Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Yuri Andropov, his spirit defines today’s Russia

Yuri Andropov is larger than the man who guided Russia during cold war period. His spirit prevails even today and greatness of Russia is interwoven with that. When I did a cosmic analysis of the body, mind and spirit of Andropov I found the following:
1.         After joining Communist Party in 1939 his talent was recognized by his superiors who promoted him as head of Komsomol (Youth Organization) of Karelo – Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic. In turn Andropov internalized the ability of spotting new talent in others. Notable examples of his finds are Mikhail Gorbachev and Vladimir Putin both later became Presidents of Russia.
2.         Introducing the conspiracy theory he was able to detect the dubious goal of the western propaganda in blackballing Russia as evil empire and putting forth human rights inside Russia as a ploy to undermine the political and social architecture of Russia, As a counter measure he positioned himself as indefatigable cold war warrior using armed intervention overtly or covertly with a degree of secrecy and a measure of surprise.
3.         Play along with events and use tact and deception and where necessary harsh measures decisively to overcome any threat was imbued within his spirit.  And he was always ready to learn. Two events that illustrate this strategy. In 1956 Hungary uprising began. Andropov was coordinating measures to put down the unrest with the then Prime Minister of Hungary, Imre Nagy. Andropov led Nagy to believe that he is safe from Russian reprisals. Yet as Russian tanks rolled into Hungary, Nagy was captured and later executed. Although wide spared repression brought Andropov the ignominious title “ The Butcher of Budapest” he never gave up and later when  “ Prague Spring “ began in Czechoslovakia 1969 he was quick to remove Alexander Dubcek from the job of Prime Minister and used clinical operation to finish off the rebellion.
4.         Another invention of Andropov is the psychiatric repression which was used on dissidents to break down and become docile persons. Notable examples of people who went through this excruciating treatment includes Andrei Sakharov and Aleskandr Solzhenitsyn.
5.         Andropov was convinced that Russia can improve and invigorate internally with western inputs without jettisoning the system altogether. What was needed is constructive change that ensured safety and stability of Russia. As an old school man and a man of his generation he did not have the disposition to implement changes totally. So he promoted new blood in the team who would one day implement the changes as required. His findings of Gorbachev and Putin proves that he did not fail in his mission.
6.         Asa pragmatic person, Andropov knew how to position himself. Since 1951 when he was assigned to Party Secretariat he slowly worked his way up. Ambassadorial stint apart, he learnt a lot as head of liaison with fellow socialist countries and when he was put in charge of KGB he played an exceptional role to protect Russia from his cold war enemies USA and NATO prompting his appointment to Politburo in 1973. As he was finishing his call of duty in KGB   in 1982 he was appointed as the General Secretary of the Communist Party on the death of long serving Leonid Brezhnev. Within few weeks he became the Chairman of the Presidium of Soviet Russia (President of Russia) and proved that he was not second to Ronald Reagan of USA. Unfortunately his untimely death on February 1984 removed the man who would have fought to the last in preserving Soviet Russia.
So the spirit of Yuri Andropov having withstood challenges to the then Soviet Russia, walks in the Kremlin even today and continues to shape the policy and destiny of the Russian Federation.  

Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677
E-mail:    cosmicgems@gmail.com

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