A Greek parable says that the fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing. I have penned down features of fox as well as hedgehog. Check where you fit in:
1. A generalist, who knows many things, not
necessarily in depth, drawn from variety of ideas and experience
2. Collect lot of info related to the
purpose from outside and do a complex analysis of all these to identify choices
or alternatives
3. Always look for a broader pattern and
picture and search for the best plan or strategy that can succeed
4. Pursue after many ideas or things so
that even if one fails the other one can succeed
5. Do everything in a nonchalant manner
6. More concerned about position, market-share
and turnover.
1. A specialist who knows one thing so well
2. Collect quite a few info relevant to
the purpose from outside and inside and do a simple spot analysis to arrive at
the choice
3. Always go for a narrow pattern and
picture and perch on plan or strategy that one can do best
4. Simple yet defining mission to work on,
for greater success
5. Do everything passionately
6. More concerned about survival,
cash-flow and profitability.
Depending on
the type of career or business you are in you can be either fox or hedgehog.
The brass fact is that sometimes combining features of both can make a big
impact. In any case, you would better do a cosmic analysis of your body, mind
and spirit to assess whether you should follow either fox or hedgehog or decide
to don the skins of both.
Keep talking!
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile: +94 777 265677
E-mail: cosmicgems@gmail.com
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