Monday, 30 March 2015

What is your Personal Mantra?

Successful men and women often use an affirmative statement, which they say to themselves privately. As times pass on, they observe there is tremendous rise in their self-motivation. So evolved the concept known as personal mantra, which is part and parcel of day-to-day life of leading men and women. This blog post proposes to highlight key ideas on what is your personal mantra.

Personal mantra is defined as a word, phrase or a sentence that you say to yourself with an intention of bringing inspiration and motivation in you. There are few aliases for personal mantra. Affirmatory word, inspirational phrase and personal dictum are some of these. In most cases this personal mantra is kept closed to one’s heart, to avoid others peeping on the reasons for one’s success. There is wide spread confusion between personal mantra with a personal motto. While a motto is kind of personal slogan said in public, personal mantra is exclusively a private affair.

Anchored primarily on materialistic benefit, personal mantra links your body with your mind. Inner workings of the mind is the key plank in the structure of personal mantra along with outer workings on your body energy. Pluses of personal mantra in your physical side include, heightening body activity, infusing strength into your body, functioning as tonic when you are stressed and tired and keeping your overall physique in topping condition. On the mental area, it uplifts moods, keeps your mind alert and active, builds the bulwark to face life challenges and smoothens your mind when necessary.

A two-track functionality accompanies a personal mantra. One track allows you to increase perception of yourself. Where are you, what you can do, how you can do and what result you can expect are aspects you perceive when using a personal mantra. It is followed by the second track where you get inspiration, motivation and encouragement in a single dose to carry out the task you have in hand.

Although you can pick and choose a proverb, maxim, adage or historical statement in classical languages such as Latin, Hebrew, Arabic or Sanskrit to be your personal mantra, the best course of action is to group few words of your own language to make up your own mantra. You can also do an assessment of your personal cosmics, that is, body and mental features arising from your background, environment and personality characteristics that are unique to yourself. This cosmic analysis will indicate your strengths and weaknesses. Thereafter, you frame your personal mantra that maximizes your strength and minimizes your weaknesses.

Assume you are often reprimanded for doing shoddy job and you find that your cosmics indicate that you lack the art of perfection, and then you can pounce on this simple personal mantra:

“What I do, I’ll do best”

Be in touch!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail :



Thursday, 26 March 2015

Develop your own Mudra

Mudra is a hand sign or posture of fingers. Mudras were developed in the ancient world in many civilizations. Quite a number of these ancient mudras are still in use. In the present times, however, new mudras are being designed to address current issues and problems. By analysing your personal cosmics, you can develop your own mudra that works for you. Key aspects are listed below:

1. Mudra as a hand sign involves a posture of fingers. One way to create mudra is to place one finger over one or more fingers. Another way is to press one or more fingers on the mounts located in the palm. Third way is to combine both methods.

2. Mudra is effective in channelizing energy into your system, because each finger and each mount in the palm has pressure points that store cosmic energy, which can be ignited and distributed throughout your body. Therefore, mudras can be effectively used to generate, harness, and manage energy flow. The latter is very important because you can increase or decrease the required energy at your own free will. Not only mudras help assimilating energy inside but also in projecting energy outward. These twin benefits make you a strong person inside as well as outside.

3. Mudra can be either a static one or a dynamic one. In a dynamic mudra there is movement involving fingers, wrist, elbow or shoulder.

4. Each finger relates to one of the elements as given below:

Thumb - Fire

Index - Spirit

Middle - Air

Ring - Water

Small - Earth

5. Similarly, each planet relates to one of the five elements:

Sun - Fire

Moon - Water

Mars - Fire

Mercury - Earth

Jupiter - Spirit

Venus - Water

Saturn - Air

6. The following Mounts are located in the palm:

Sun - At the base of the ring finger

Moon - On the left side of your palm, below the Mount of Regressive Mars, extending up to your wrist

Mars - a) Progressive mars is located below the mount of Jupiter, in between index and thumb fingers and just above the Mount of Venus

b) Regressive Mars is located below the mount of Mercury, in between Mounts of Mercury and the Moon

Mercury - At the base of the small finger

Jupiter - At the base of the Index finger

Venus - On the right side of your palm, below the phalanx of thumb, extending up to your wrist

Saturn - At the base of the middle finger

Before developing your own mudra, you must perform a thorough cosmic analysis in order to identify your personal cosmics. Thereafter, you can design your own Mudra that can work for you.

Go ahead!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail :



Monday, 23 March 2015

How to Build Powerful Signature?

A powerful signature is a key element in your personal branding. After completing thorough analysis of your personal cosmics, you must draft a signature with appropriate flow, flourish, dash, line, dots, alphabet, stroke, loop, space, underlining, script and other features to enhance your fortune, power and personality. Few tips follow:

1. You can opt for single stroke to multi strokes signature. A stroke is continuous writing without lifting your fingers. Underlining, slicing and other aspects used in signature are not considered as strokes.

2. Use straight line or slant line signatures as you prefer. Slanting can move upward or downward.

3. You can also underline signature either using partial or full underlining, single or double underlining. In some cases, split underlining is used where the signature contains more than one name.

4. Many strong willed men resort to decorate with dots. One or two and in rare cases three dots are placed, mainly at the bottom of signature.

5. Scripts are also used. If placed above the signature it is known as superscript; one that comes below the signature is called as subscript.

6. You can also cross out part of the signature backward or forward as an added feature.

7. The choice of using upper case or lower case alphabet is available. A combination of both capital and simple letters give colour and texture to your signature.

8. Continuity of flow in a signature is not compulsory. You can leave space or break words into one or two as your wish.

9. A flourish is normally made where the last alphabet is extended downward, upward or in horizontal manner.

10. You can also introduce a loop. In most cases, this loop is bracketed backward. Forward loop is also resorted to, for sophistication.

11. Finally, style features such as dash, line and symbols are incorporated to embellish an otherwise normal signature.

Before changing your signature, it is advisable to do two types of analysis. One is purpose analysis where you sit down and write your purpose in changing your signature. Secondly, you should perform a cosmic analysis of yourself to find out what are your pluses and minuses and how you wish to enhance advantages and minimize disadvantages. Only, thereafter you must draft a signature to leverage your personal cosmics. Remember that your signature is your identity and must last until end.

Be in touch.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail :



Thursday, 19 March 2015

Self-discipline is Key to Success

In my years of experience as a cosmic adviser, I found that the character strait most clients should have but in fact are lacking is self-discipline. Whether they are suffering from internal issues or external events one thing common in them was the inability to control themselves. The world of cosmics ignore those who lack self-discipline. Here are highlights of self-discipline as key to your success.

1. You have plenty of dreams, ideas and plans. None of these would materialise if you are not disciplined enough to go after them. Thinking about your ideas or talking about them with others does not take you anywhere. You have to be determined to put your ideas into action. For that, surely you need resources physical and mental. The key resource is your self-discipline, which guides you in reaching your goals systematically.

2. The precursor for happiness in life is self-discipline. Let us imagine you are in a drinking party. You can hooch to your maximum and be carried away safely by faithful friends or pretend to be a teetotaller or resort to deny yourself maximum pleasure and leave at the half way mark. As a practical person, you would choose self-denial rather than going into extremes.

3. A by-product of self-discipline is self-esteem. In my experience, people who have high degree of self-discipline also exhibit high degree of self-esteem. They tend to think themselves as men of worth and project quality of superiority, indispensability and dignity.

4. Self-discipline gives you lot of happiness. You need not go behind happiness because when you have self-discipline happiness comes to you on its own. You feel happy with whatever you have and achieved so far. This works as an incentive in getting more opportunities for you and chances of achieving further success.

5. You can blend work with relaxation, internal strength with external events, thoughts with action, talk with walk and promise with delivery.

6. Self-discipline tends to glide you continuously in your family and business life. Because it is a continuous process, self-discipline acts like physical exercise. The more you exercise the more fitter you become. Similarly the more you discipline yourself, you control yourself, lead others by example and taste sweet success.

7. Finally, self-discipline makes anything and everything possible. Today science and technology had advanced to this extend mainly due to the disciplined approach followed by the researchers and developers.

If you feel that you are not self-disciplined or do not have the required level of it, you can arrange a cosmic analysis of you and find out what remedial measures you must take to make you a self-disciplined person or in other words a successful person.

Keep in touch!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail :




Monday, 16 March 2015

Type of Numbers that Influence you

Five type of numbers influence you, throughout your life. These numbers are child, mother, father, teacher and spirit. Collectively this set of numbers are called as “Cosmic Numbers”. Here is a preview.

1. Child: This number refers to you as a native. It can take 1 to 9 in the series of numbers. Depending on this number, your personality is determined.

2. Mother: This number refers to your bond with your mother. It can take 1 to 9 in the series of numbers. Depending on this number your mental frame, emotions, feelings, sensibility and sensuality are determined.

3. Father: This number refers to your bond with father. It can take 1 to 9 in the series of numbers. Depending on this number your physical frame, thoughts, beliefs, outlook, attitudes and actions are determined.

4. Teacher: This number refers to your bond with teacher. Contrary to others, this number can take 0 to 9 in the series of numbers. Depending on this number your learning, inclination, performance and results are determined.

5. Spirit: This number refers to your bond with supernatural being variably described as deity, god, ascended master and nature. It can take 1 to 9 in the series of numbers. Depending on this number your fate, destiny and salvation are determined.

A cosmic analysis would identify your child, mother, father, teacher and spirit numbers. Once these cosmic numbers are known you can adjust your goals, amend your plans, change your behaviour, orient your path, do your best and finally reap sweet success.


Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

Skype : cosmicgems

E-mail :
