Wednesday, 22 October 2014

What is Your Birth Star?

When asked about your birth star, you would promptly give an astrological sign such as Leo. The twelve astrological signs relate to constellations and not to your birth star. Each person born on earth will have cosmic connections with one of the 313 fixed stars in the sky. Learn more:

A fixed star as the name suggests is located in a particular place in the space. By analysing the sky map of the time, date and place of your birth you can trace the fixed star under which you are born. There are 313 fixed stars out of these only one relates to you. After determining your birth star, you can take necessary steps to adjust yourself in order to receive favourable cosmics from your birth star.

All these fixed stars carry names. About 70 per cent of such names originate from Arabic sources, while about 20 % are from Greco-Latin sources. The balance is contributed by diverse sources including Hebraic, Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Persian, Turkish, Chinese and host of others. Aldebaran (alpha Taurus) is from Arabic meaning “followers”. Persons born under this star are keen followers with high degree of loyalty and commitment for what they are doing.

Generally, the colour of fixed stars range from white, blue, red, orange to yellow. If you are born under white colour Deneb Adige (alpha Cygnus), you will have immense wealth. Blue colour Denebola (beta Leo) gives you power & glory. If you are a cold and calculated person, you might have been born under the star Altarf (beta Cancer) which is an orange colour fixed star.

Position of star is of prime importance. Greek astronomer Ptolemy explained the subject of cosmic relevance on the basis of each star’s location in a particular constellation. He used direction, part, limb or position to identify the location. For example, in the case of stars in Aries constellation, he employed head, mouth, back foot and tail as specific locations. Depending on this location, each star has different cosmic effect, he concluded. Incidentally, persons born under the fixed star Sharatan (beta Arietis) of the Aries constellation, located on the second horn of the Ram has a strong head and equally strong guts.

Stay connected!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

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