Thursday, 17 April 2014

Magnets and their Metal Composition

Your magnetic jewellery comes with magnets placed within it. There are five type of magnets used in fabricating magnetic jewellery. Each type of magnet varies in its composition. This is a brief note to guide you in selecting the magnet with metals you want therein.

Barium Ceramic Ferrite: The main base of this magnet is chemical compound of ceramic material with Iron oxide blended with Barium carbonate. Cobalt is usually added. Cosmics of this composition in your magnet functions well if you are working in open spaces or exposed to gamma rays of Sun.

Strontium Ceramic Ferrite: Similar to the above, main base is ceramic clay with Iron oxide but blended with Strontium. Cobalt is usually added. Cosmics of this metal composition in your magnet is ideal if you work in dark areas, closed-up places or where there is no constant supply of bright sunlight or artificial light.

Neodymium: Although named after rare earth element Neodymium, the metal composition is fairly skewed towards Iron which takes about 70 percent of its weight leaving Neodymium 25 % approximately. The balance consists of Boron, Aluminium, Niobium and Dysprosium. Some of these magnets are also coated with Gold, Nickel or Zinc overlay. This composition of metals in your magnet provides you with cosmics that speed up your energy balance and enhance your wellness. If you are doing a job that demands both physical stamina and mental prowess then you zoom in on Neodymium.

Samarium Cobalt: This type is also known as Samco or SmCo in the industry. Samarium the rare earth element is about 35% of the composition whereas Cobalt takes majority stake around 64 per centum. Balance is trace elements including iron. As a magnet of high performance Samco composition of metals grants you cosmics resulting in heightened mental awareness along with smooth metabolism. Good for those who work in highly focused environment where there is little time to look after your physics. Aeroplane pilots would find Samco magnetic jewellery as useful accessory as they need to balance time, speed and decision making at even keel. By the way Samco is used in aerospace industry extensively.

Alnico: An acronym referring to Aluminium, Nickel and Cobalt alloy that was made into magnet, Alnico is composed of six elements. Cobalt and Nickel form bulk of the alloy at halfway mark where the balance 50% covers Aluminium, Copper, Titanium and Iron. Alnico chemical composition gives cosmics of intense energy within limited period so that you can replenish lost strength. It is similar to the famous energy drink “Red Bull”. You opt for this magnet if you are working on short spells or contract basis where you have to finish your assignment in time and to the utmost.

Keep Talking to me!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

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