Five type of numbers influence you, throughout your life. These numbers are child, mother, father, teacher and spirit. Collectively this set of numbers are called as “Cosmic Numbers”. Here is a preview.
1. Child: This number refers to you as a native. It can take 1 to 9 in the series of numbers. Depending on this number, your personality is determined.
2. Mother: This number refers to your bond with your mother. It can take 1 to 9 in the series of numbers. Depending on this number your mental frame, emotions, feelings, sensibility and sensuality are determined.
3. Father: This number refers to your bond with father. It can take 1 to 9 in the series of numbers. Depending on this number your physical frame, thoughts, beliefs, outlook, attitudes and actions are determined.
4. Teacher: This number refers to your bond with teacher. Contrary to others, this number can take 0 to 9 in the series of numbers. Depending on this number your learning, inclination, performance and results are determined.
5. Spirit: This number refers to your bond with supernatural being variably described as deity, god, ascended master and nature. It can take 1 to 9 in the series of numbers. Depending on this number your fate, destiny and salvation are determined.
A cosmic analysis would identify your child, mother, father, teacher and spirit numbers. Once these cosmic numbers are known you can adjust your goals, amend your plans, change your behaviour, orient your path, do your best and finally reap sweet success.
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