected buildings are often haunted by genies of sorts

2. Sunlight brings blessings of the God, or the nature if you are not accepting the existence of God. In Hindu tradition Sun is Lord Vishnu and his concert is Lakshmi who is the Goddess of Fortune. When sunlight comes into your house it brings you glad tidings. In my practice, I have advised clients who suffer from financial mishaps to let sunlight come into their houses and offices, with good result. If you have your main door or windows facing eastern direction, keep these open as sunlight breaks in the dawn. Pharaoh Ramses II usually opens the doors and windows in the morning to allow sunlight in, a fact that made him wealthy and later a formidable opponent to Moses. In your office pull down shutters, binds and curtains to allow sunlight to come in with boons for you. You may continue to use the glass of the windows so as to protect from any ultra violet rays as glass does absorb these rays effectively

3. Sunlight aids in photosynthesis: a process of converting carbon dioxide into organic compounds using the energy from the sunlight, which is necessary for life on earth

4. The human body produces vitamin D from the sunlight; vitamin D plays a pivotal role in maintaining several organs and systems in your body

5. Sunlight avoids you falling into “Winter Depression” a condition where people who are not exposed to sufficient sunlight gets into mental lows during winter

6. Sunlight also avoids “Multiple Sclerosis”, a condition arising at fairly advanced age of life, when the ability of cells in the brain and spinal cord to co-ordinate with each other falters

7. Sunlight gives you the zing and zest and makes you a virile person. Just check your condition after warming with sunlight for few moments

8. Tanning of your skin in correct measure during sunbath gives your skin longevity and wrinkle free appearance throughout your life

9. Dermatological disorders such as eczema can be treated with a combination of medication and measured exposure to the morning sun

10. A ride in a train travelling south to north or vise versa during dawn would give you a pleasant awareness of the sunlight. You will see the Sun in all six colours sequentially as I did on the other day when I travelled in a train. In the eastern horizon sun rose and within few minutes I had the chance of seeing red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet sun, an invigorating and memorable scene chiselled in my life.

Negative Cosmics of Sunlight

On the fillip side, too much of sunlight can cause few problems:

1. Your skin produces Melanin in order to off-set the ill effects of UVA or UVB rays. If you have any melanin deficiency sunlight my cause you harm; your skin ages faster or is full of wrinkles

2. You could possibly get sun burns which can develop into mild or severe inflammation of the part of the skin that is exposed to excessive sunlight

3. During bright sunshine, sunlight can counteract with the workings of certain medication such as antibiotics

4. In some instances sunlight is devilled by doctors as causing skin cancer; however the instances and the exclusivity of sunlight causing such malady need to be evaluated.

As the positive cosmics over weigh negative cosmics of the sunlight the universal advice is: Let the Sunlight Come In.

You can contact me via E-mail or Webpage

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Friday, 4 December 2009

Personality: How Your Man Irons his Shirt?

Even a mundane affair like ironing a shirt can reveal the personality characteristics of men. Most men are too lazy to iron their shirts and palm it off to their wives or others. When they do iron they tend to show their natural and inner feelings and traits. This blog post delves deep into the action of ironing shirts by men and explains the cosmics relating to it. It also explains the personality and lifestyle of men behind ironing shirts.


A shirt has seven parts: Collar, Yoke, Back Body, Right Front, Left Front, Right Sleeve and Left Sleeve. Anyone who is to iron a shirt has to start with one of the seven parts. Your man is no exception; he will habitually starts with one of the seven parts. Not that he does it deliberately; it is his cosmics that drive him to do so. It is because each part of a shirt is related to one of the seven planets that influences him. Let me give a broad review of the personality profile of your man, anchored upon each of the seven parts.

1. Collar: Collar is the top most part and relates to the Sun. If your man habitually irons the collar first, then he is basically influenced by the Sun. As a Solarian he is a confident, no nonsense person with little or no patience. He wants you to lay the table for dinner or dress up to go for a dinner in a jiffy. He will blare or bluster when challenged or cornered. But in normal course of life he is a sweet husband and a loving father. He wants the place in order and believes in ethics and logic. Very conscious of his leisure you cannot disturb him when he takes his snooze late in a Sunday morning. Basically a man about the worlds he can be generous towards his friends and harsh on his opponents. He will not tolerate any evil doing in his career even though he is bent upon seeking power and glory. He is faithful too but might feel taken back when you dance with one of his friend in a party

2. Yoke: Yoke supports the collar and links with the rest of the five parts: Back Body, Right Front, Left Front, Right Sleeve and Left Sleeve. It relates to the planet Mars. If your man habitually irons the yoke first, then he is basically influenced by Mars. Let me pity you, because you have got a fighter at home. As a Martian he is courageous, taciturn person with plenty of stamina. He will often shoot his mouth and spend rest of the time facing the consequences or engaged in damage limitation. Violence and repentance follow each other in constant train of events in his life. Most men in military are wont to iron yoke first. Compensating factor is his kindness and generosity towards family, friends, colleagues and the society in general. Martians cannot tolerate inefficiency, injustice and unfairness. You have lot more to do in holding his hand lest he gets into further quagmire be it in business or in family

3. Back Body: As the name suggests, it is the spinal element that holds the skeleton of the shirt. Like Atlas it carries the weight and like Sisyphus it pushes the remaining four parts to be shrink and crease free. It is a thankless job indeed, and it relates to the planet Saturn to boot. If your man habitually irons the back body first, then he is basically influenced by Saturn. As a Saturnian he is clumsy, generally overweight with a pot belly and equally bloating shoulders. Your man is neglected by everyone including you though without him neither the family nor his office can ever run. Rule minded like the British, a Saturnian is not a person to be befriended easily. Like the British his mind can only work in regimented and oft-beaten path. Novelty, lateral thinking and out of the box solution never appeal to him. He will grin if you cook the food he likes and growl when you don’t. When his office guys are on a spot they quietly get him to un- entangle from it. Both benevolent diplomacy and malevolent conspiracy are tools in his repertoire. Yet for all purposes he is a self-effacing but lonely man around your home

4. Right Front: Always you put the right front right. Related to the Moon, right front is luxury of mind. If your man habitually irons the right front first, then he is basically influenced by the Moon. As a Lunarian he is here, he is there and he is everywhere. His mind is constantly boiling: when ironing a shirt he will hum a country song but his mind is thinking about unfinished work in his office. Sometimes he will burn a part of the shirt as well. Vacillating mind along with fluctuating level of stamina are hallmarks of your man. His emotions are not stable, never. His actions are seasonal like the Moon. At times he is a passionate lover and in other times he is too boring. Life with lunarian is not easy. Your man can be cheery one moment and turn moody on the next. For a minor mishap he will jump at you or blame you to say the least. But he can be generous, sometimes too generous with every body connected with him. A word of caution: hold his reins if he gets over-anxious regarding his health or comforts

5. Left Front: Left has the analytical brain, universally. Related to the planet Mercury left front is luxury of intellect. If your man habitually irons the left front first, then he is basically influenced by Mercury. As a Mercurian your man is too active in terms of intelligence and physical prowess. While ironing he will blabber, speak to his friend over the phone and at the same time gulp little whisky. A memory bank, he simply cannot forget but ready to forgive. Chasing after young girls in the vicinity, he is too fond of enjoying life. An affable person he feels ready to mix business with pleasure. He is witty, eloquent and never fumbles for a word. At times he is frivolous but can gain repose immediately

6. Right Sleeve: Zeus at home sans all the bad qualities of the god Zeus. Related to the planet Jupiter, right sleeve is an expression of knowledge, wealth and poutiness. If your man habitually irons the right sleeve first, then he is basically influenced by Jupiter. As a Jovian your man is intelligent, bright, god fearing with a noble countenance. People believe in him and trust in him. Hardly a day passes without his being invited to attend to some vexatious matter of his relations, friends, associates and others. He seeks wealth and pleasure, in moderation though. A perfect husband, he never fails in his family duty. However, his failing comes when his kindness is interpreted as weakness by others surrounding him. Remember how the god Zeus gets into trouble

7. Left Sleeve: Celebrity it is. Related to the planet Venus left sleeve is an expression of arts and entertainment. If your man habitually irons the left sleeve first, then he is basically influenced by Venus. As a Venusian your man jostles with celebrities or he is celebrity himself. Fond of wining and dining he is an embodiment of beauty, lifestyle, sensuality and pleasance. He earns and thereafter enjoys or squanders what he has earned. Most Venusians get into financial trouble at early years. His pretty face and features are magnets in getting him to climb the ladder faster and at the same time might turn out to be the Achilles Heel by attracting unwanted relationship from scheming women. You have to be always on guard about what he does especially in business or employment.

You can contact me via E-mail or Webpage

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser


Wednesday, 2 December 2009

To Succeed, Focus Yourself

To succeed in everything you just need to focus yourself. Lack of focus not only ruins you but ruins everyone connected with you. In modern history a glaring example of a man who lacked focus is George W Bush who caused immense loss to the United States. How can you focus yourself in order to succeed? This blog post enumerates the steps you should take to build your ability to focus yourself. I am also sketching the birth characteristics of those who can focus well. For those who have difficulties in focussing I am penning few cosmic recommendations. After reading this you will be able to improve your focus; harness your cosmics to work for you; enhance your personality; improve your lifestyle; and finally succeed in your life.

How to Focus Yourself

The following are the steps you should adopt to focus yourself in any matter:

1. Vision & Mission: What do you want? Is the question you have to ask yourself first? You may have a task in hand, an assignment to be completed or a piece of work to be done. Whatever it is you should immediately put it in a written or mental statement. You must quickly get at the vision and mission. Your vision is the broader picture while your mission is narrower picture

2. Plan & Schedule: What do you have? How do you move? These are the next two questions you have to ask yourself. The answer has to do with planning and scheduling your activity. You can plan and schedule either mentally or in written form

3. Build Momentum: You build your focus by developing clarity of thought, instilling in you a high degree of self- confidence, obtaining from the environment the right information and supporting yourself with zing and zeal

4. Maintain Focus: You can build momentum easily but you find it difficult to keep it up or take it to the next level. This is where you have to train yourself to maintain focus. There could be several bulls against you when you arrive at this step. Distraction will take your attention elsewhere; disturbance will sap your enthusiasm. In order to avoid both distraction and disturbance you should be prepared to make adjustments on your focus. It is done in two ways. First is to get feelers and feedback from others; secondly you can ask your inner mind to speak about your focus activity. The Americans call this “gut feeling”. Once you have the external and internal info you can quickly adjust your focus once again

5. Glide Smoothly: You have heard about aeroplanes gliding smoothly in the sky. Likewise you must float in the air without unduly straining your focus or allowing any matters to spoil your engines. At the beginning many of you would get into initial failures and start to worry about your inability to focus on anything. This is known as “self-pity”. You must not unduly worry about your inability to cope up with challenges from the environment, a mundane matter such as telephone interruptions to serious matters such as a jealous colleague of yours in the next desk passing nasty comments

6. Enjoy yourself: Even though your task in hand is still to be completed go for your coffee break; get little rest; plant a kiss on the cheeks of your colleague who is celebrating her nineteenth birthday for the nineteenth time.

Some Can Focus Better.

It is true that some people have inert ability to build and maintain focus till they succeed in their tasks. Those who are born under the following birth characteristics possess ability to focus well:

1. Born during the waxing gibbous Moon, that is during 11.1 to 14.8 of the Moon days; they have singular ability to focus well and put matters together easily

2. Born during waning gibbous moon, that is during 16.2 to 22.2 of the Moon days; they have singular ability to focus well and analyse matters easily

3. Born under the Lunar Mansions Al-Sheratain, Al-Simak and Al-Fargh Al-Thani; they have ability to focus on matters involving smart work

4. Born under the Lunar Mansions, Al-Thurayya, Al-Jabbah and Al-Saad Al-Dhabih; they have ability to focus on matters involving hard work

5. Born with earth as predominant element; they have the ability to focus on constructive stream of thoughts; fire element on other hand provides the ability to focus on destructive stream of thoughts

6. Born during the peak days of the Leonid Meteor Showers taking place in the sky. The Leonids are divided into five different streams. Alpha Leonids peak between 24 to 31 January; Delta Leonid peaks on 22 February; Sigma Leonid peaks on 25 March; Beta Leonid peaks between 19 to 21 March; Rho Leonid peaks on 14 & 15 March

7. Born on a dates with 4, 6 and 8 Numbers.

Cosmics to Improve Focus

1. Star of David: Keep an emblem of Star of David on your table and concentrate on it. The Star of David is significant in many aspects. One is the manner in which the Star of David harnesses the six senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch and intelligence. It is recommended that you get the background colour in Blue

2. Black Colour: Black enhances your ability to focus very well. Any black colour Images in picture or small ceramic statuette be kept close on your table for you to look at it should you need it

3. Gems & Crystals: These gems & crystals act as a storage and conveyor medium for cosmic energy. Gems & crystals receive, hold and transmit energy on one hand and heal, supply and uplift internally on the other hand. Furthermore, gems & crystals function as guardians for you against any negative cosmic vibrations arising from the ambience. Though determining the Gems & Crystals for a particular individual requires his birth characteristics, generally the following are recommended: Agate, Emerald, Lapis Lazuli, Opal, Tiger Eye and Topaz.

You can contact me via E-mail or Webpage

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Monday, 30 November 2009

Lady Fortune Smiles for You

Lady Fortune comes to you in person as your wife or in western nations as a lived in partner. She may belong to one of the eight types of lady fortune. Check your lady Fortune in this blog post where I portray the description of the eight types of lady fortune along with their physiognomy and cosmics.
Lady Fortune
In Roman mythology and in Hindu culture several forms of goddess of fortune are described. The word Fortuna to denote a Goddess of fortune originated in Roman Mythology. More than 18 such Fortuna were described and many of these goddesses are said to bring particular forms of fortune. Lore of Hindu Mythology ascribed eight types of fortunes to the Goddess Lakshmi, who personifies herself in such forms, to be venerated for ages. In practical life, we have to live with human beings and not with goddesses of fortune. Hence it is necessary to transform the goddess into human being who appears in your life as your wife. Let us face the situation in western nations where many people live with women without any formal wedlock. Whatever the case may be the lady fortune smiles for you in many respects: Fortune, wisdom, wealth, beauty, prosperity, art & science, culinary skills, home science, grace, aura, courage, bravery, victory are chief amongst these endowments. Let me give you a broad brush stroke of your lady fortune.
1. Lady Fortune of House
Everyman craves for him a lucky lady in his house. In fact she is referred to as “Gruha Lakshmi “(Lady Fortune of House) in Sanskrit and as ‘Fortuna Muliebris” (Lady Luck) in Latin. As your wife or partner, Lady fortune of house runs the household managing it very well bringing good luck to you and to your offspring. Generally she is short in height, fair in complexion possessed with a business like mentality mixed with a pleasant and easy going approach. You can identify lady fortune of House by her face and fore-hand.
2. Lady Fortune of Grains
In ancient agricultural society, she was referred to as “Fortuna Annonaria” in Latin and “Dhanya Lakshmi” in Sanskrit. Both mean fortune lady of grains. Though there is no emphasis on agriculture or farming in today’s domestic life, you will smile forever if you have lady fortune of grains with you. As your wife or partner, Lady Fortune of grains makes food plenty even with limited resources. There are plenty of things to savour your tongue as she minds the cooking so well with her culinary skills so that you dine out sparingly. However, there is a negative: she may be seasonal in terms of providing sexual pleasure to you. You can identify the lady fortune of grains by her head, fore- hand, waist and thighs.
3. Lady Fortune of Wealth
Lady luck is what you will say when you meet one of them somewhere in office, party or in a colleague’s house. An exemplary conduct is the mark of the lady fortune of wealth. In Sanskrit she is called “Dhana Lakshmi” (Wealth) and in Latin she becomes “Fortuna Virilis” (Luck of Marriage). Her fortune begins to make wonders in your married life. Unlike in the previous two cases she does not do well as a lived in partner. That is the reason why all of them marry only once and remain as widows after the death of their husbands. Her sweet voice, iridescent colour, bowed head, sympathetic glance and slow pace of walking add to her aura as a classy person. You can identify lady fortune of Wealth by her neck, breast, stomach and her legs.
4. Lady Fortune of Arts & Science
In Greek mythology, there are nine Muses, who are the goddesses of poetry, drama, music, dance, history and astronomy. Theses muses are said to bestow fortune and skills in the specialised domain they individually represented. Their names are given below:
Calliope – Epic Poetry
Erato – Lyric Poetry
Polyhymnia – Choral Poetry
Melpomene – Tragedy
Thalia – Comedy
Euterpe – Music
Terpsichore – Dance
Clio – History
Urania - Astronomy
However, in Sanskrit two versions of the lady fortune of arts & science are in vogue. One is “Vidya Lakshmi” meant for the lady fortune of science as well as arts; the second one is “Niruthya Lakshmi” meant for the lady fortune of performing arts such as music, dance and drama.
As your wife or partner, Lady Fortune of Arts & Science brings you plenty of wealth in terms of knowledge, skills and luck but monetary wealth in moderation. We read about husband and wife team in various fields of science and research who have done immeasurable work for the betterment of human beings. You can identify lady fortune of arts & Science by her head, face, mouth, breast, waist, hips, buttocks and legs.
5. Lady Fortune of Accomplishments
Rarely, you will find a lady fortune of accomplishments. She is an epitome of all what you look for in a lady to be chosen as your wife or lived in partner. She has beauty and the brains to go with; she has charisma and the charming quality to go with it; she arouses your sexual instinct and gives you the ecstasy to go with it. In fact she is your darling; an artist and expert in home science; manager of your house and the children; keeper of your purse; simply you cannot live without her. She embodies in her person most of the boons described under the four types of lady fortune detailed above.
In the Roman lore she is “Fortuna Respiciens” the fortune of the provider. In Hindu mythology she is “Gaja Lakshmi” meaning an elephant that provides you with health, wealthy and happiness. But there is a fillip side. In most cases lady fortune of accomplishments would pre-decease her husband. You can identify lady fortune of accomplishments by her hand, shoulder, head, face, neck, spine and buttocks.
6. Lady Fortune of Courage
Valour has been historically identified with men in battle. Allusion to “ Ares” the God of War in Greek mythology and Mars in Roman lore is well known. Yet, lady fortune of courage has found her place both in Latin and Sanskrit. “Fortuna Belli” is the goddess who showers luck and courage in the Roman lore. In Sanskrit there is a discerning pattern. “Veera Lakshmi” is the bestower of valour in battles whereas “Dhairya Lakshmi” is the bestower of courage and strength in day to day life. In today’s context your wife does not wage war in the battle field except to knock down your neighbour’s fence. But she has to be constantly on your side prodding you to take action, persuading you to take care and encouraging you to stand firm on issues facing the family. If necessary she will battle it out with those enemies who are attempting to harm you or to challenge your nemesis administratively or in courts of law. Those who are in professions are greatly helped if they choose lady fortune of courage as their wives or partners. You can identify lady fortune of courage by her shoulder, upper arm, breast, spine and thighs.
7. Lady Fortune of Royalty
The lure of royalty never ceases. It also creeps into your household in the form of Lady Fortune of Royalty. In ancient times, Romans looked for “Fortuna Augusta” the fortune of the emperor to give them luck in running the state. So was in Hindu mythology where you find “Rajya Lakshmi” who blesses the rulers in running their state affairs. The distinction here is ostensible. It is not about battles any more but about the affairs of state. You are to accompany a gracious lady, vivacious spouse and a charming and well-mannered host. Would that be enough? No, she must also be damned lucky. After marrying her you must have a stellar growth in terms of name, fame and success in society and business. Then only you are a dignified husband with the grandeur of royalty. However having a lady fortune of royalty requires putting up with irritation here and there when others call you so-and so’s husband. Still it is worth having a lady fortune of royalty. You can identify lady fortune of royalty by her hand, face, head, neck, waist and legs.
8. Lady Fortune of Victory
Craving of a king has no limits. He wants to win in the battle field and succeed in the affairs of state as well. So came, “Fortuna Victrix” in the Roman legend who brought victory. In Sanskrit terminology it is “Vijaya Lakshmi” giver of victory in battles and in struggles in secular life. Great kings and emperors were cast in this heroic and fortunate mould. In today’s corporate world of business you see number of big players and behind them standing lady fortune of victory as their wives. They combine Ladies of three fortunes: Accomplishment, Courage and Royalty. Do I need to say anymore?
You can identify lady fortune of victory by her head, face, mouth, hand, shoulder upper arm, neck, breast, spine, waist, buttocks, thighs and legs.
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Four Minutes Time Slot

All of us are used to the five minute slot because the clock says so. The dial board has 12 numbers in an hour so we got five minutes for each number. Though this is just arbitrary nobody ever protested. What about making a four minute slot? This blog post reasons out for the adoption of four minute slot, how it relates to cosmic time and how you can adopt four minute time slot to harness cosmic energy.


From your days in school you are used to the time slot of five minutes. When you are busy and someone wants your attention you say “Give me five minutes”. In offices even if you are late by couple of minutes the word goes around saying that you are five minutes late. By and by, five minutes span has become the standard time slot. There are several reasons for this:

Firstly, the watch makers began to use dials with numbers 1 to 12 making each number equal to five minutes. This is because the day and night consist of 12 hours each. International time zones worked in similar fashion. As a result, five minutes became a unit of time measurement

Secondly, five minutes and multiple of five minutes have come into our parlance for the sake of convenience

Thirdly, if you use phrases such as “few minutes” it would raise eyebrows because you are expected to quantify the time slot for every situation.

Cosmic Time

Strange though it may be, cosmic time does not move in the five minutes band. Instead it lapses on four minutes time slot.

You are aware that a day passes after the lapse of 24 hours. A day consists of both day time and night time. In tropical zones both day time and night time are roughly equal to 12 hours. In temperate zones day time and night time are not of equal proportion. Still it is necessary to have 24 hours allocated for a day to maintain standards of time.

The solar day consisting of 24 hours is equal to 1,440 minutes (24 X 60). The Sun passes 360 degrees on a day, thereby taking four minutes to pass one degree in its sojourn around the earth. In an hour there are 15 slots of 4 minutes each; in a day there are 360 slots of 4 minutes each

How to Use Four Minutes Slot

I am outlining number instances where you can adopt the four minute time band to harness its cosmics. Please note this is not an exhaustive list.

1. When using oven or micro wave oven or pressure cooker you can adopt four minutes time slot if available. Baking time for cakes etc could be re-scheduled, say for 30 minutes to 28 minutes or 32 minutes as the case may be. Check the difference in terms of how well baked the cakes are?

2. During sex, erection time and orgasm time can be easily computed by the four minute slot. Check tonight!

3. While in studies you can arrange the time period to last 32 minutes or 64 minutes or a time duration multiple of four minutes. See how effective your study is?

4. When sitting for examination, you will notice that the question paper gives you suggested time to answer a particular question. Adopt the four minute slot and see your answer is more methodical and to the point

6. While in office, concentrate on each work product on a four minutes time span. For example concentrating on a file that takes ten minutes spend 8 or 12 minutes as the case may be and observe the result

7. In breathing exercises and Pranayama four minutes time slot is very helpful because for every four minute your breathing pattern change indicating that four minute slot is cosmically relevant to human beings.

8. Before doing any physical exercise go for a warm up of four minutes and make the duration of the rest of your fitness programme to a time span divisible by four minute slots. In case you are doing varied exercises do each one for four minutes or multiples of four minutes

9. If you are asked to give an after dinner speech make it shorter to fit four minutes only; lot of people would remember your speech afterwards and not the dinner

10. Someone makes you angry and you can barely control your temper, move out and spend four minutes looking at some object of art, water or sky. You will get back to your moods ante

11. You are buying a new dress and have zoomed in on one that really appealed to you. Take it to the dressing room, wear it and leave it for four minutes. If you are getting a feeling of satisfaction the dress would make you great with apologies to the salesgirl

12. If you are doing meditation follow the Mandala system. Cosmically a day is divided into 40 periods or Mandalas. A Mandala is defined as a slot, chart or geometric pattern of anything connected to cosmic arena. Each Mandala consists of 9 degrees (360 /40) or 36 minutes (1,440/40). If you meditate for 36 minutes four days a week you can master your mental and spiritual power together.

You can contact me via E-mail or Webpage

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Monday, 23 November 2009

Star of David and Six Areas in Your Body

Star of David is significant in many aspects. A key significance is how this six pointed hexagram is related to the six areas of your body. In this blog post, I am sketching the six areas of your body and how these relate to Physiognomy as well as Cosmics in terms of the Star of David.

Six Areas of Your Body

The areas are: Head, Hand, Chest, Waist, Genitals and Legs. Let me describe each area consisting different parts classified under different segments as far as possible. Each area has significance in terms of Physiognomy and Cosmics.

1. Head


Head Segment: Head, Hair, Forehead, Ears

Face Segment: Eyebrow, Eyes, Nose, Philtrum

Mouth Segment: Lips, Teeth, Tongue, Palate

Others: Chin, Cheek, Neck

Physiognomy: The fifteen body parts are broadly divided into four broader segments. Head segment goes round the body whereas face segment shows the front upper parts ending with the philtrum, a vertical groove above the upper lip but below the nose. Mouth segment delves deep from the outer lips to get inside the mouth to observe teeth, tongue and palate in a row. Chin and cheek are more connected than eye and eye-brow. Neck stands out; moreover it connects the head to the torso. The head segment conveys about the person, his beliefs, attitudes and conduct. It also details his position, power, fortune and sex.

Cosmics: The head is what a man is; your head is pitched towards the north hence in the Star of David it occupies the first and top point looking north.

2. Hand


Shoulder Segment: Shoulder, Upper-arm

Elbow Segment: Elbow, Fore-arm

Hand Segment; Wrist, Fingers, Nails

Physiognomy: The seven body parts are broadly divided into three broader segments. Shoulder segment is connected to the torso; shoulder generally implies the upper area but should also cover the arm-pit as well. Extension from the shoulder to the elbow is the upper arm which in the case of men builds up their biceps. Upper arms end with the elbow. Both elbows and fore-arm are in the elbow segment. Elbow is a key as it tells about a person’s ability to move vertically, horizontally and laterally in given situation. The phrase “elbow room” originates from this aspect. Fore-arm is the lower version of upper arm and is very important to evaluate women and their ability in house keeping. The hand segment contains wrists and below. Wrist, fingers and nails betray the nature and fortune of a person. In Tamil culture, a lady is defined as Fortunate Housewife (Gruha Lakshmi) by her hands. Overall hand segment conveys how a person goes about in family and society.

Cosmics: The shoulder signifies work and toil; every human being born in this world must work for himself, for others and for the God. On the Star of David, the shoulder occupies the second point anti-clockwise.

3. Chest


Front Segment: Chest for Men / Breast for Women, Stomach

Back Segment: Spine, Back

Physiognomy: The four body parts are divided into two segments. Front Segment has Chest and Stomach. The word chest is used for men and the word breast is used for women. Masculinity is defined when a man has broad chest and hair over it. Femininity is defined with rounded and voluptuous breasts without any hair. Chest is the centre of breathing with heart and lungs located within. Stomach on the other hand incorporates the digestion function and show the level of contentment and fortune or in some cases poverty. Back segment has Spine and Back. Spine is cosmic centre for men because the God created Adam and from whose rib he created Eve, so goes the scripture. We always describe a coward as “spineless”. Although back is vertical and in unison for purpose of analysis we differentiate between upper back for breathing and lower back for digestion.

Cosmics: The chest signifies the service function; internally a person breathes and processes the food and water intakes; milk of kindness is seen in the chest; in the case of women it transforms into milk for the baby. On the Star of David, the chest occupies the third point anti-clockwise.

4. Waist

Physiognomy: Waist is in a single segment consisting two body parts: waist and Navel. Waist is the junction between stomach and genitals. Hence it forms an important area. Though men are not concerned with bloating waist women need to have narrow and soft waist. For men waist gives a bill of health; for women a certificate of beauty. Navel like waist is the junction between stomach and genitals and conveys the memory of the umbilical cord. Navel indicates the genetics of a person.

Cosmics: The waist signifies the centre of body frame and on the Star of David it occupies the fourth point anti-clockwise. In fact, the waist is perpendicular to the head in terms of this positioning.

5. Genitals

Physiognomy: Though the word Genitals is used, this segment erects downward with four body parts: Hips, Genitals, Booty and Thigh, all of these located below diaphragm, popularly known as solar plexus. A hip is again a junction separating upper torso from the lower body. Wide and curvy hips in women are marks of femininity, fertility, sexual potency and fortune. Genitals are unique as this area covers sexual orgasm and urinary tracts. Buttocks go in steps with genitals as excretory organ and facilitating human beings to sit upon. For women on the other hand booty gives beauty and signs of wealth. Of late women’s booty has become a sexual play as well. Where thighs fit in this scheme you may ask me. Thighs and buttocks go together. For both men and women strong thighs indicate physical strength. For women thighs enhance their beauty too.

Cosmics: Genitals are to do with procreation and excretion; hence on the Star of David it occupies the fifth point anti-clockwise. In fact genitals are perpendicular to the chest in terms of this positioning.

6. Legs


Knee Segment: Knee, Shank

Feet Segment: Ankles, Feet Uppers, Heels, Soles, Toes, Toenails

Physiognomy: This area stretches from the knee downwards. The eight body parts are divided into two segments. Knee Segment has knee and shanks; both are important in analysis. The knee is a junction that connects the thigh bone and shin bone popularly known as shank. The shank can be straight, curved or crooked. Both keep a person agile and alive. Feet segment has Ankles, Feet Uppers, Toes and Toenails all are on the surface whereas Heels and Soles are underneath. The feet segment indicates sex & marriage, failure & success, fame & notoriety etc.

Cosmics: Legs signify agility and activity. The knee downward to the foot is a source of basic cosmic energy that keeps a person agile and alive. Hence, on the Star of David legs occupy the sixth and last point anti-clockwise. In fact, legs are perpendicular to shoulders in terms of positioning.

You can contact me via E-mail or Webpage

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser